I Love Your Bubblegum Smile

t w e n t y o n e .

“Hurry up!” Harley hissed, pulling back on her tank top as Alex shoved his shirt back on. “They should be back any minute.”

Alex padded over to the shower, grabbing some fresh clothes on the way, while Harley remained in her bunk, staring intently at her laptop screen as it whirred to life.

Alex winked, closing the door behind him. Harley heard a rush of water, and her mind raced to thoughts of Alex in the shower. She shook her head, clearing them immediately.

She heard footsteps, and she raised her gaze to see Rian and Zack staring at her. Zack sent her a knowing look, which Harley ignored, while Rian began to talk.

“Where’s the dickhead?” He joked, looking around the empty bunk area.

It had returned to its original state of complete filth, and one found it difficult to walk three feet without stepping on something.

“Who?” Harley asked, dumbfounded, but realized that Rian must have been talking about Alex. “Oh, he’s in the shower...I think.” Harley shrugged, attempting to appear to be nonchalant, and continued to scroll through the webpage in which she was browsing.

“Oh,” Rian frowned, scratching the stubble which had accumulated along his jaw from the past three days of not shaving. “Tell him we’re going to Cobra’s bus. When he gets out of the shower he should come. We have a set in an hour or so, so we can't get too shit-faced.” Rian paused hesitantly, glancing at his little sister. “Do you want to come?”

Harley’s dark brown eyebrows shot up in surprise, but after a moment, she shook her head. “I’ll pass,”

Harley didn’t feel like dealing with Gabe Saporta, a heavy partier and even heavier alcoholic. She didn’t feel like partying at the moment either, which was what the group of boys were bound to do.

“Suit yourself, Rian shrugged, gesturing to Zack that they should exit.

Zack followed obediently, sending Harley a warning look, as though telling her not to have sex with Alex anymore today. Harley heaved a sigh, something she had been doing often lately, and returned to her computer, emailing the few friends that she had back in Maryland.

She heard the sound of the tour bus door open and close, and soon she was listening only to the sound of her light breathing.

“Who came in the bus?” The hum of Alex’s angelic voice lifted her out of her trance, and she smiled softly at him.

His hair was damp from the shower, clinging to the nape of his neck. His brown eyes stared at her lazily, exhaustion evident in his features. He was dressed casually, in basketball shorts and a plain white t-shirt, his bare feet padding against the wooden floor as he sat across from Harley in Jack’s bunk.

“Rian and Zack,” Harley said, taking her eyes off of the computer screen to stare at Alex in all his beauty. He smirked at her to continue, “they went to Cobra Starship’s bus, and they wanted you to go along.”

“Oh, okay.” Alex paused, before tentatively replying, “you should come.”

“I can’t,” Harley declined, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, “I was planning on going to visit Travis.”

Alex’s eyes visibly darkened, and though he continued to smile, Harley was aware that it was not one of sincere happiness, but rather one that was usually found when dealing with an annoying fan or having to do an interview when hungover—one of a counterfeit nature.

“Travis?” Alex’s voice faltered, his gaze cast down on his fingers, which he continued to play with absentmindedly.

“Yes,” Harley stressed, realizing that Alex was beginning to think the way that she thought about Lisa. “Travis Clark. My boyfriend.

“Oh,” Alex’s jaw tightened, though he was quick to regain his composure. “Okay. Have, uh, fun.”

It was obvious that Alex was trying hard to sound indifferent, but was failing drastically. Harley feigned a smile, before deciding to challenge him. She paused, hesitant, but found the courage to speak.

“Alex, what am I to you?” She said, dangling her legs off the edge of her bunk, lying diagonally along the small mattress.

“What?” Alex questioned, looking her in the eyes now.

“What am I to you? What do you consider our relationship?”

Alex hesitated.

“You’re my friend.” He said, and Harley could practically hear the words in his head.

A friend with benefits.

Alex didn’t need to add those words on, for Harley already knew.

“Are you ever going to dump Lisa?” She questioned, and Alex gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly.

“Yes,” He stated, looking down at the floor.

“Alex,” Harley groaned, covering her face with a pillow, but taking it off immediately, feeling childish. “You know I like you. I just don’t want to be the girl sleeping with you. If you’re using me for sex, I feel more like a prostitute than a friend.”

“You know you’re much more than that, Harley.” Alex breathed out, rubbing his forehead lightly.

“Well then what am I? Your girlfriend? Because I’m obviously not!” Harley raised her voice, frustrated.

