I Love Your Bubblegum Smile

t w e n t y .

Lips joining as they fell back on the sofa, tongues fighting for dominance. Harley ignored the light taste of liquor in Alex’s mouth, and continued on with her actions.

Neither could deny the sparks that flew between them as they rolled around on the small cushioned couch, it just felt right.

It wasn’t like they could hook up the bunk, it was too small, too awkward to get anything done.

This was the only time that the pair could do what they wanted. The boys went to sound check, Lisa and Kara had gone for breakfast, Alex and Harley were left with the bus to themselves. Alex had feigned stomach ache, claiming that he needed a few minutes, while Harley pretended to sleep.

As soon as the door had closed, they were all over each other. He immediately took off his shirt, with Harley getting the idea as she advanced towards him.

He began to speak, but she placed a warm finger on his lips, as though to silence him. She drank in the image of his bare chest, while smirking. The finger she placed at his lips trailed slowly down his chin, down his neck, down the center of his chest, stopping just above the waistband of his jeans.

She slid down his body, straddling his knees as she started placing light kisses up, starting at his belly button, stopping right before his lips. Alex whined in protest as she pulled away, seriously contemplating rolling her over and forcing his mouth to hers.

It was obvious that Alex wanted to be in control, and Harley could feel the urgency in the air. He flipped them over so he remained on top, careful not to let his weight crush her. He helped her remove her top, pulling it lightly over her head as she grinned at him, her hair flowing and her mind racing.

He lay down so his hands were accessible and ran them over the smooth cotton of her shorts, before prying them off as well.

She returned to her previous position, straddling his pelvis, before grinding up at him. She ground her hips lightly into his, causing him to groan lightly at the friction.

Both moaned, but Alex’s first instinct, which was to lean forward and kiss her, was halted by her hands on his chest. He hadn’t expected Harley to be the rough type.

She smirked at his dumbfounded look and took his hands in hers.

“You’re a little overdressed, don’t you think?” Alex raised his eyebrows, confused and slightly annoyed, but realized that while she remained in just her black lace underwear, he still had every article of clothing on, except his shirt.

He removed his pants quickly, smirking. His lips attached themselves to her neck, while his hands trailed up and down the curves of her body. With her encouragement, his hand trailed to her back, struggled shortly before unclasping her bra, and he ran his fingers up her back, grasping the straps, before pulling them down her arms slowly, removing it.

She bit her lip, trying not to let out any unwanted sounds. The bus was eerily quiet otherwise, the only sounds in the air their heavy breathing and their bodies moving together.

Alex licked his lips, leaning forward, as he continued to place soft kisses against her skin, his hands caressing her sides, while one of hers was buried in his hair, and the other rested on his neck, pulling him closer.

Her mind began to fog, and it was only then that she realized they needed protection. As though reading her mind, Alex got off her, heading towards the bathroom.

At first, Harley deflated, but she watched him carefully as he opened the small medicine cabinet. She watched as his hand froze as he viewed the cases in front of him. Cases upon cases were stacked in the small cabinet, keeping it well-stocked. Trojan. Durex. The shiny, brightly colored packages with their bold brand names screamed at her from a distance like a vicarious chorus.

Harley realized that Alex probably used them on Lisa, and shuddered at the thought. But Harley refused to think about Lisa any longer, wiping the memory away. Alex was hers, no matter what Lisa thought.

Alex returned, taking one of the foil wrappers out of the box, while running his hands down her body, hooking her underwear, and with a tug, letting them fall to the floor. She carefully stepped out of them.

“Okay, so you’re okay with this?” Alex said nervously, realizing after a long silent pause that this was the first time both of them were sober, and doing this. He hoped Harley wouldn’t change her mind.

Much to his relief, she nodded vigorously. She smirked, grabbing the waistband of his boxers and pulling them down.

“Someone’s excited.” She joked as his hips jolted when she grazed him. Locking eyes with him and holding his hips in place, she leaned down and blew on his tip, before taking it into her mouth.

His moans encouraged her as she sucked on it multiple, before pulling away. She then took the rubber between her lips, put it on him, and kissed the tip before she pulled away.

