
The beginning of the end

They always said never go back, but i couldn't resist. Its perhaps the hardest thing to let go, give up on. We've all, unfortunatley been a part of it once in ourlife or will. and now this was my time to experience this dreadful moment in life. What makes it worse is when you can't escape it. I mean you can give it up but never will it be gone. Especially when its always going to be right infront of you.
As a young girl i had everything. I lived with my mother in a fairly big house, a mansion you would say if you saw. I had a private tutor, my mother wanted me to be very well educated. My father would shower me with gifts. Him and mother had divorced when i was a baby. He thought of himself as a bad father for leaving me, causing him to buy me whatever he saw was pricey and tasteful for my liking. However when i turned 7 it all went down hill. My mother found a new man, who hated children. She chose him, leaving me to live with my father and his 'wife'. We never got on really. She was so snooty and girly. Saying that she was 15 years older than me. Yes she was 22 and married to my 31 year old father. I know it's not that bad but she looked and acted like a human barbie. The good thing was my neighbour. His name was Luke. He was my age and my bestfriend. His mum was amazing. She treated me like family. To me she was my mother. Me and Luke did everything together. We went to the same school, slept in his treehouse every saturday and just played together all the time. He eventually asked me to be his girlfriend. April 29th, a year and 12 days. That all changed when he met her.
7 weeks til summer vacation. I was sat in class passing notes to Molly, my best friend. We told each other everything from boys to shoes. We were writing about the weekend and our plans. We had decided to all go to Blaise Woods to camp out. It was tuesday so we had plenty of time to get the tents and other acceceries. I looked to my right at the wall clock to see it was 12:13, two minutes until the lunch bell. As i was turning my head back to Molly who sat to my left, the door opened and in came the head teacher with a dark haired girl. She was short, thin and had her lip pierced. The head walked over to Miss Burnes and whispered in her ear for a few seconds, turnt back to the girl then left quickly.
"Well class" announced Miss Burnes "This is Lilly Jones, shes new so help her out with her classes please" at that the bell rung. the sound of chairs scraping along the floor filled out the room as the students emptied it. Molly was stood by my desk whilst i collected my books, pens and water bottle. Luke was leaning against the desk next to me staring at the new girl.
"She looks a little young to be in our class eh?" Luke whispered. " errr.. maybe" Molly mumbled as i stood and we strolled out to the big tree in the field to be met by all of our friends. What we didnt realise is that the new girl was following close behind us.