“I want to dump Lisa,” Alex said finally, “I do. I’m planning to. But I’m going to break it to her at the right time. I’m going to do it lightly.”

“Are you sure?”


“I just want us to be together.” Harley pleaded, like a small child to her mother. “I just want us to be together, without having to sneak around. Without having to fuck in the back lounge five minutes before you have to go on with your band. I want us to be able to hold hands, I want us to be able to kiss in public, and not be attacked for it. I want to be Lisa! Goddamnit Alex! I just want to be your fucking girlfriend!”

Harley finished her rant, out of breath and flushed, feeling the courage disappear from her small frame.

There was a long silence as Alex stared at her from across the hallway, watching her from his seat in Jack’s bunk. Finally, he spoke.

“I just wish it could be that simple.”


Harley raised her fist, knocking on the small door.

She regulated her breathing, feeling defeated but also apprehensive, and waited. She waited for no more than three minutes, before the door opened and Travis peaked his head out, squinting his eyes to shield them from the sun.

He smiled, realizing it was Harley and let her in. They walked past the kitchen, where his band members remained, past the video game console, set up for four players, past the bathroom where Hunter was currently throwing up and sat in the back lounge, comfortably on the couch.

“Hi,” he said, kissing her softly on the lips.

She smiled, leaning into his body, feeling that sense of security, the sense of comfort that warmed her any time she was near him.

“Hi,” she murmured back, resting her head on his chest.

The couple said nothing, but sat for a few moments, embracing the silence. Harley looked up, and realized that Travis was watching her. He smiled, and leaning down, blinked at her with his big blue eyes. Harley met him half way, and soon their lips were connected.

She laid them down, climbing on top of Travis with dominance. His long arms wrapped around her waist as she bit on his bottom lip. It continued for a while, innocent kissing, hands roaming, nothing too serious.

It was when Travis’ tongue traced her bottom lip and he tugged on the hem of her shirt that she thought of Alex. At the worst possible time, she thought of Alex.

She thought of his honey blonde hair. She thought of his cocky smirk,the one that made her fall in love him.

No, she was not in love with Alex. She was in lust.

She pulled away, her mind racing as Travis stared at her. She watched in him silence, breaking their contact in order to sit beside him.

He watched her confused. He studied the frightened features etched onto her face, the small marks on the side of her neck which she tried so desperately to hide, the way her lips curved downwards in distaste, the way her coffee-colored eyes fluttered closed for a moment, before snapping back open, and it was then that he knew.

It was then that he figured it out, he realized exactly why Harley had been reacting so strangely to him. His blue eyes widened in surprise.

At first, he was angry. No, he was infuriated. Then he was surprised. Then slowly, he was confused, and finally, finally he felt insecure.

The worst part of being cheated on was not the fact that you were replaced, but the fact that you were not worth the love of your significant other. You were not good enough for them.

Travis watched Harley, how she fidgeted with a macramé bracelet that hung loosely off her right wrist, how she scratched her collarbone vigorously, how she picked at her aquamarine nail polish, and wondered how he had not realized sooner.

Slowly, he spoke.

“How long?” He questioned, watching her carefully as her tawny eyes rose to meet his.

“How long, what?” She asked, biting on her lip in a way he used to think was cute. Now, he felt betrayed.

“How long have you been cheating on me?”

Harley froze, her body tensing under his concentrated gaze.

“What are you—?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Harley!” His voice rose, cutting through the silence like small daggers, piercing Harley’s heart. His voice wavered as she watched, cowering away at the volume, but he continued. “I know that you’re cheating on me. You wouldn’t be acting like this otherwise! I don’t know what I’ve done to you. I’ve been nothing but caring! Nothing but nice to you! And what do you do?!”

Harley pressed further into the sofa as Travis rose to his feet, shouting and yelling, his hands gesticulating widely. She had never seen him this angry before, and it hurt to know that she was the one that had caused it.

“I—” Harley attempted to speak, but words refused to come out, causing Harley to flinch.

“No.” Travis said, a forced calmness washing over him. “No, Harley. NO. GODDAMNIT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT. I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING DIFFERENT!”

He resorted back to yelling now, screaming and shrieking. Harley could faintly hear the sound of a toilet flush in the adjacent bathroom, and Harley knew that the rest of the band would stay away from the lounge. She focused back on Travis, who looked absolutely devastated.


“Nothing, I just—”

“AND WHO DID YOU FUCKING CHEAT ON ME WITH, HARLEY?!” Travis growled, increasing his volume.

