Alien in Me

Driving With A Stranger, Isn't That Bad!

After hours of just sitting around in silence, the sound of a bell went off at the door and the person who walked in was, Mr. Kaulitz. The boy I met a week ago, the bubbly happy boy that I could not really get out of my mind. "hey" Bill said to me as he walked up to the counter. His walk was more of a skip, but still all the same, it was cute and his smile was wide, I could count everyone of his perfect teeth.

"hey, Here is your CD, hope you enjoy every single secant of listening to it" I told him, he took the CD from my grip, and just opened the package up while in the store.

Once the cardboard was stripped away Bill jumped around happy to find just the CD he ordered a week ago. "Thank you" He yelled, I giggled at his happy face, he was so sweet.

"no problem, it was well worth it, to see that per/ happy face" I fixed my words up real fast, did I really almost call him perfect, I have never in my life called any one perfect, not even myself and I raised a hole family of kids. And just as the word kids went through my head a bunch of water works went falling freely from my already puffy and purple eyes.

I whipped my eyes dry the best I could nevertheless Bill already seen the few tears that fell and his face fail dramatically and I felt it was my fault. "Oh, what is wrong?"

Bill asked me concerned about my emotional state that I was currently in. "Oh, just been having a hard week and things have been happening a lot to me" I told him, I was not about to tell him I was having, horrible nightmares.

"Oh." Bill said and looked down at his feet. Something showed in his eyes that were unreadable for me. "I am okay though. Not to worry" I told him smiling. The best I could. Bill smiled a little while looking back up, he took a long hard look at my hand that had the cuts from the glass in it and worry filled Bill's face. "So Bill, um" I was trying to become closer to him, but I was also nervous about doing so.

"I am sorry, I must go Kass, I will see tomorrow!" and before I could utter a goodbye he was already out the door my face fell, but the thought that I would see Bill tomorrow made my lonely day better.

I sat in the shop for a few more hours alone, until break. I got out and went to lunch I was starving, and I needed something before I crashed.

I went to a small diner. It had only a few workers. I sat down and ordered a small pasta plate, I sat twirling the pasta on my fork for a while just thinking about bill and my dreams and how I felt they were for some reason connected. Thought I had no idea how, I just felt they did.

I hated not knowing the answers to one of my more important questions, but no one else could give me an answer.

I looked out the diner window to find rain drops hitting the window and then several more. I sighed I would be walking back in the rain. "hey"

I turned away from the window to find Bill in the diner. "Oh hey" I said smiling, I did not think I would see him again for the rest of the day. "what are you doing?" Bill asked me as he sat down across from me at the table. "Oh just thinking about how much I hate rain, hehe" I told him as I looked back out the window of heavy drops of rain started to pour down on all of Germany.

"Oh I know, it is a mess when it rains here for just a minute to long, yea" he told me, looking out the window. I did wonder when he came in. "Yeah" I chuckled, I sat back as I watched, bill look through the fogged window and he hailed his mug of coffee with his slender fingers, relaxed neatly around the mug.

"So, are you on break or" He asked I was confused at the random question. "Oh, no I need to get back to work I only took my lunch break and by looking of outside, I picked either a good time or a bad time to take my break" I did not want to walk back in that. "well I can drive you back, if you do not mind taking a car ride from stranger" He joked.

"Sure, what harm could you do to me" I joked right back. Bill smiled and we both stood to go back to the shop.
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Okay, I don't really know what to think about this chapter :)