Alien in Me


After hours of cleaning, Bill and I took a break, I went to the kitchen as I told Bill to flip through the TV channels for something good, I went to get us some ice cream, Cookies & cream to be exact, I was needing a cool down and a little something sweet and I was pretty sure Bill would not mind. I remembered the way Bill went through everything in my room, not a word about anything he saw. Cloth's, meaning by Underwear, bras and anything else that was strolled across my room, he did not like a word or judgment, he was not like any other guy that would find a pear, of underwear and tease me about it, it shocked me, I know he noticed me blushing, when he found a few, he just cleaned up not a word slipped his lips, and I loved that about him, he made me feel, better about if I fuck up, which I needed. I downed myself every time something happens or fuck up, and I just noticed these things, about myself lately. He has made me into a better me and that is a big thing for a woman that lives alone like I do.

Finally finished putting a few scoops of cookies N cream into two small bowls and walked back to the living room to find Bill watching a child's cartoon. "Old cartoons are the best, they take you back" He told me. As he finally moved his eyes away from the screen to see me handing him the bowl of cold ice cream. "yeah, I know, I watch them all the time" I smiled. As he took the bowl and took a bite, and his face lit up like a birthday cake, Field with all the right number of candles lit up, he was so cute. "Thanks" he smiled and shoved some more ice cream into his mouth enjoying every cold bite. "welcome, I needed some, and I was pretty sure you would not mind a bowl yourself. I sat down next to Bill, and we watched and ate ice cream together, it was a fun time, until 12am struck, and we were both bored with nothing to do. "Shit, I feel like a teenager with a boy over" I joked, as we just sat around the house.

"He he, What would your mom say?" Bill joked back. "I would have no clue, I was mainly the mom in the house when I was younger with all the sisters and brothers of mine" I told him, and my smile fell, as my mind wondered back to when everyone was here and happy. "Oh, I am sorry" He told me, feeling my discomfort and sadness creep in. "No it's fine, I mean it's not like you know my past" I triad to smile, but it did not come, I was pretty tired and felt like Shit all over again. "well I should probably go before my family calls the cops looking for me" Bill said standing up, I stood up also, and walked Bill out, but before Bill walked out the door, he turned around and gave me a sweet kiss on my lips, it was sweet and I was off guarded, I never pulled away, I knew Bill cared and I knew I need him around, he was my Oxygen, and I wanted him to feel me up so I could breathe again.

He pulled away, but only far enough that we were not touching any more and opened his eyes. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his, when I looked into his eyes I could see kindness and love, I could also see something else, something I have never seen in any one else before. But I was not afraid of it, it was just something different. "I'll see you later" Bill said, he pecked my lips one last time before exiting the house and walking out to his car. I smiled to him and waved as he got into his truck and drove off. "Oh, I love him" I mumbled to myself as I closed the door and walked back into my empty house, it felt cold now that he was gone, Bill really did make an impacted in my life when he was around, and since he left, I felt alone again.

I walked back into my bedroom, and went to sleep, I was tired and I was pretty sure my body was needing sleep after cleaning, and having hours of fun with Bill. I slipped into bed and covered myself in my covers and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Back at Bill's place.

I watched Kassie from my mind, she was so sweet, but lonely, I hated leaving her alone like that, I knew it was best to go slower with her, she was only Human and still trying to understand her emotions. I knew she was my other half, and I love her so much, I have been watching her ever since I saw her with that ex husband of hers, and I knew I had to act fast to get her in arms reach, I never would have thought she would let me into her life so easily, she must really have wanted someone for a while. I know I wanted to be her someone.

I blocked her from my mind, she needed her privacy. I let myself wonder my home. Everyone was asleep, and I was alone, I knew they did not approve of me dating a Human, none of my family members ever did, they blocked me from their mind's and most of them stopped talking to me, my mom never did approve, Nevertheless she did not disown me, neither did my twin brother, they were really all I had left. I snuck into my brother's room, who was still awake playing with his translucent toy, which he would always play Human Videos on, porn I guess was the name for what he watched while he was alone. "hey Tom" I said as I sat down on his bed. "hey, how was your time with the Human?" Tom asked as he looked up from his toy. "It went better than I thought it would" I smiled. "I hope its worth it Bill" Tom told me as he turned his toy off, only Tom could see the toy without it being translucent, I only could tell he was holding it.

"It will be" I told him and patted my brother's back in comfort. You see, Tom has always been worried about me when it comes to things I did, and this was no different.

I walked back to my own box of four walls and a bed and went to sleep, I was not tired, nevertheless, it was necessary for me to sleep if I wanted to see Kassie tomorrow. I covered myself in my bed sheets and closed my eyes, my life felt automatic this way, I hated it.
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Yea, I believe I have pushed there relationship a bit farther like I wanted and needed. So we can move on, I hope I expressed bill trying to tell her in a way how much he loves and cares for her and also wants to give her children. Also new layout. I will be switching it back and forth. Hope you enjoy the update!