

'Going home? I thought this was home! He said it was!'

My mind was having a tantrum. I was confused. My eyebrows formed into a frown while Tarrant and Cheshire spoke with each other about something or another. I wasn't listening you see. All I could hear was humming. My ears were out of focus. Like... You know when you're just drifting off? And sound is a bit thick and you can't really hear too much? That's what it was like. Like listening to something through cotton wool.

"What do you think?" Hatter asked me. I looked around blankly.

"What?" I asked, looking at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Nevermind." He said. I shrugged and went back to thinking.

We'd been walking in silence for the past few minutes and it was annoying me. I hate silence. It always seemed to turn people into depressed sods who wouldn't talk. In fact... I think it was doing that already. We were all looking at the floor as we moved and none of us would look up. We couldn't. We were just staring at the floor. I began to wonder what the other two were thinking about.

'How would your parents react? You've been gone all night, stolen light clothes and shoes. Shame you should have!'

I nodded at my mind.

"Of course, if this is all real." I whispered to myself before frowning a bit more. What it real? What an interesting question.

'Let's not be silly! Of course it's real! If you want proof, well... Your cuts. The pain for heaven's sake.'

I nodded again.

"Of course, of course." I murmered before looking at the Hatter from the corner of my eye. "Why were you arguing about me?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"No reason that you should know." He said and looked at the floor once more. I pouted and frowned.

'Ask him again! He'll talk, I promise.'

"You can't promise." I hissed to my mind then realised I was talking to myself. "First sign of madness." I giggled lightly. The Hatter looked at me and raised an eyebrow in question. But I merely laughed, unable to stop myself. "You know Hatter, Tarrant, whoever you are..." I began before looking at him properly. "I think am insane. Oh, how wonderfully perfect!" I laughed.

What the hell was happening so close to home?