He's a Senior and I'm the Freaky Sophomore

He's A Senior and I'm The Freaky Sophmore Chapter 3

I was in total shock, what did mean by grandma had passed away?
“What?!?” I repeated.
“Violet, she died in her sleep last night. I’m sorry” my mom said hugging me. I hugged back.
We stood there sobbing until my dad got home.
I was inconsolable.
I didn’t eat or sleep. I just cried. I did everything while crying, the dishes, my homework, when I took a shower I cried.
I somehow managed to fall asleep around two in the morning.
When I woke up I was still sad.
I took a shower and got dressed. I put on waterproof eyeliner, just incase I cried at school. I didn’t have breakfast, I just left the house.
I walked outside to see Josh waiting for me. I silently got in the car,
“Hey” Josh said.
I was silent.
“What’s up, are you okay?” he asked with concern.
I shock my head no
“What happened, did you’re grandmother not come?”
The thought of my grandmother made a tear slowly come down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. “I’m okay, Josh, it’s nothing”
“Okay…” he said as he stared to drive.
The car ride was sad and depressing, and so was my day.
I couldn’t concentrate on anything but my grandmother.
I would silently cry in the back of the class room.
At lunch I didn’t eat and I didn’t go to the lunch room either. I went to the music room to play the piano. I played a song my grandmother thought me.
I played my broken little heart out until I cracked.
I stopped playing and sobbed.
Sobbed loud tears.
“Violet!” I voice called, I heard footsteps come running up to me.
The person pulled me in a hug and I hugged back.
I realized the person was Josh.
“It’s okay” he repeated to me.
“No, it’s not okay, she left me! She’s gone! Why did she have to go!” I yelled through my sobs.
I continued to cry as Josh tried to calm me down.
After what seemed like forever, I stopped crying and we just sat there holding each other.
“When I was younger, my uncle died of cancer. He was my favorite person,” Josh said suddenly.
“Oh my gosh, Josh I’m so sorry”
“It’s okay. He will always be my favorite person. Are you better now?”
“Yeah, thanks for being there for me”
“No problem”
I rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
After a while I sat up and wiped away any left over tears.
Josh looked at me with concern. I looked back at him.
He stared to lean in and I followed. We continued leaning until our lips touched.
Josh kissed me and I kissed back.
The kiss was gentle and sweet, but yet had so much passion behind it.
I felt safe in Josh’s arms and most importantly loved.
We slowly pulled away and looked in each others eyes.
“No, don’t be” I said leaning in to kiss him again.
He met me halfway and kissed back.
We pulled away and smiled at each other.
“Violet, do you want to go out to dinner with me tonight, if your not to busy or anything?”
I smiled. “Yeah, sure”
He smiled. “Great, I’ll pick you up around eightish”
We both stood up and walked out of the music room. Josh grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.
I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Matt’s Point Of View

Josh had left to go to the library, but I knew that was a lie.
Something was wrong with him. He’s been out of it all day.
He raced into the lunch room and looked for someone.
Then it hit me, the purple eyed girl. She wasn’t there.
He talks more about her that Cloey.
Just then Cloey and Mike had sat down at our table.
She leaned in to kiss him and he kissed her without hesitation.
“Mike, Cloey is Josh’s girl. What are you doing?”
“Not anymore, she’s not” Mike said
“Josh didn’t tell you?” Cloey said.
We gave her a confused look.
“Josh and I broke up, like, a month ago”
“Really?” everyone asked.
Mike and Cloey nodded their heads.
I got up and left the lunch room.
I had to fine Josh.
I was walking in the hallway when a door opened relieving the purple eyed girls and Josh.
I knew he was looking for her.
“Thanks again Josh” she said.
“No problem” he said pulling her into a kiss.
Wait! A kiss?
Josh broke up with Cloey for her?
No way!
They pulled away and walked down the hallway hand in hand.

Josh’s Point Of View

I lead Violet to my locker to give her my apple that I have after practice.
I know she didn’t have any lunch, so I’m forcing her to eat, as we walked around the school waiting for the bell to ring.
We talked about random things and horsed around until the bell rang.
I walked her to class and kissed her good bye.
I was a lot happier now. Violet had that affect on me.
Everything about her made me happy. Her smile, her laugh, her voice, her smell, her eyes, her everything makes me happy. Even the thought of her makes me smile.
“Yo Josh” Matt’s voice broke my thoughts.
“Hey, man”
“Cloey told me about your break up. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s not that big of a deal”
“Yeah it is,”
“We’ll talk later, man” I walked into our next class.

