He's a Senior and I'm the Freaky Sophomore

He's A Senior and I'm The Freaky Sophomore Chapter 12

When I finally go to my house I stopped crying.
I saw my dad’s cop car in the driveway.
I opened the front door and saw that he was still in uniform making coffee.
“Hi, honey” he said turning around to look at me, his smile faded.
“What happen?” he asked rushing over to me.
“Nothing” I lied.
“I’m a cop, don’t lie to me. Did you not make the team? Did someone hurt you? Did you get into a fight with one of your new friends?” I kept shaking my head no.
“Is it Josh” when I stopped shaking my head, he took out his gun. “I’ll be right back”
I laughed unwillingly. “Dad, it’s fine,”
He raised an eyebrow at me. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah” I said walking up stairs tin y room and cried my eyes out.
I curled up into a small ball on my bed.
I the next morning my mom dragged me out of bed.
I told her what happen and she said what any mom would say. “It will be okay,” but I doesn’t feel that way. It feels like there a whole in my heart.
A huge whole the only Josh can fix.
My mom dropped me off at school.
I unwilling got out of my mom’s car and made my way into the school. It felt like everyone way watching me.
I guess news travels fast.
I went to my locker and got my books.
As I walked to class I kept my head down.
I looked up for a second and I wish I hadn’t. There was Josh with Alex, Luck Demi and Susan. The girls gave me a half smiled and the boys stared at me.
Josh didn’t even look at me. He had his head down and clenched his teeth.
What I wanted to do was run over there and beg for him to take me back or crash my lips into his.
But instead ii kept walking.
I walked pasted Matt, Mike, and Jerry.
They all looked at me then looked away.
This week was hard; I didn’t know how I manage to get through it.
I avoided everyone.
I was back to where I started.
The freaky girl with the purple eyes,

Josh’s Point Of View

I’m slowly dying inside.
I’m nothing, I feel so numb.
I can’t think, eat, or do anything.
‘I just need a break’ how stupid am I to think I could live without Violet.
I need her like a fish needs water.
She was my air that I breathed.
She was the flower and I was the gardener.
She was Noah and I was the ark.
I just need a break, I just need a break my ass.
It was Friday and I was at my locker when a group of girls walked by. They winked and waved to me. “Hey” they said flirty at me.
I just stared at them.
I closed my locker and saw Violet walking up to me.
Our eyes locked and the whole world seemed to spot.
She looked away from me and rushed passed me.
I wanted to run up to her and kiss her with every once of passion I had in me.
I just need a break, I just need a break, I just need a break. Those five words will haunt me forever.
I walked to my first class of the day with those five words in my head,
I didn’t want to take a break from Violet, I was just so pissed I could think.
I thought I could go a day or two without her, but after about an hour or two, I slowly went insane.
I saw Mat and the rest of the boys. They nodded their heads at me and I did the same.
The track team had a meet today. After practice I went over the field.
I saw Violet standing by the starting line.
She was warming up and getting ready. I saw Cloey warming up next to her.
I forgot Cloey did track.
Cloey looked over at me and smiled.
I ignored her and walked to the bleachers.
Violet still hadn’t seen me, but I was watching her. Every move she made I saw.
“Runners ready?” asked the large bald headed man.
The runners got into their positions.
“Get set! Go!” he shouted as he fired the gun in the air.
The four girls took off.
Violet was ahead of everyone. Cloey and a girl from the other team were close behind her.
Violet kept her fast pace, never slowing down.
The other runner from the other team was catching up to her.
They were almost at the finish line when Violet sprinted even farther ahead.
Our track team and the crowd cheered as Violet crossed the finish line.
For the first time in a week I saw Violet smile a real smile.

Violet’s Point Of View

After the track meet I quickly got dressed. My parents were going to take me out for ice cream.
I looked down at me hand at the ring Josh gave me.
For some reason I can’t take it off.
I turned the corner and saw Josh kissing Cloey.
My eyes filled with tears.
He forgot me? He got back together with Cloey? He doesn’t love me anymore?
I slipped off the ring and let it fall on the floor.
I held in my tears and walked outside.
My parents were in my dad’s cop car. The lights were flashing.
I chuckled and got inside the car.
I laugh to hind the pain.

Josh’s Point Of View

I pushed Cloey off of me and whipped my mouth.
“I don’t like you! I will never like you!” I shouted.
She finally managed to piss me off.
“Your lose1” she yelled and stomped away.
I spotted something on the floor. I picked it up and saw it was Violet’s ring that I gave her.
She took it off? She doesn’t love me anymore? Did she see me and Cloey?
Cloey is so lucky she’s a girl.
I drove home and lied on my bed, shirtless, with the fan on.
How do I get Violet back? I wonder to myself.
Then my cell phone rang.
I grabbed it and quickly answered it. What if it was Violet?
It wasn’t. It was Matt.
I answered it anyway.
“Hey man”
“I’m so sorry about what happen. I was stupid and selfish and wrong. Violet tried to tell me that,”
“It’s okay”
“Are we still cool? We’re still boys right?”
“Matt, you’re my brother from another mother,”
He sighed with relief. “Good. Now, go to Violet”
“Go get your girl back. It’s obvious you two can’t live without each other,”
“I’m dying”
“I know, now go to her”
“Okay, bye”
We hung up and I jumped off my bed. I grabbed my shirt and ran out the door.
I didn’t bother getting into my car.
I was going to run over there.

Violet’s Point Of View

We got home about fifteen minutes later.
I was going to go for a long walk. If I happen to pass Josh’s house, I might just stop by.
As I walked the lonely sidewalk I saw a person walking across the street.
As the person got closer I realized that it was Josh.

Hope you liked it!
I can’t believe how many people read and like this story!!
Thank you soooo much!
I love the comments I get too!
I hear we have some Matt lovers!
Who’s your favorite? Matt or Josh!
Mine is Josh :D
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Chapter 13 is half way done….give me a day or two :P