Status: [Slow but Active.]

A RockStar Life

The First Big Step.

my name is Charlotte.
Just turned 21 on the 17th of December.
I also just moved to Los Angeles, California from Paris (The city of lights),France to restart my life.
I studied event management along with fashion in Belgium.

And This?
... This is my story.

Just a day ago [the 12th of January] I landed after a LONG flight from Zaventem, Belgium To LAX airport.
I left Belgium& France as fast as I could, I just graduated and I hate it in Belgium& France.
Nothing big happens there for me, so why not move to an exciting city like LA to excually persue my dreams?

My parents supported me and they had bought my apartment in LA.
It was big but simply & white with no furniture except a bed.
I had money to start buying furniture and start looking for a job. To say the least I kinda had a lot of money , all because of my parents my dad was a doctor who had discovered a cure.
My mom was a high fashion person, skinny and tall, she used to model haute couture.
So I have the luck to have the good looks my mom has, people always asked me if I wasn’t interested in modeling . So yeah …now I am a model. I’m skinny but not anorexia as you may think.

I also have a brother, William also a model but he doesn’t like it as much as I do. He just does it when he needs the money , you can say we’re both smart , guess we have that from our dad. We were home schooled and both graduated high school before the age of 18, William graduated at the age of 17 and is still studying , now he’s 24.He’s studying in New York. Me on the other hand graduated at the age of 16 and then went to fashion school which pleased my mom. I mixed fashion with event management. I wanted to study event management because of the movie “ the wedding planner” silly right? But its fun.
Now you can think WOW that family is perfect.

Well we are definitely NOT picture perfect.

My mom had a miscarriage , my dad couldn’t handle it and started drinking it leaded to a divorce…Dad still lives in Belgium, Mom moved to France where she was born and raised. They only talk if it is in the matter of my brother and me. But otherwise they hate each other which is weird because we used to be picture perfect. Well now I am lying it’s not that weird…

I used to love my dad until his alcohol problem became bad, really bad. He started hitting me. Just beating me up… I became depressed , and when we had to switch homes, which meant that my brother went to live with my dad and I was going to live with my mom. Mom found out that her ex-husband beated me up and ever since then ,which is now 6years I haven’t talked or seen my father. I did hear from William that he got help. Although I developed a sever hate towards Belgium I went to study there.

Now ,the next day [the 13th of January in LA].


There’s a breezy wind. I can hear it through the windows.

I didn’t really sleep well ,probably jetlag ,but decided to get ready anyway and decorate my new place. When I was ready eating breakfast on my bed, taking a shower (luckily for me the water in my apartment did already work) and putting my make up& clothes on, I left the building.


I hailed a cab and went to this huge BUT cute place to pick out my furniture.

Along the shopping way I bumped into Lily Aldridge ,my friend and fellow model mate that I once met in Paris in Fashion Week.

“Hi!”:Said Lilly [and gave me 3kisses on my cheeks]
“Hey, Long time no see ,huh. How are you? ”;I said.
“Yeah, I know it’s been what a year since I last saw you, you look good. I’ve been doing great thanks for asking, just bought an apartment with my boyfriend, but what are you doing here shouldn’t you be in Paris?”
“No, I just moved to exciting LA a day ago^^.”
“What, really , so cool. You probably don’t know anybody here do you?”
“No, not yet…”
“ So you have nothing to do later this day”
“uhm, no ,why?”
“Me & a couple friends are holding a party tonight in ‘Les Deux’, you want to come?”
“ Yeah sure”
“Okey , here’s the address :1638 N Las Palmas Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028 . See you their around 9,30 P.M?”
“Yeah ,Sure.”[and we parted ways]

I’m going to take my first big step into the exciting life of LA.
A Good Beginning to Restart MY life, No??
♠ ♠ ♠

I know it is long but i was bored and decided to write a story.

Please leave comments[not to harsh please] and tell me if i should continue this story.

If i made mistakes ,i'm sorry but i really do live in Belgium and English is not my main language.