I Love Your Bubblegum Smile

s i x .

“Where is everyone?”

The room was completely deserted, other than Zack who was intently watching the football game on television.

A McDonalds bag littered the table, and the spilled remains of a watery cola dripped onto the hardwood floor.

“I don’t know,” Zack refused to take his eyes off the television, and instead turned the volume up louder.

“Thanks Zack,” Harley rolled her eyes sarcastically, retreating further into the bus.

“You’re welcome!” He shouted back, too engrossed in his programme to care.

Harley had just finished her shift in merchandise, the time dragging out longer than it needed to as a crowd of girls questioned her about the whereabouts of the band.

After claiming that she didn’t know, and receiving a string of glares from girls six years her junior, Harley packed up her equipment and called it a day.

It was quite evident that Harley was exhausted, from the dark circles that formed under her eyes and the sweat that glistened across her body. After a long day of work filled with overeager teen girls and loud music, it took all that she could not to collapse.

She was tired, annoyed, sweaty and in dire need for a cold shower.

Making her way to the empty bunks, Harley retrieved a fresh set of clothing—jean shorts, a tank top and a matching underwear set—and set off towards the bathroom.

She rolled her eyes at the blaring noise of the football game, and opened the door to the bathroom.

Steam rose above the shower, clouding over the small mirror that hung loosely across from it and permeating the room around it. The soft pitter-patter of water droplets hitting the tiled floor filled the air along with a melodic hum that ricocheted off the walls.

Before she could stop herself, Harley found her eyes drifting towards the figure in the shower, and yelped in surprise, before dropping her clothes with a thud. The shower curtain was pulled back, giving her a very interesting view.

Alex stood in front of her, as he ran his hands through his hair while singing a song under his breath, in all his unclothed glory.

Strands of his golden-auburn hair clung to his forehead, while his dark eyes were closed as he absorbed the water around him.

Harley’s eyes drifted down his exposed milky skin, trailing the water droplets that spiralled down his taut stomach, falling against his hip muscles and rolling until...


Apparently, his ego wasn’t the only part of him that was big.

Alex must have sensed someone was watching him, as his eyes snapped open and immediately locked with Harley’s. A blush coated his cheeks as he gasped in surprise, his large hands flying to cover himself.

Harley’s eyes widened at the sound, realizing she had been caught and she proceeded to back up towards the door.

“I’m re-really so-sorry...I didn’t...I didn’t mean to...oh.” Harley stammered, her mouth dropping open in shock.

Alex attempted to reach for a towel, but had to remove one of his hands in the process, revealing much more than he needed to reveal.

“It’s...it’s fine.” He muttered back, manoeuvring so that the towel wrapped around his lower body. It slipped and he let out another yelp, as Harley moved towards him.

His feet slid against the tile, and he held onto side of the shower for support.

“Let me...l-let me help you.” She attempted to reach for the fallen towel, but Alex moved back away, clearly feeling as awkward as she did with the situation.

“No!” He screeched, picking up the towel once again, “Just...just t-turn around and let me fix this.”

“O-okay.” Harley turned her back to him, attempting to hide her flushed cheeks as she heard the shower turn off and Alex step out of the tub. After a few moments of terrifyingly awkward silence, Alex cleared his throat.

“Are you...are you decent?” she questioned, before coughing.

“Um...” he turned to look at her, “...yes.”

“Good,” she sighed in relief.

“Yeah...” Alex bent down and picked up the pile of clothing she had dropped, before handing it to her carefully.

Her cheeks were still a flaming red. She kept her mouth shut, knowing that if she spoke, she would embarrass herself further.

“Uh...” Alex started, rubbing the back of his neck and fiddling with the top button of his rumpled plaid shirt.

“Alex!” a loud voice shouted from the other side of the door, “I need to fucking pee!”

Harley and Alex both muttered profanities as they glanced at the door, and then each other.

“It’s Rian,” Alex muttered, heading towards the door to open it.

“No!” Harley hissed, grabbing his elbow and squeezing it tightly before pulling him towards her.

He stumbled backwards and crashed into her, bringing them both down. They tumbled against the wall and Alex sent her an incredulous look.

“What the fuck?”Alex said louder than he meant to, earning a nudge in the ribs from Harley.

“You okay man?” Rian called.

“Yeah, I just fell!”

