Alien in Me

Light at the end of the tunnel

I went to work again the next day, Bill knew I had to work, while he was here yesterday he read my schedule. He did not like the hours and told me he would come see me every day. You see since I lived alone and bills had to be paid I was the only one working so I had to work a lot, I had almost no breaks, I worked 11-7 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, but Friday I got a great along with Saturday, Sunday would be work all over again, even on my breaks I would work just to have something to do, well that was until Bill came, I was sure to catch my next break and use it to be with Bill for that hole day.

I sat at my desk looking out the window to see kids in the park again, just playing. I smiled, my reason for even working here at all, nevertheless I was grateful I worked here, I got to meet Bill. He really was making me a better person on the inside.

I looked away from the window to the door, Bill came in through greeting me with a bright smile. "Hey" Bill said sitting down next to me at the desk. "Hey" I replied back, I was not shocked Bill had kept his word that he would visit me. I was just still getting used to seeing Bill a lot. "Is today any better?" Bill asked looking around the empty shop. "Nope" I said shaking my head and laughing. I was not even sure how the shop was still here, it was like no one even came to buy anything unless no one else in the world had it.

"Well then" Bill said shocked. He had hoped today would be better. "yea, I may make today a short day if no one comes in" I told him smiling. When no one came to the shop after five or six. I was allowed to close up shop.

"Well then let's hope no one comes in, Yes?" Bill told me. "yes" I agreed. There was no way, I wanted to stay in the shop so late at night. Berlin was not a safe place after dark sets in and the streets hold shadows.

I looked back out the window to find the kids gone. My smile fell only slightly. "Darn the kids went home" I muttered to myself, apparently Bill heard me and chuckled. "What" I asked. Looking over my shoulder to see Bill just watching me from his seat. "It's nothing, your just cute to me, is all" He smiled. I smiled back. Bill really was nice, others would have joked and said something that would have upset me in some way.

"You really do love kids don't you Kass?" Bill asked me. Watching me as I looked back out the window to catch at least one kid still in the park. "Yea" I paused "I love kids more than you will ever know" I told him and then went back to work.

Bill never left my shop not even after hours of just sitting around, The clock struck five and I told Bill we would leave already, no one came in. I was shocked to even get a pay check at a shop that gets no customers.

When we left Bill wasn't like himself, he wasn't smiling he wasn't bubbly. I asked him why, he just told me he was tired. I felt I had done something, after a while it was like he could read my mind when I would think he was this way because of me, he would tell me it wasn't at all my fault and then he would kiss me on the lips, tell me sweet nothings in my ear and then we would pull apart and fall back into silence. I didn't understand what was up, I just dropped it and said to my self he was just deep in thought.

Bill dropped me off at my home, he kissed me one last time and gave me a long hug, he whispered in me ear one last time before we parted ways and I walked inside.

He told me 'I can give you back what was unrightfully taken from you' A thought about those words all night. I did not understand them, they were like lies to my face. Nevertheless the truth was, I believed every word Bill told me. It was like he was the light at the end of my dark tunnel and he could save me.
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Okay, I wouldn't be asking unless I felt it was needed, but I need a love seen between these two and I need a writer, Because romance and sex has never been my favorite thing to write about. So if you can make vary sweet romantic sex/Love scene, Please comment me Thank You. Also I hope you enjoyed the update.