She bit her lip and he grinned, kissing and biting and sucking at her neck. Her arms. Her mouth. He looked her in the eyes as he thrust himself inside her, and after a minute or so of waiting, he slowly started moving, gaining momentum with his moans.

Her hands flew to his hips as she began to thrust her hips as well. Pleasure overwhelmed them both as their combined rhythm soon got faster, sooner than later their pace became feverish.

Their moans, groans, and sighs acting as the only sounds echoing in the bus. Alex leaned forward and pulled her face towards his, touching their lips together once again.

Within seconds, their tongues began a fierce battle for dominance. With their tongues, lips and hips moving, he gripped her even harder as he started to thrust upward. She let out a scream of pleasure.

“Fuck Alex,” she groaned, gripping onto his shoulders once again.

Once she lifted herself off him and then sunk down abruptly, it was all over for both of them. A quivering orgasm ripped through the pair and they both cried out. Once the shaking had subsided Alex slowly climbed off, discarded the condom, and began gathering his clothes, which remained scattered on the floor.

“Fuck, Alex!” Harley groaned, as the pair began to get dressed once again. He returned to the spot next to her, and kissed her neck, sucking it gently. “No Alex. We’ve already had our fun for the day. You have your sound check in five minutes on the other side of the venue.”

She scolded like a small child, pulling away from Alex’s grasp.

“Oh come on,” he sighed, kissing her softly on the forehead. “I don’t want to go.”

“I know,” Harley laughed, hugging him softly as she fixed her shirt.

She ran her hands through her hair, so it appeared naturally messy, and not I-just-had-sex-with-my-employer-in-a-deserted-bus kind of messy.

She grinned as she exited the bus, heading towards the merch tent where Vinny was waiting.

“I bought that watch for you so you could be here on time,” he joked, and Harley didn’t bother to let his comments get to her. She was too happy for it to affect her in any negative way. She only grinned and tapped her watch, showing him that she was two minutes early. “I swear, you set that thing ten minutes early or something.”

He grumbled, hungover and cranky as he folded the shirts, before laying them out on the table. “The boxes are over there,” Vinny jerked his thumb at the corner of the merch tent, where piles of cardboard boxes held posters, bracelets and shirts. “I’m going to get some information for the next venue from Gaskarth. Try not to burn the place down”

Harley perked up upon hearing Alex’s name, but attempted not to show it. She ignored the comment, and instead began folding and assorting the different items of merchandise.

It was only when she heard the distinguishable sound of flip-flops approaching her that she stopped to look up.

Lisa stood in front of her, watching her with a look of disdain on her small face. Her blonde hair was let loose, cascading down her back like a waterfall, while her bright brownish-blue eyes were narrowed. She appeared in a bikini top today, not even bothering with a real shirt, and a pair of jean shorts.

“What’s going on with you and Alex?” she said bluntly, not bothering to even greet Harley.

Harley raised her eyebrows, attempting to seem cool and collected, but on the inside she was breaking down. She knew that this was a bad idea.

Alex was wrong about nobody finding out. Lisa knew. Lisa fucking knew. And if Lisa knew, Travis knew. Holy shit, her life was ruined.

“I don’t...I um, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Harley muttered coolly, her heart beating in her chest rapidly, as a blush began to creep its way onto the apples of her lightly freckled cheeks.

“Alex has been looking at you a lot lately,” Lisa explained, eyeing the merchandise with her boyfriend’s face on it, “I just don’t want anything to happen between you two.”

“I, I have a boyfriend.” Harley stuttered out, hoping that that would be a valid excuse, even if it was a total lie at this point.

She hadn’t seen Travis in days.

“That doesn’t stop anyone nowadays.” Lisa looked down at her fingernails, bored. Her eyes were opaque, her face expressionless. “Just listen. Stay away from my Alex. Don’t talk to him. Don’t touch him. Don’t do anything with him.”

“And if I don’t?” Harley raised a single eyebrow, feeling a rush of boldness rush through her body.

Maybe it was all the time she was spending with Alex, or maybe it was her new found freedom away from Rian, but Harley had never felt better, even if Lisa was threatening her. Lisa sent her a glare, as though she was challenging her to disobey.

“Then I’ll make your life a living fucking hell.”

Harley raised an eyebrow, and once Lisa realized that Harley wasn’t going to say anything more, she sent her a menacing look, before spinning on her heel and strutting away.