“Imagine how this will look when Rian opens the door and sees you with wet hair and rumpled clothing and me all sweaty in a room together. In the bathroom.” Harley whispered, shoving Alex off of her.

“We’ll just explain what happened.” Alex said, in a normal tone.

“Shut up!” She murmured quickly, her tone panicked, “What did happen? I walked in on you naked? Do you know what Rian will do?” Alex shook his head. “He’ll chop your balls off, that’s what. He’ll jump to conclusions because he’s too damn overprotective for his own good.”

“Are you done yet?” Rian called, obviously impatient. After hearing no response, he continued, “I’m coming in!”

“Shit!” Harley cried, knowing that this would be the end for both of them.

“Be quiet,” Alex muttered, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him.

She was pressed up against his chest as he moved to shove her into the shower. She could hear his heartbeat as it pulsed rapidly inside him, or maybe, it was hers. Harley was way too nervous to tell.

“What are you doing?” she whispered fiercely, feeling the warmth of Alex’s body through his flannel shirt.

He let go of her immediately, throwing the clothes she had brought in at her, before drawing the shower curtain to cover her.

“Be quiet, don’t move and stay here.” He ordered, as the door flung open.

“Who are you talking to?” Rian narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“Uh...myself,” Alex smiled nervously, lying through his teeth, “I just wanted to get hyped up for the next show.”

“Oh, okay.” Rian nodded, scooting further into the room. “You take forever man. My fucking bladder is about to burst.”

“Sorry, dude.” Alex held his hands up in defeat, before sending a frantic look towards the shower and exiting the room.

Harley held her breath as she heard a zipper being pulled down and pants falling to the floor. She scrunched up her nose as she heard the sound of liquid falling on liquid, and looked down as a distraction.

The thought of her brother urinating made her sick.

She noticed stains on her clothes, and realized that they were getting soaked with the undrained water in the shower. She internally groaned and listened patiently as Rian pulled up his pants and flushed the toilet.

The sound of the faucet turning on and rushing water flooded through the room. Footsteps echoed against the tile, Rian’s worn sneakers squeaking as the rubber came in contact with the floor.

Just as soon as he had come, he had left, leaving Harley to wallow in wet shower.


“Why didn’t you tell me he was in the fucking shower?”

Zack looked up from the football game like a deer caught in headlights.


Apparently, Rian and Jack had been at the Friday Night Boys' set, and had arrived and whisked Alex away to party.

Zack would join them later as the game had not ended, and Harley had stayed along to give him a piece of her mind.

She was clutching an energy drink in her hand, though it was filled to the brim as she was too embarrassed and angry to take a sip.

“I go to take a fucking shower and Alex is already in there, taking one!”

She scowled as Zack turned the volume down, the game long forgotten. A grin broke out on his face, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

“Was he...naked?!”

“No, he was showering with his clothes on!” Zack sent her an odd look and she rolled her eyes, “Of course he was naked!”

At that, Zack burst out laughing, his chuckles rumbling through his chest in a never ending stream of laugher.

“No fucking way!” He laughed harder and Harley sent him a glare, wishing that at that moment he would get hit by a bus.

“Yes fucking way!” she mocked, crossing her arms over her chest in a huff. He took a look at her and frowned, his laughter dying down. “I was so embarrassed!”

“It’s okay, it’ll be forgotten by tomorrow,” Zack soothed, his helpful nature shining through.

“No it won’t!” She whined, covering her face in her hand. “I fucking stared at his dick for like ten minutes!”

“Duuuuuude!” Zack drawled out, trying to stop the grin from breaking out on his face again.

“And then Rian wants to use the bathroom, and Alex is shoving me into the shower and—“

“He shoved you in the shower?!” Zack wiggled his eyes suggestively.

“Yeah, and then he leaves me to listen to Rian piss.”

“Did Rian catch you?”

“Nah,” Harley flushed once again. “But it’s all your fucking fault you douche!”

“I’m...sorry.” He bit down on his lip, trying to contain his laughter. It bubbled out of his lips once again, and soon he was near hysterics.

“I hate you!” Harley scowled, but found herself laughing as well.

All she knew was that she wouldn’t be talking to Alex again anytime soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
ahhhhh. i wish i was harley :)
i wouldn't mind staring at him...
anway...comments=alex gaskarth yumminess!