He's a Senior and I'm the Freaky Sophomore

He's A Senior and I'm The Freaky Sophomore Chapter 10

Lucy walked over and smiled at me. “Hey Violet
“Hey, Lucy” I smiled back.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing you?” I asked
“Nothing, just thought I’ll say hi,” she turned to Josh. “I’m Lucy you must be Josh, Violet’s boyfriend”
Josh smiled at her. “I am”
Lucy turned to Matt. “And you must be Matt”
“That I am” he said kissing her hand.
She blushed and looked at me. “I was wondering if you had a date to the football dance.”
“I didn’t, but know I do. When should I pick you up?”
“Um, seven”
“Okay,” he said winking at her.
She smiled and waved at us as she walked away.
Matt was all smiles, he high-fived Josh.
“Nice” Josh said.
“I know, but what about her boyfriend?” Matt asked looking at me.
“I don’t know,” I said getting up. I got up and walked over to Lucy.
“Hey” I said.
“Hello again, what’s up?”
I motioned for her to follow me with my hand. She followed me to an empty table and we both sat down.
“What happened with Brett?” I asked
She rolled her eyes, annoyed “We broke up”
“I don’t know, he was the one who broke up with me”
“Yeah.” She said getting up from the table.
I got up and went back to my table.
The whole football team was dancing in the gym.
Josh and I were somewhere in the middle, dancing next to Matt and Lucy.
The four of us were having a good time together.
The music stopped and the coach took the microphone.
“Can everyone take a seat” he said.
We all sat down at the small round tables.
We listened to the coach’s speech and clapped for the players who got awards.
Jerry, Luke, Alex, Mike, Matt, and Josh all won awards.
One or two players gave a little speech thanking the coaches for there hard work and their team mates.
Josh won the MVP award. He worked hard for it.
Since Josh won the MVP award, him and his date had a spot light dance. It was fun but weird.
I never had a spotlight dance before, it was weird having everyone watching us dance.
Josh whispered to me to forget they were there.
Which is what I did.
After the song ended, there was another slow song and everyone joined us.
Matt and Josh wanted to switch dates. So I danced with Matt and Lucy danced with Matt.
We were next to them as we slow danced together.
“Why did you guys want to switch dates?” I asked.
“We always do that. When Josh and Cloey were dating and when Maya and I were dating we would switch dates,” Matt explained.
“Oh” I said.
Over all the ceremony went well.
Matt and I were hanging out together at the Mall. Josh and the rest of the gang, minus Cloey and Maya, were going to met us there.
We were waiting for them in the malls foods court.
Matt and I were taking silly pictures of us, we laughed at the really silly ones and deleted the ones that weren’t silly enough.
“Can I kiss you?” Matt asked out of the blue.
I looked at him as if he told me he was a murder.
“Please, one quick one” he begged
“No. Aren’t you dating Lucy? Kiss her”
“No, I want to kiss you”
I rolled my eyes, “No”
“Fine, Josh and the others are here any way” he said getting up.
I followed him over.
We walked around the mall looking in stores and playing arcade games.
The boys went their separate ways and Susan, Demi, and I went to my house.
Susan and Demi were on my laptop.
They insisted on giving me an email address along with, skype, MSN, facebook, and any other thing like that.
I was on my bed, deep in thought.
Matt real confused me. I couldn’t really figure him out. He acted like a friend then he acts like he wants to be more than friends.
“Okay, we’re doing” Demi said.
They showed me all of my accounts and added everyone, even Lucy, Matt’s girlfriend Lucy, not the buss driver.
“Thanks guys” I said
“Yup, no problem,” Susan said
“We’re going to go so you can talk to us on line!” Demi said as she grabbed Susan’s arm and pulled her out of my room.
So, the rest of the day I spent my time talking to Susan, Demi, Matt, Josh, Alex, Mike, Luke, Jerry, Lucy and Ken.

Josh talked me into trying out for track.
So all of next week we were at tryouts. Josh and the rest of the boys had basketball tryouts.
I took the late bus home once, because Josh couldn’t take me home. I sat in the front with Lucy and talked to her like old times.

The week after tryouts came and the list to see who made the team was up.
I was walking to the office to see if I made it.
I was kind of nervous, even though I think I made it.
I was walking by a group of lockers when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in a tiny space between the lockers and wall.
It was Matt.
His body was pressed against mine because of the cramped space we were in. We were too close together.
He instantly crashed his lips into mine.
I pulled away. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry, but I’ve been waiting to do that” he said.
“Can I go now?”
“Not yet” he said leaning in.
Just then, Josh walked by.

Hope you liked it!
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Love you guy a lot!!!