Status: Cliff hanger. stay tunned for the next parts

Running With Scissors

Chapter 1

I love running, it helps me to clear my head; life gets so stressful sometimes, with parents, social life, and girlfriends (if I had one). It’s nice to get away from it all, even if it is only for a few hours. After the day I had, I wish I could run forever. My name is Gabe, I’m 18, and I live in a “middle of nowhere” town called Mundelein. Thankfully it’s about 4 months till I graduate and leave. It can’t come soon enough. I don’t know what I’m doing after I leave, but I really don’t care I just want out.
“Dude where are you going?” I whipped my head around to see my best, and only, friend Ashton starting at me like a dipshit. “I thought you said we were going to take it easy today?” All I could do is laugh, as he was gasping and clutching his chest. I could hear his uneven footsteps rushing up behind me. I had hardly broken a sweat, Ashton had only started track this year and he was still having problems keeping up.
“Sorry Ash, you know how I get.” I always lost myself in running; it was just so easy to forget all of the troubles that I left in the gravel. “We can turn back if you want” I didn’t want him to pass out . . . again.
“Naw, you keep going, I’ll meet you back at my place when you’re done.” I glanced back and nodded at him. He quickly turned heel and sped away, probably happy to sit his butt on the couch and devour a bowl of Mac and Cheese. It was our after running meal; we made it with 6 cheeses. My mouth watered just from the thought of it. I immediately trued around and started running to Ashton’s house, my stomach leading the way. This time back I took in more of the scenery; there weren’t many people in park today. The cemetery that was attached looked barren too; I remembered the pet cat I buried there once. His name was Gladiator, since at the time that was my favorite movie. I decided to take a quick detour, the soft grass would feel good on my sore feet, and I would get to see Gladiator’s grave.
Weaving in and out of the headstones I made my way towards the back of the cemetery. The tree where thick back here and the graves became further and further apart. I came to a stop, catching my breath as the one grave I was looking for came into sight. There was only one problem, another figure was there too. Crouching down to the left side of the tomb stone, it was a woman. I could tell by the curve on the side of the body. She was also taking pictures. Walking up beside her the grass crushed under my feet, letting no sound pass to her ears.
A twig broke under my foot and she whirled around, clicking her camera in my face. The flash blinded me.