Alien in Me

Old Memory Can Never Be Forgotten

I left the shop by midnight. I had to work late. I walked over to the park across from the shop just looking at all the thing's children played on. It was nice just to know what a kid liked. Since I could not watch the children as for it were too late for one to be out still playing.

I looked over to the other side of the park. Scanning my surroundings I noticed a boy. The same one who walked into the shop earlier today.

I wondered why he had been here this hole time. I thought nothing more of it. As he could have lived around here. Though I knew almost everyone here. I could see he had seen me and a perfectly white smile appeared on his face.

He started to walk over, with a spring in his step. I smiled at his child like self as he finally stopped a few centimeters in front of me.

"Hello" He said while taking the cigarettes from his lips and stomping it out. "How are you tonight?" He asked me sweetly.

"I am fine" I told him. He sat down on the bench next to me. A smile playing on his lips with happy eyes like a child's. He was to cute to be real I thought.

"And how are you tonight?" I asked him as he looked up into my face like a kid would. "I am doing Fine. I just went for a walk and spotted." He told me. "Oh, I see" I said and then looked back around.

"What is your name?" The boy asked me. "I am KahSaundruh" I said with a smile. The boy's Smile if possible widened. "It is a pleasure to meet you KahSaundruh" The boy smiled and then stood up. "Have a good night" He told me and then walked out of the park. I smiled to myself thinking about how sweet he was and then I remembered. I never got his name.

I stood from the Bench I was sitting on and walked home. It was late and the streets were starting to get colder and more vacant.

I got inside my home and locked the door behind me as I closed it. My home was pretty dark on the inside, but I could still see where I left the kitchen light on, I left from the hallway to my kitchen and clicked on the light, which filled my kitchen and part of my living room with a warm glow. I smiled to find my home still in one peace.

I went to the fridge and took me out some milk for a late night snake before heading to bed, I knew I would not be able to sleep well, though I knew it would be better then sitting in my cold living room watching nighttime talk show host in German.

I left my kitchen and ascended the stares to find what I could get into and set my mind straight for the long night ahead of me. I set my bowl down on my night stand and took a look through my closet, finding old things that belonged to my younger sister's and brothers.

I found my sister's bracelet. Abril wear this every day before she left for school in America. She had just turned 19 when she gave it to me the day she got on the plane.

It had on it, one single red rose demand with a silver band, with her name inside the band of it. I always thought it was beautiful on her against her pail skin.

Though the last letter she sent me with a image of her with her friends one school day, I could tell she had been to the beach and her skin was tanned. I smiled at her memory and wondered if she would ever come back here to her home land. I doubted it, she was much happier there with her close friend's, away from this small village.

I sighed, wishing that thought away. I went back through my closet and found a few other things from my two younger brothers, the youngest of all our family members.

A post card that showed them in Switzerland, you see when they were younger I told them the world was much bigger than this small village and after that they wanted to explore the world both of them, together, which once they too got of age they too went and left me here by myself. I was not upset that my family moved on, I was alone now and it did drive me insane to not have any one other than myself here. They always tell me why did I never move on and do my own things while I have a chance, I keep telling them it is not in me, it never was and it never will.


After a few hours, of going through boxes of old times. I cleaned up put everything away and went to bed, I knew I had to get even a little bit of rest or else I would be sick from lack of sleep. I lied down on my small twin bed and closed my eyes willing a dreamless sleep to come over me.


"Kassie?" Someone called. "Yes" I asked "I may have what you are asking for?" They told me. I looked around this time I found myself in an unknown storage room with boxes everywhere. "And what would that be" I asked and a sweet chuckle could be heard somewhere in the back behind more boxes. "who are you?" I started to worry. Who was he? Why do they keep coming to me in my dreams? "Oh sweet kassie, you have already met me. Oh please do not be afraid, in time you will understand." they said in a matter of fact tone. "what!?" I screamed into what felt like a horrible room at that moment, I wanted out, I wanted to wake up. Soon a crashing noise could be heard it was all around me, I felt like my world was coming to an end at that moment.


I snapped my eyes open to find myself face down on my bedroom floor. I pulled myself up from the floor and looked around, my room was a mess, as if a tornado ran loose in here, I closed my eyes shut from fear and frustration. I cliched my fist tight and when I did a pain shot from my hand up my arm, I screamed and looked at the palm of my right hand, peace's of glass was stuck in it. "Oh?" I said out loud, I looked around my room again. I guess I had done all this in my sleep Because, I do not remember doing it at all.

I left my destroyed bedroom, and went to my bathroom that was connected to my bedroom, I went to the sink to clean up my hand, it was a mess, and I was shocked I did not feel it in the first place, the glass shards were dug in deep into my flesh.

After I was Finished. I went down stares my hand hurt every time I used it, I suppose it was my fault. I got breakfast and called work, I was not going to make it today, my head was still spinning from the nightmare. I flicked on the TV and watched news and music video's it was not anything interesting just a few things. It took my mind away from my nightmare at last so I was grateful.
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Okay, Please do not be to silent out there my few readers. :)