If Only Life Came With Theme Music

I'm Not Homesick; I’m Just So Sick of Going home.

It's been a month since I woke up. The first week, I had to stay at the hospital so they could make sure all my vitals would stay good. The past three weeks, I have been at a rehab center in Malibu. It's supposed to be the best one there is. Brian made me go. Well, he didn't make me go, since I had agreed to it and everything. When I first got here, I stuck to myself and only did what my program required me to do. Other than that, I would either sit in my room, or outside on one of the benches if they made me go outside. It was really lonely there. I wasn't allowed to call anyone, and no one was allowed to call me. The second week that I was here, one of the new aides came in and talked to me. He was pretty young, mid-twenties I'm guessing, and he was gay. His name was Eric. At first, I didn't want to talk to him, but out of nowhere, he started telling me this crazy story about when he was doing some last minute Christmas shopping one year, and he saw the cutest scarf he was going to get for his then boyfriend. When they were opening presents Christmas morning, they found out they had gotten each other the same exact scarf. I couldn't help but to laugh. So since then, we became good friends. Every day, multiple times a day, he would come and just talk, whether it was in my room, out in the living room, or walking around outside. I was starting to open up to him and tell him all the shit that happened in my life. And he listened to all of it, without judging me or anything. After I would tell him something, he would give me advice on how I could go about that situation or a situation like that if it were ever to happen again. Time seemed to fly by. I honestly didn't know what day it was, but I didn't really care. I was actually happy.

"Ohh, Trinity." Eric peeked his head into the doorway of my room. "Guess what day it is!"

I giggled at the excitement on his face. "Hm, I don't know. But I have a feeling that you're gonna tell me anyways."

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! And you're being released today!"

I jumped off my bed as Eric and I started to do a happy dance around my room. Then he stopped and fumbled around with something in his pocket. "Ohh! I got you something when I was at the mall the other day. It's super cute!"

He pulled out this absolutely gorgeous bracelet. "I remembered you telling me how badly you wanted to go to England, so when I saw this, I just had to get it! Here, let me put it on you."

I handed him my right arm, and watched him as he out it on my wrist. "Thank you so much, Eric. It's absolutely beautiful."

I'm pretty sure we hugged for a couple of minutes before he pulled away saying that I needed to pack up my stuff because I was leaving in a half hour. I was excited to go home, but at the same time, I didn't want to leave Eric. He quickly became my best friend. When he saw that I looked on the down side, he reassured me that we will keep in touch. He scribbled his name and number on a sheet of paper and handed it to me, asking for me to text him as soon as I got my phone back. He walked me out to the reception area where my eyes immediately found Brian. As soon as Brian saw me, he got the biggest smile on his face. I ran to hug him and he spun us around.

"Happy birthday, Sis. And welcome home."
♠ ♠ ♠
Trinity's Bracelet

TITLE CREDIT: "Death Breath" by Bring Me the Horizon

I wanted to do this fast-forward thing since I didn't know what else to write. I hope you guys like this.