Harley watched her retreating figure, before slumping her shoulders slightly. She let out a sigh, wiping the sweat that collected on her face.

Did she really want this to happen?

She thought back to Alex, who seemed so calm about the idea. Was she considered the other woman now? She glanced around, realizing that she was all alone. She heaved a sigh again, before getting off the small metal chair and walking towards the bus.

She spotted Vinny from a distance, who noticed her as well, and began shouting for her to return to her work. She made no movement to indicate that she had heard him, and instead continued on her journey.

She weaved her way back through the venue, finding the tour bus that she frequented often, and instead went to the familiar bus two parking spots away, knocking on the door.

A familiar red-head opened the door, confused and slightly hungover, before his eyes widened slightly.

“Hey,” he smiled warmly, surprised by her sudden appearance at his doorstep. “What are you doing here?”

“I just thought we could hang out,” Harley shrugged, watching as he invited her into his bus. She followed him to the back lounge, wiping the memories of the, uh, activity that she had just participated in moments before.

“I didn’t see you at your birthday party, after you left I mean.” Travis said, taking a seat. Harley took a seat next to him, feeling uncomfortable thinking back to that night. “I looked for you.”

“I was kind of busy,” Harley said, though it appeared to come off as an unintentional rude statement. “I mean, I was drunk, and I know I was supposed to meet up with you later on, but there were so many people and it was just...” She trailed off, hoping that Travis would get the hint.

He nodded understandingly, grabbing her hand. She thought of Alex, who had just fucked her in their back lounge, and struggled out of Travis’ grasp. This was wrong. She should be struggling out of Alex’s grasp. Travis was her boyfriend first.

Travis didn’t seem to notice, and instead continued talking.

“I know how you feel,” he grinned charmingly, causing Harley to melt slightly. “I remember when I turned twenty. It wasn’t twenty one, but it was close. I got so shit-faced. We were in Tampa to visit some family, and my cousin convinced me to go out with him to the club. I didn’t remember any of it the next morning.”

He chuckled, his face flushing slightly. Harley laughed as well, though the laugh seemed foreign even to her own ears. Something was definitely wrong with her.

She felt her face flush as Travis paused, studying her silently. His blue eyes locked with hers as he continued to stare, causing her to feel guilty under his scrutinizing gaze.

“Is everything okay?” He asked finally, causing Harley to jump slightly. She nodded slowly, blushing, hoping that Travis could not trace the nervousness in her smile. “You seem kind of off today.”

“What do you mean?” Harley asked, playing dumb for the millionth time that day.

“I don’t know,” he shrugged, shaking his head. “Maybe it’s nothing. You just seem different, that’s all.”

“I’m not different,” she snapped defensively, crossing her arms over her chest. Travis raised his eyebrows. “I’m just...on my period.”

Lie. She thought bitterly, though Travis seemed to believe it,

He chuckled, nodding. “A little, too much information.” Harley laughed, feeling as though things might return to normal. “Do you want to go hang out in the front lounge?”

Harley nodded, and Travis grinned back, pulling her into his warm body before kissing her on the forehead lovingly.

Harley smiled, though inside she was heartbroken.

Harley didn’t want to see Travis get hurt. And she knew that if he was hurt, she was the one who would break him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I FEEL SO FUCKING SORRY FOR TRAVIS. and i'm the one controlling the story. I finally posted a hook up on here, since some people didn't like the whole 'before/after' thing. this chapter's a little longer. Lisa's such a bitch, ahahaha. I promise things will get better for Travis, anyway.
COMMENTS MAKE MY LIFE. i love all of you. seriously, each and everyone of you. i would marry you all if i could, even though i have a boyfriend right now :D
comments would be appreciated, once again? do you guys like this story? i'm trying to create drama, though i don't know if it's working, ahahhaa.
i know that Harley seems like a slut right now, but i'm tired of the whole 'boy meets girl. boy falls in love with girl. girl falls in love with boy. they live happily ever after.' sort of thing, ya know?
anyway, comment. make my day. we can go get married in vegas :D
i'm rambling now. what do want to happen? what do you think WILL happen? ahahhaa.
peace, my lovelies :)