Alien in Me

The Sound Of a Beautiful Melody.

After the movie. Bill dropped me off, at my home, I told him he could come in, he told me, not tonight. I told him fine, and that I would see him around. He did one thing though. He kissed me sweetly on my cheek, my left side. Just thinking about the kiss, made goose bumps travel up my arms and down my back. He was so sweet, I have never met a guy like him before.

I walked inside, to find my worries coming back, as life just falls back to normal again. I sat in my living room, trying to recall everything that happened tonight.

Bill really was someone I could come to like, a lot.

I stood from my couch, after taking a good look around. My bed sheets were still on my couch. All I needed to do, was curl up into my bed sheets and fall asleep and hope tonight would end well.

I wrapped the bed sheets around my body and closed my eyes. First night I went to sleep well without another thought.


"Bill?" I called into the darkness, of what I thought was a dark damp hole. Bill was the only person I knew to call for, I did not know any one else. "Bill!" I called again. Nothing.

"Oh" I wanted to cry, I could not see a damn thing in front of my face, nor could I walk. I was really cold and I just wanted to go home. "Kassie?" Someone sang my name, from inside the darkness. "Yes?" I asked the voice. "I can give you everything you want, just ask for it" The voice sang again. "what?" I asked confused. This voice was sweet, like Bill's, but it was not as sweet as bills, I did not understand it, when they spoke, I just wanted to listen and to understand them, I could not.

Soon, I felt myself falling in the black hole, the voice just singing me a soft song. I closed my eyes listening to the soft voice, but when I listened to the words they spoke, I noticed, they were not words, they were not words at all, but sounds, and noise that come together and formed a beautiful melody.

I opened my eyes again, to find the sun beaming into my eyes, I closed my eyes shut right away. "Oh. You damn sun" I mumbled. I have always hated waking up in the morning, I had never been the morning type. I pulled the covers from my legs and stood, I was tired still and the floor boards were freezing. I stood and walked up stares to get into a warm bath, today was break day, I had no other want other than to clean myself and clean my room finally.

I finally got out of the shower and I stood in my hallway in only a towel. I really did not want to go to my bedroom, but I had to. For my cloth's. I marched into my bedroom trying to avoid any broken class or any other objects that would hurt or cut me.

I finally pulled myself out some underwear and of course a bra some old ripped and warn jeans and a normal white shirt. "Perfect" and I ran back to the bathroom to dress. I did not want to change in my room, for fear I would fall and most likely hurt myself even more, then just my hand.

After I finally pulled on my pants, the front door bell rang, I was confused, I had no idea, who that could have been. After a while the person never left, I stomped down stars and opened the door to find Bill with his cute little smile on his face. I was not expecting him. "Hey" I said. Smiling back, he really was the light of my day.

"Did I come by at a bad time?" He asked noticing my wet head. "No it's fine, come in" I offered and he did this time, when he walked past, I could smell how good this boy smelt. I could not help to like Bill's sent, it was sweet and fresh smelling, like him.

"So, how are you this morning?" I asked Bill, as he sat down on my living room couch, on my bed sheets'. "Oh, Fine, Hey, you have a guessed or?" Bill asked as he moved my bed sheets over just a little to become a little more comfortable.

"Oh no, I had to sleep on the couch for the past few nights" I told him, he gave me a skeptical look. "yeah I destroyed my room one night apparently and I have not had time to clean" I told him, while looking up the stairs that led to my bedroom.

"Oh my, are you okay?" He asked me. "Oh yeah I am fine, just my hand was cut" I told him showing my hand that had the cut from glass or something. "Aww" Bill looked at the cut, he was worried about. "Yeah, now you know why" I chuckled. Bill could make me give up my bank account number, honestly.

"Do you need help cleaning your room?" Bill offered. "Oh no it's fine, you can check it out though" I laughed, I still could not believe how I could destroy my room in just one night and not even know it. "Okay" Bill said and stood. I took him up to my room, not like anything could happen in that mess.

I opened my bedroom door and a shocked Bill walked through. "Yeah, crazy. Huh?" I told him. Bill never replied back, he muttered an 'oh my god' and an 'I am so sorry'. I walked in and sat on my bed and pulled on some slip on shoes that normally sat in my closet. "Still want to help?" I joked. "Yes" came a fast reply, which shocked me. "Okay". I said, as I finally was standing up again with shoes on to tackle this destroyed bedroom of mine.
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Okay, I want to get their Relationship up on speed, and a little more into what bill came here to do, hes trying to tell her, through her dreams, but if you see, Bill may want to stop the dreams for now, they don't look to be helping to much. Yes? Hope you enjoyed reading.