Violet’s Point Of View

After school, Josh met me by my locker as always.
He gave me a hug and a kiss goodbye then we went our separate ways.
I found my bus and sat in my normal seat.
“Hey Lucy”
“Hey, Vi. I’ve missed you, where were you?”
I told Lucy about my grandmother and Josh.
“So, Violet got herself a boyfriend, he better share you”
I laughed. “No worries, I’ll take the bus in the after school”
“You better! Here’s your stop”
“Thanks, Lucy. Bye”
“Bye” she called after me.
I rushed home; I couldn’t wait to let my mom about my day.
“Hey mom”
“Hey, honey, why are you so happy?”
“I have a date with Josh” I grinned.
“Really? So I finally get to meet Josh”
“When and where is this date?”
“Eight o’clock and I don’t know where but we are going out to dinner”
“Okay have fun. Just two rules, all home work must be done and I want you home before midnight”
“Deal, thanks mom” I gave her a hug and ran up stairs to finish my homework.
I finished my homework and took a long nap. I woke up around seven.
I took a shower and quick shower and put on my purple cocktail dress. I loosely curled my hair and put on a little make up.
I looked myself in the mirror and fixed anything that need to be fixed.
I heard the doorbell ring and a smiled formed on my face. My stomach did little flip flops.
I heard chatter from down stairs, I guess he meet my parents.
“Violet, Josh is here” my mom said coming into my room.
“I’m coming”
“You look beautiful, sweetie”
My mom left and went back downstairs.
I grabbed my handbag and left my room.
“Hey Josh” I said walking down stairs smiling.
He looked at me and smiled. “Hey, you look great” he handed me a purple roes.
I love purple roes!
I smiled. “Thanks, you too”
“Alright kids, back before midnight and have fun” my dad said.
“Will do, Mr. Meyer”
“Bye mom, Bye dad” I said waving.
“Your parents are really nice, and you look a lot like your dad”
“Thanks, I get that a lot” I said getting into the car.
“So, I was thinking we could go the Cheesecake Factory”
“Yeah, I’ve never been”
“Really? Well I’m honored”
I laughed. “Good”
At the restaurant Josh and I sat in the back where it was less crowded. We were having a good time.
After dinner Josh ordered a New York Cheese Cake that we both shared.
Josh took my hands and looked me in my eyes. “Violet, you’re an amazing person and I’m really glad I got to know you. Every time I’m with you I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. You’re all I think about. Basically I’m crazy for you, form day one. Violet, will you be my girlfriend?”
I was speckles.
That was the most beautiful speck I’ve ever heard.
I had the biggest smile on my face. “Yes” I managed to say.
He smiled and lend in. I smiled and met him halfway.
Our lips connected and everything felt right in the world. Our lips moved in sync and I felt like electricity was running thru my body.
We pulled away smiling and finished our meal.
After our date Josh drove me home kissed me good bye.
As I got ready for bed I was smiling like a kid in a candy store. I climbed into bed thinking of Josh.
Violet Lee Meyer has a boyfriend, who would have thought?
I woke up the next morning and a small smile formed on my lips, as I thought of last nights events.
I got ready for school and went down stairs.
“Hey mom”
“Hey Violet. I how was the date?”
I smiled. “It was amazing! Josh also asked me to be his girlfriend”
My mom grinned. “Frank” she called my dad.
“Yes, Lynn” my dad said coming down stairs.
“Our little girl has a boyfriend”
“Is that so? Josh is a very lucky guy” my dad said hugging me.
“He is. I really like him too” my mom added.
My dad nodded his head in agreement.
The doorbell rang and my dad answered. “Josh, come in”
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer”
“Hello, Josh” my mom gave him a hug. Josh hugged back without hesitation.
“Hey” I said as I hugged him.
“Hey, ready to go?”
“Bye” Josh and I said together.
“Bye” my parents said together.
The drive to school was fun as always.
We walked into school hand in hand.
We got stares, looks, and people whispered about us. Surprisingly it didn’t bother me. I guess it’s because people always give me weird looks and talk about me.
“I have to go to my locker, but I’ll be back to walk you to class,”
I smiled. “Okay”
He pecked my lips and went to his locker.
As I walked to mine, I saw a person leaning next to my locker.
I raised my eye brow at him. “Hello?”
“Your one of Josh’s friends right?” I asked opening my locker.
“Yeah, your Josh’s new girl, right?”
“Um, Yeah”
“Nice to finally meet you, I’m Matt”
“Violet” I said shacking his hand.
He stared into my eyes for a while. “Um, you look familiar somehow, didn’t I met you before” I closed my locker and thought about it.
“Um, maybe”
“Yeah, my first day here, I bumped into you”
“Oh, that was you?” he said rubbing the back of his neck looking at the wall.
“Hey Vi, Hey Matt” Josh said wrapping his arm around my waist.
“Hey” Matt and I said together.
“What’s up Man?”
“Oh, nothing, just wanted to met your new girl,”
“Oh, cool. Well, we got to go, see you in class”
“Yeah, man”
I waved bye to Matt as he walked down the hallway with Josh.
Once we got to my classroom, I kissed Josh goodbye and sat in my seat in the back of the classroom.
I was the first one done the English test.
I got bored of just sitting there doing my homework, so I after to go to the bathroom.
On my way there someone covered my mouth and pulled me into a closet.
The person turned on the light and I was confused to see the person I saw.

Thanks for reading!