He's a Senior and I'm the Freaky Sophomore

He's A Senior and I'm The Freaky Sophmore Chapter 9

It was a Monday morning and the rain was falling. I am currently waiting for Josh to come pick me up.
On Sunday I went to get my hair cut. So now it sits on my shoulders. I had it curly so it was a little shorter.
I was playing with it, when the front door opened.
“Hey lover” I said to Josh,
“Hey baby, ready for-wow” he said once he saw me.
I laughed. “What? You like it?”
“Love it”
“Let’s go” I said walking passed him. He followed me to his car.
“Whoa!” I said once I saw it.
This was not Josh’s silver coverable. It was a new looking sexy silver sports car.
“You like my new car?”
“I love it!” I said running over to the passenger side.
Josh laughed at me as he got in the driver’s side.
We walked to my locker and we had our arms around each other.
I saw Matt there, leaning against someone’s locker.
When he saw us he nodded his head at Josh and smiled at me.
“Hey” he said.
“Hey” we said to him
“What’s up?” Josh asked
“I was going to talk to the sophomore today but her boyfriend was there” he said looking at me. “Nice hair cut”
“Try again later” Josh said
“Yeah, I will”
“Who is she anyway?”
“I’ll show you her at lunch” Matt said as I closed my locker door.
“Who’s the sophomore,” I challenged. “Maybe I could put in a good word for you”
I saw panic flash through his eyes for a second. I guess he caught on to my games, because he smiled at me. “I don’t know her name”
My smiled slightly faded. “Well, when you do let me know”
The bell rang and we said our good byes. Josh and Matt gave each other a man hug and Matt and I hugged each other.
“How did you know I was talking about you?” he whispered in my ear.
“I’m smart”
“So, can I talk to you later?”
“Maybe” I pulled away.
“Bye” Josh and I said as we walked away, with our arms around each other.
“Bye” Matt said smacking my butt.
I moved Josh’s hand down to my butt. I heard Matt chuckle as we continued to walk to class.

Matt’s Point Of View

Josh was with Violet all morning. There was no way to talk to her, so I flirted from afar.
When I saw her in the hallway I would wink at her, she roller her eyes and kissed Josh.
Our teacher in our fourth period class wanted to talk to Josh after class.
That meant I got to walk Violet to the cafeteria.
I waited for her by her locker. She saw me and rolled her eyes.
I watched her walk but to me. “Hello” I smiled at her.
“You’ve been dying to talk to me all day and all you say is ‘hello’?”
“Well, yeah, I’m a gentleman”
She laughed. “Where’s Josh?”
“Our teacher wanted to talk to him,”
“Okay,” she said closing her locker.
“What did you want to tell me?”
“Nothing really, I just wanted to be with you” I said as we walked down the hall.
I laughed. “Are we friends?” I asked suddenly.
That question seemed to catcher her off guard. “Um, do you want to be?”
“Yes,” I said quickly.
She smiled. “Okay, we’re friends. Even through I thought we were friends”
I chuckled. “Oh”
Violet and I walk down to the cafeteria talking like friends do.
I didn’t try to force myself on her, but I did flirt.
A lot.
We joined the guys at our table. Violet and I continued are conversation.
I noticed Maya flirting with a new guy. She looked over at me but I ignored her.
She’ll get over me.
“So, who’s the sophomore your crushing on?” she asked/
“I’m looking at her, and she looks really hot today”
She rolled her eyes but I saw a slight blush. “Shut up! Who is she?”
“Ugh, I don’t know” I scanned the cafeteria for the prettiest sophomore I could find.
“Um, her” I said nodding my head at a pretty blond.
Violet turned around. “You mean the girl with long blond hair and the pink skirt?”
“Good choice, her name is Lucy. She’s popular among the sophomores”
“Does she have a boy friend?”
“Yeah, Brett”
“Okay,” I said as Josh sat down next to Violet.
“Hey guys” he said kissing her cheek.
“Hey” we said.
“I missed you” she said.
“Aw, I missed you too, babe” he said wrapping his arm around her bring her closer to him.
“So, Matt who’s the lucky girl?” Josh asked
“She’s over there, with the long blond hair and pink skirt,”
Josh looked over his shoulder. “Nice, did you talk to her yet?”
“No, not yet”
Josh nodded his head. “I’ll get our lunch” he said to Violet.
She nodded her head and leaned in to kiss him.
I looked away.

Violet’s Point Of View

Josh, Matt and I walked to my next class.
Josh and I were hand in hand and Matt had his hands in his pockets.
We were talking together, when Lucy and Brett walked in front of us.
“Are you sure you want to go after her?” Josh asked Matt.
“I’m sure” he answered looking straight ahead.
Once they reached my class room I hugged the boys good bye and walked in the class room.
I saw Brett and Lucy talking to their friends. I took a deep breath and walked over there.
“Hey, Lucy, can I talk to you?”
She looked surprised but nodded her head anyway.
“What’s up Violet?”
“Do you know Matt Hart?” I asked
“Yeah, he’s so cute. Why?”
“He likes you” I lied.
She smiled. “Really?” she turned around and looked at Brett. Her smile faded. “Do you think it’s wrong, if I break up with Brett for Matt?”
I was shocked. “Yes!”
“Okay” she said walking away from me as our teacher walked in.
Josh and I were at his house eating cookies and doing our homework.
We were trying to see who could finish their homework the first.
“Done!” he said closing his book.
I rolled my eyes. I had one last sentence to write. “Whatever” I mumbled as I continued to write.
He chuckled. “Don’t be mad”
I closed my book and walked away. Josh followed me to the sofa. He pulled me onto his lap and gave me a peak on the lips.
“I love you”
“I love you more”
He rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say. I wanted to ask you something”
“You know the football dance coming up this Friday?”
“Yeah, we’re going right?”
“Cool. Why do they even have a football dance anyway?” I asked as I rested against him.
“I don’t know, I think it’s because they want to congratulate each team for a great season,”
“What do you mean each team?”
“Oh, each team has their dance. The soccer team is tonight, field hockey is tomorrow, tennis is Wednesday, Volleyball is Thursday and Football is Friday,” he explained to me.
“I see, that’s cool”
I could feel him nodded his head.
We sat there in silence until Josh’s mom came home.
We helped her cook dinner. When Mr. Thomas came home we eat together and talked about random topics.
Josh drove me home shortly after.
The week was fun. Josh and Matt made it so.
Josh and Matt would walk me to class. They are both funny so it was non stop laughter.
I got to know Matt better. Besides being a flirt he’s a nice guy, I’m glad I befriended him.
He also stood up for me.
Josh couldn’t walk me to lunch because his had to do something.
So Matt walked me.
On our way there this junior and his friends called me names like ‘the freaky girl’ or ‘Alien’ or ‘Purple eyed weirdo’ or ‘wanna be human’.
I ignored them and keep on walking; it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.
Matt, on the other hand, walked up to them and said. “Shut the hell up before I make you and get the hell out of here.” His hands were balled up into fist and his teeth were clenched.
I smiled and thanked him.
After school Matt, Josh and I would hang out together and sometimes with the rest of the guys.
Maya and Cloey stopped hanging around with us. We don’t really miss them.

It’s now Friday at lunch and Matt, Josh and I are engaged in a conversation when Lucy walked over.

If not….I’m sorry :P