“I don’t want to—”


“Alex.” She mumbled, flushing a bright red, admitting his name aloud.

Harley knew she could have lied and said any name in Warped Tour, but no innocent person deserved to be yelled at, or worse, by Travis.

“Gaskarth?!” Travis calmed down, his voice moderate. “Gaskarth? Alex fucking Gaskarth?!” Harley nodded, slowly. “Of fucking course! Gaskarth can get any girl he wants! I always thought when he was bragging about all the girls liking him, he was drunk, or just joking. BUT OF FUCKING COURSE NOT.”

Travis seethed, storming out of the back lounge. Harley blinked, before running after him. She passed Travis’ various band members, who watched her in disdain, no doubt eavesdropping on every word of their conversation.

She had no time to ask them if they heard, for Travis was already out the door. Harley ran after him, catching him by his arm and spinning him around.

“Where are you going?” She questioned, her voice rising an octave in fear.

“Where do you fucking think?” He spat back, storming towards the main stage, where All Time Low was setting up to perform.

“Travis!” Harley called after him, weaving through the crowd of bystanders as he stalked towards the stage. A few people eyed them curiously, but they knew not to interrupt. “You can’t tell him!”

“What?!” Travis watched her incredulously. “You don’t want me to fucking tell your little sweetheart that I know that you guys are sleeping together?!” Travis laughed, though it was more of a menacing snarl.

He continued on, Harley attempting to pull him back. He ripped his arm away from her grasp, running up the small steps to reach the backstage area, where Alex was currently twirling a microphone, Jack talking with the guitar tech, and Lisa flirting with Alex.

Jack was the first to spot Travis, noticing his enraged expression only after he cheerily spoke. “Hey, bro!”

Travis ignored him, and instead walked straight up to Alex, who raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to greet him.

Before he could even utter a syllable, Travis raised his fist, feeling it connect with Alex’s jaw. A cracking noise echoed through the now-silent area.

Alex stumbled back, swearing loudly, looking at Travis with wide eyes. He looked at Harley, who sent him a helpless look, while clutching his jaw in pain. Numerous techies had appeared now, watching the drama with astonished expressions.

“What the fuck, man?!” Jack crowed, his eyes as wide as saucers as he stared at Travis.

“Look dude,” Travis growled, his face turning as red as his hair. “I’m not going to blurt out your fucking secret. I’m not going to say a fucking thing just because I’m better than you. I’m the good person here, not you. Just remember that, Gaskarth. Always fucking remember. I’M BETTER THAN YOU.” He shouted, his voice trembling.

“Alex?” Lisa questioned, watching the scene unfold. “What’s he talking about?”

“I hope you’re fucking happy with yourself!” Travis snarled, looking at Harley one last time, before scoffing, turning on his heel and storming away.

Harley turned to Alex, an apology at the tip of her tongue, but noticed almost immediately that his eyes were glazed over. His hand was still clutching his jaw, while his breathing increased.

“Alex?” Lisa repeated, louder and more urgent this time. “What was Travis talking about?!”

Alex didn’t answer, and instead began walking. He increased his pace, practically running away from the backstage area and into the venue, leaving Harley and the rest of the crew speechless.

Harley decided against following Alex, knowing he would want to think things over himself. Her mind was racing so fast, she had to backtrack multiple times to figure out what had just happened.

She felt her throat close up and her face flush and the familiar feeling of dizziness overcome her.

Something told her that her relationship with Travis was well past over.
♠ ♠ ♠
i am laughing so hard right now, and I have NO FUCKING idea why. I know, I'm weird.
i just feel that Harley got what she deserved. Honestly, I planned out this story so that Travis and Harley would remain friends, and Travis found someone else, but for some reason, I ended up writing this instead. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. but i think it's so much better. :D
i originally planned it that Travis would calmly sort things out with Harley, and they would probably live happily ever after as good friends. and then somehow, one thing lead to another, my caps lock remained on, and now Travis is a fucking b e a s t !
ahahhaa. i love how he is getting so angry over this. i figured someone needed to have a tantrum, and since Travis was always so sweet and kind, it should be him :D
are you guys happy with the update?
only four more chapters until the sequel!!!!!!
i have no idea what i'm going to call it. O.o
title ideas? i think it might be 'i love your _______' but i can't figure out that blank at the moment.
sorry for the long authors note. comments make my year. SO COMMENT PLEASE. i seriously love you ALL. :D
you guys rock.
thanks, my lovelies. <3