Girl I Know

Chapter 32

Matt’s court date had finally arrived and in the month that had passed, Brian moved back in with Stormy, Melody was finally cleared to go home from the hospital although she has to stay on bed rest for a while and has to use a wheel chair until her cast comes off her ankle.

Sydney was still upset with her husband and this past week had made herself sick over the thought of this day being the last she would see him. She was in love with her husband more now than she ever was and the pain of losing him was proving to much to bare.

Every one had gone to the courthouse in support of Matt. All with the exception of Melody and Blade. Brian didn’t want Melody to be home alone so when Blade volunteered to stay with her, surprisingly Brian agreed.

Matt was called to the witness stand at 10:07am and sworn in before taking a seat. From where he sat, he could see his whole family looking back at him.

In the front row sat his distraught wife, Sydney with her sister, Stormy sitting beside her. Next to Stormy sat Brian and beside him Zacky and Aubrey, while in the second row sat Johnny and Riley with Dreamer on her lap along with Jimmy and Tera. Behind them sat Lyric with Jonnie and Legend with Seven.

The prosecutor got up from where he was sitting at the table opposite Matt’s attorney and walked over to stand before Matt. Matt didn’t appear the slightest bit nervous even though this could be his last day as a free man.

“Mr. Sanders, where were you on the day the murder of Dante DeLuca took place?”

Matt didn’t hesitate to answer “My house at my son’s wedding”

“and at what point did you leave your son’s wedding?”

“During the reception”

“Mr. Sanders, did you kill Dante DeLuca?”

“I OBJECT!” Legend shouted from the gallery and everyone turned and looked at him as he stood.

“Young man, you can’t object, now please be seated” the judge ordered.

“Sorry, your honor” he walked down the isle and through the short wooden door that separated the gallery from the attorneys. When he got to the judges bench he stopped and looked up at the man in the black robe.

“I object because I killed Dante” What he did next was pull something out of his pocket and set it down on the ledge in front of Matt. Matt leaned forward to see the key sitting there in front of him and then looked back at Legend as he walked away back to the gallery where he sat back down in his seat.

“This kind of behavior wont be tolerated in my court room” the judge warned before asking the prosecutor to continue with his questioning.

The prosecutor shook his head. “Mr. Sanders, please answer the question. Did you kill Dante DeLuca?”

“I OBJECT!” it was Jonnie who stood up and walked right up to Matt and set her key down in front of him. “I killed Dante” she told the judge and walked back to her seat.

“If this continues, I will hold you all in contempt of court” the judge warned again and nodded back to the prosecutor to continue.

“Mr. Sanders….” He started to say.

“THAT’S MY NAME AND I OBJECT!” Lyric stood up next and walked up to his father and set his key down in front of him. “I did it, I killed Dante” he told the judge and walked back to his seat.

The prosecutor as well as the judge was visibly annoyed and Matt sat there completely stunned at what the kids were doing for him.

“Does anyone else have any objections?” The judge spoke in a sarcastic tone of voice.

When no one answered he motioned for the prosecutor to continue. The prosecutor took a few steps and stopped in front of Matt. “Dare I ask the question again, did you kill….”

He stopped speaking when he heard the heavy wooden doors behind him slam shut. After rolling his eyes he let out a sigh and turned around and there stood Blade holding Melody up in his arms.

“WE OBJECT!” they shouted and walked straight up the isle to where Matt was seated and both set their keys down before walking back to the gallery and sitting down.

The judge ran his hands through his hair and looked out at the gallery. Frustrated, he started to speak. “By a show of hands, who killed Dante DeLuca?”

Up went the hands of Sydney, Stormy, Brian, Zacky, Aubrey, Johnny, Riley, Jimmy, Tera, Jonnie, Lyric, Legend, Seven, Blade and Melody.

“Me!” Dreamer, the playful two-year-old, shouted and laughed when Matt winked at her from the stand.

The prosecutor threw his hands up in the air and went back to sit down at his table.
With so many people fessing up to Dante’s murder, the judge had to declare a mistrial.
And without any physical evidence to place any one of them physically at Dante’s bedside, the police had no choice, but to drop the charges against Matt. For now, Dante’s murder would remain an unsolved mystery.
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When this story end's which will be soon :(
I am going to start working on a new series We Come Out At Night
New characters for you to fall in love with, new bad guys for you to despise and a whole lot of drama. I have an idea for a fifth part of this story, but it may have to wait as right now it's just an idea while We come out at night is flowing out of me like water...