Alien in Me

I get To Meet Him . . . Again

After hours of flipping through pay purview channels. I turned the TV off and when I did so, the living room filled with darkness, I looked to the clock on the TV and read it was nearly 9PM. In shock of the time passing by so fast, I ascended stares, my room was still I mess, I did not care to clean it, I did not care to even try.

I clicked my overhead light off after I got all my blankets from my bedroom to the living room and snuggled into my bed covers on the couch. I was tired. I closed my eyes, I could not sleep and if I did, I was sure I would have another nightmare.

I closed my eyes and when I did so, I could see myself in that room again, alone. It scared me half to death and what confused me more was, I did not understand why I kept having them. And what was that man talking about? What did they have that I wanted?

Hour went by as I thought this through, and the only thing I could come up with was, I wanted a child and they most defiantly did not have a babe of mine out there to give to me.

I smashed the palms of my hands into my face frustrated with myself. I was tired, scared and most of all I wanted someone to help me through this and the only person I have talked to in the past few hours was Bill and he was not even someone I knew.

"I have no one!" I screamed to no one, No one would listen to me, I was a nobody, my family left me here and that left me miserably alone.

Frustrating tears fell from my face, as I sat there crying in the dark, with my blankets wrapped snugly around me. I wanted someone. "NO, I need someone in my life!" I spat. I knew no one was listening and yet screaming into the dark was just so calming.

After hours of crying silent tears I fell sleep, not willingly. I woke in my living room feeling just as bad as I had before I fell asleep. I rubbed my swollen eye's knowing I had to work today, no if ands or buts, today was the day.

I was so tired that I completely did not even notice I did not have a nightmare for once. I just went to work grumpy and tired. My boss saw me this morning and told me I should go back home, but I did not go home. My home was not any better than my work.

I sat down at my desk, going through boxes of music CD's and spotted one I had forgotten to call the person about. I looked up and picked the phone up and dialed the number that the person had left for me to call them. "Hello?" a man with a thick German accent said on the other end. "Hello, this is the music store, I am calling for a Bill Kaulitz? Who ordered a CD just last weekend?" I told the man, as I read the name of the person from the package, I did not remember ever meeting this person.

"Oh yes. Bill!?" The man called for 'Bill' to come. And I waited for 'Bill' to get on the phone. "Hello?" Said a much loader German accent that I remember hearing once before, it was a cute voice and it sounded cheerful.

"Yes Mr. Kaulitz, a CD has arrived here with your name on it, you can pick it up today" I told him. "Yes my Nena CD, Thank you" He told me, and the name clicked Nena, the only person that came to look for a Nena CD all week was that boy I met.

"Okay see you then" I told him and turned the phone off and then excitement went through me, I would be seeing him Again. Maybe I can become friends with him, I need, I need someone.
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Okay might be a while till I update again, it feels not many are really enjoying this story!