Alien in Me


Next morning I woke with, No dreams, no destroyed bedroom, Nothing. I felt great to be honest. I smiled, my life felt much better then it did a week ago. I also had Bill, I loved him with all my heart, he really is the light of my day, and the air that a breath. I could not wait to see him again today.

Which came a thought, I should probably take a shower before he comes over. I got out of bed and walked down my narrow hallway to reach the bathroom, I stripped from my wrinkled bed close and slipped under the hot pouring water. My body felt better. I was already pretty good for one that hated to wake to another normal long day.

I was dressed for the day, in a simple black shirt with white skulls and cross bones with my long hair down over my shoulders, I hoped Bill could see the lady in me, and not just the overworked and tired one. I had some old leather boots along with ripped jeans that a teenager could wear. I did my eyes just a simple black eye liner under both eyes and little eye shadow above the top eyelid. I was not one to wear make up nevertheless, I wanted to look nice for Bill, he really did make me happy, least I could do was look pretty for the poor boy.

Three knocks at my door, and I already knew who that could be. I smiled to myself as I skipped to the front door. I opened it to revealed the one and only, Bill Kaulitz. "Hey" I told him smiling. I opened the door and let Bill walk through. I knew he would come. "How are you today" Bill asked me when he walked in and cupped my face in his hands and looked down into my eyes. "Much better now that you are here" I told him honestly. "That is good" he smiled and pecked my lips ever so softly. His kisses were always so soft and they always felt real, like he was not hiding his love nor was he holding back or at least not holding back a lot.

"You do not have to work today do you?" Bill asked me. My smile fell. "Yea, I do" I told him, his face fell a little, then he smiled again. "Then I will just go to work with you" He told me. I laughed, he was always able to cheer me up. "Yes you defiantly can Bill" I smiled and hugged him. I loved to hug him, hold him, touch him in any way, it felt amazing to have him so close to me.

Bill drove us to my work, and when he got there, he walked in with me. First thing he asked. "What should I do first" I laughed I did not expect him to lift a finger, I triad to reason with Bill Trying to tell him he did not have to do anything at all, he disagreed with me and started to help me in any way possible. He was so sweet, he helped get the shop back in order since I have not been able to do it alone. After about half the day was gone, we spent talking, not a soul walked into the shop today. It was just Bill and I and I did not mind.

"Want to go catch some dinner later tonight?" Bill asked me as he came up behind me in the shop. "Oh, sure. I am starving" I told him. Bill held me close from behind as he inhaled the sent of my hair. "You smell" he paused and took another breath in. "So beautiful love" he told me and held me closer to him. I smiled. He really did make me feel better about myself. Soon Bill pulled away and went back to stacking Cd's on the other side of the shop. Soon I had clicked the overhead light off. Bill and I left the shop and headed out for a nice dinner together.


We sat in the booth inside a nice restaurant. That Bill sent us to. "It is nice here" I said looking around. "I have not been out to eat at a restaurant before, Bill" I smiled. Bill smiled at me as I looked down at the menu, I read through some of the dinners. I read some of the dinners and none of them really sounded as good as the price read. "Bill. Have you ever came here before?" I asked as I put the menu down rethinking how nice this place was. "No. Honestly I just read the name of the restaurant in a newspaper and thought it be a nice place to eat at" Bill told me smiling. He was so cute. "Oh, Okay" I said. "well let's hope they are as good as they look" I told him and went back to looking for what I would have. Bill agreed to my statement and also searched his menu.

We talked through the hole diner, Bill really was sweet, I found out Bill was only 20 and he lived just a block down from my home. He also told me he moved to Berlin because he felt he had a big reason for being here. I asked what it was, he would not tell me, just told me it would change everything that I have ever known. I thought for a while on that, what would it change?

Soon Bill dropped me off and walked me to my door, before giving me a sweet kiss and a hug goodnight. I walked inside, and Bill watched me until I closed my door and turned the outside light off and then I could hear Bill's car start back up and drive off.
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At first I didn't want them to have a date And then I thought it would be a better idea, Because I want them to become closer. They are not much different then they were in my last update, but in the next few chapter, they should be a lot closer. Thank you for reading, I do hope you enjoyed the update.