Alien in Me

Our First Date

When we got in the car. Bill triad to make small talk."When do you get off work?"" Bill asked, while never leaving his eyes off the road. "Not for a few more hours. Why?" I looked out the window as we turned the corning just another block we would be at the store. "Oh, I just thought, maybe we could" The 'we' word caught my attention. "See one another again, I do not know, latter tonight" He smiled. "Hmm' Maybe" I said thinking about it. Normally after work I was really tired. "We could go see a movie" Bill said. "Yeah. At least I would not have to do anything" I said smiling. "Great. When do I pick you up?" He asked as he parked the car and looked over to me, smiling.

"Around 9, I will be waiting outside" I smiled and jumped out of Bill's truck. Bill Waved goodbye and took off down the road. I sighed and went back in. The store was empty which was common around Berlin, it was a small town and not many music lover's. And by Bills look, Bill probably did not have many common friends.

Hours of just sitting in the music shop, the clock struck 8PM, I was dancing in my shoes, soon I would be seeing Bill. His smile was just so sweet and his attitude was nothing like any one else.


I waited around just getting things cleaned up, putting things away, taking my time. Soon it was 8:45 and I closed the shop door and went out to the parking lot. I waited for Bill.

After about ten minutes of waiting and no Bill, I was starting to give up and it was getting cold out. I looked about, I went across the road to the park, fearing there was no reason to wait for Bill any longer and sat down on a nearby bench. I looked around, remembering the little kid faces as they slid down a slide, or played on the swing set, it was so sweet, their laughter and their smiles.

"Hey" Came a voice behind me, I opened my eyes to find Bill. "You are late" I told him, as I took one more glance around the park. "I know. I am sorry. My brother was holding me back because I was not going to tell him where I was going" He told me taking a seat on the came bench. "Oh" I smiled. That must have been his brother on the phone then. " Is that who I spoke to? When I called your phone. I asked him. He shook his head really fast. "I thought so" I told him. "Yes he takes over everything. He was talking to his girlfriend back in ou- California" He said really fast. "In California? Wow that is far" I said laughing.

"Yes, it is" He giggled. "Well um let's go. Yes?" He asked standing back up. "Yeah" I stood up and Bill took my hand in his, it was really sweet of him and he took us back to his car. He was holding the hand I cut, which still hurt, but he was gentle, so I did not really mind, he closed the door behind me, and got in on his side, and we are at the movies in no time.

We waited around in line. The movies that were playing was one of a mystery, One I wanted to see, I just never wanted to go alone. I looked over to Bill who was messing with his hands, he looked so cute. "You okay?" I asked him. He looked up at me and smiled. "Yes, I am just nervous I guess" He said really fast. I should say he was nervous. "well don't be, no reason to be" I told him laughing, he was so cute, I just loved to watch him.

"Yeah, thanks" He looked up from his hands, as they let us inside the theater. Everyone ran in, Bill and I was the last, to get in and pick our seat's. I wanted to watch Bill. More than I did the movie, it was a weird feeling I got every time I looked at bill, or heard his voice. I didn't know any better, I was really starting to like Bill, a lot.
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It is short. Though I feel Not a soul is reading this story.