Status: Cliff hanger. stay tunned for the next parts

Running With Scissors

Chapter 3

By the time I got back to Ashton’s he’d already devoured two boxes of 6 cheese Mac and Cheese. “Damn Ash, are you training for track or for an eating contest?” I asked grabbing a towel, I wanted to shower off. After meeting that girl I’d ran harder than I ever had in my life.
I couldn’t believe I hadn’t asked her name; then again maybe it was for the best. She did try to kill with the flash of her camera, maybe she was crazy, or a schizophrenic? That’d be a funny thing to tell the guys, ‘hey guess what, my girl is a schizo, we met when she tried to flash me to death’. That’d be one for the books.
I got downstairs feeling fresh and clean, Ashton was lounging on the couch playing Bio Shock. It’d had been his obsession for the last three weeks. I had gotten bored of it within three days.
“Dude did you leave any food?” I asked opening the fridge, only to see a half eaten sandwich and the beef for Ashton’s dinner tonight. His mom actually decided to cook, it was surprising. I settled on a turkey sandwich, a pickle and some stale bar-be-que chips. I plopped down on the couch and stole the remote from under Ash’s leg. Quickly changing the channel from his game to White Collar, one of my favorite TV shows, I mean who wouldn’t love a bad ass criminal that was hired by the FBI. It was fricken amazing.
“DUDE!” Ash cried and jumped on me, knocking my plate of food over onto the floor. “I was right about to beat Dr. Steinman! Not cool!” I grunted under his weight as he tried desperately to gain back control of the remote.
“Get off me you turd! You weight a ton, aren’t you supposed to be on a diet?!” I yelled and tried kicking him in the gut. He eventually got the remote back and jumped off me, making weird ninja noises.
“You are no match for my ninja skills!” He made a crane pose, like the one from karate kid. I laughed and looked at my fallen sandwich.
“You know you’re making me a new sandwich right?” I told him, he only laughed and nodded walking into the kitchen. I remembered that I wanted to tell him about the girl I’d met in the cemetery today.
“Hey Ashton, I wanted to tell you about what happened in the cemetery”
“You went running in the cemetery? That’s creepy man; I mean there are dead people there.”
“Dude get over your stupid fear of zombies, they will not come back and start doing the thriller dance.” Honestly ever since he saw the video in 4th grade he’d kept away from the cemetery. “I met a girl, she was really…weird and pretty”, in a tom-boy kind of way.
“I know what you mean on my way back to the house I saw this girl walking into the park, she looked totally hot!” Ashton was really only head deep all he cared about was this girls looks. Wait why do I care it isn’t like I know her.
“Honestly dude? Can’t you try to like a girl for something other than her body?” I knew he was good to his girlfriends but the only reason he ever got involved with them in the first place was because of their looks. I was hoping one day he would text me and be like ‘Man! This girl is super smart!’ but I knew that would never happen.
“I can’t help it, I see a good pair and I just go crazy” I gave him a look and he made a face. “Not like that!” He exclaimed, “Uh, Zo’s legs they were so nice, I think I may ask her out. What do you think man?” I sighed, he never changes.
“I say go for it, I mean what’s the worst she could do?” the last time a girl shot down Ash was in the 3rd grade. It was only because she was leaving to go to Indiana, and she was crying the entire time. Ashton was the ‘stud’ of the school, every girl was dying to go out with him he just didn’t know that.
“Thanks man!” Ashton exclaimed and started up his game again. “As for your mystery girl, look for her tomorrow at school, if she is the artsy type I bet she eats lunch out in the quad. “Try to find her then ask her out.” I smiled; Ashton knew where every click sat during lunch. It was how I came to know where I could and couldn’t sit.