She Lived with No Other Thought


There he sat across the room. While I sat farther away. Only hearing bits and pieces of what our history teacher said. Whatever it was he talked about I could just read in the book later. I couldn't help but look at him or notice his presence. It was really hard to concentrate in class.

"Delilah? Delilaaah?" I snapped out of my day dream when he turned around to look at me, like so many other students did.

"Um...American Revolution." I guessed, Mr. Ramsinsky looked at me then nodded.

"Right." he replied and went back to lecturing. I sighed in relief, thank god I actually read the lesson plans. I looked forward and he still looked at me with a bit of a smile on his face. I blushed a little and looked back down at my book acting as if I was reading along. I glanced back up and he had turned around, all I saw the back of his head. His beautiful black hair.

Minutes past and the bell had rang signaling the end of the period. I always had this certain attitude around him for some reason I quickly grabbed my stuff as if I was in a rush to get out of that class. I walked up the aisle almost bumping into him. He just smiled and stepped back gesturing for me to go ahead. I just looked down and walked past him in a rush to get to my next class. English III was my worst subject I always fell asleep in it.

"Angeliqueee!" I almost yelled at my friend as I walked through the door.

"Hey there Delilah....whats it like in your imaginative head, with nothing but thoughts of that art freak Gerard Waaay," she sang to me. I hit her in the arm. "Ms. Wernli she's hitting me," she complained to our teacher.

"Referrals." she replied not looking up from her desk.

We laughed and I found my desk next to her and pulled out my notebook.

"Sooo any breaking news about your beloved obsession. Gerarrrrrd Way," she replied with a smile.

"Shhhhh, No," I replied back and started drawing. "He looks really cute today." I said under my breath. She laughed a little.

Class started as usual. We read our books, we were reading The Color of Water. It would be a good book if I had checked it out of the library. The bell then rang to go to B lunch. Yay. We went to her locker then to mine. As we were walking out of the hallway he passed me. Walking and laughing with his friends. I had one of his other friends Frank in my IPC class. Who I sat next to, he was very energetic sometimes.

We ended up walking in the same direction as them to the cafeteria. For some reason we seemed to be walking faster than his little group.

"You know what would be so funny?" Angelique whispered to me.

"What?" I questioned her back. As I started to pass him she bumped me making me run into him. She laughed and ran to the cafeteria while I stood there shocked and embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry, It was her fault," I replied to him pointing to Angelique who ran through the cafeteria doors.

"Its oka--" began to reply back but was cut off.

"Maybe you and your little friend need to grow up, and watch where your going." the girl standing next to him replied. Everyone knew her, not everyone liked her.

"No its okay Eliza, No one was harmed or anything. it was an accident," he replied in my defense, I got butterflies in my stomach. He looked back at me and smiled, I nodded taking a glance at Eliza as she glared. I started to walk away.

"Hey Delilah, do we have homework in IPC?" I heard Frank question.

I turned and looked at him, and Eliza who now was holding onto Gerard.

"We always have homework," I replied back.

"Oohhh, can I copy yours?" he questioned again.

"As always...yes fine," I replied back turning around walking away and into the cafeteria where I saw Angelique had already gotten her lunch. I walked over to her and sat down. "Your a bitch," I replied and she choked on her apple juice laughing.

"What happened?" she questioned.

"Well I ran into him and Eliza...which she bitched at me." I replied back digging through my purse.

"Goody." she replied. I got up and got my lunch.

We continued our lunch talking about class, after that ended we went back. The classes went fast as usual. Next thing I knew I was in art class sitting across from my friend Megan.

"Look," I had made paper glasses with googlie eyes. She laughed and continued her project. "Mrs. Russo, isn’t it so…artistic,” I replied trying to look around. She laughed and told me to finish painting my project. I walked over to the counter to get more paint as Gerard walked up.

"ewww, ewww," he replied in a semi girlish voice showing me his thumb in which he had paint on it. I just laughed at him and walked away. I put my head phones on and finished painting my sculpture thing. It was a paper mache head of Hello Kitty. I looked up at Gerard who was talking to Mrs. Russo. He must have said something funny, being that she laughed and him playfully on the arm. I smiled and looked at my Hello Kitty. I picked up my paper, where I kept the paint and stood up bumping into Gerard...again.

I gasped and looked down.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry," he replied as I pulled the paper way seeing the yellow and red stained on my shirt. He picked up some paper towels that were sitting on my table and handed them to me.

"What happened?" I heard the teacher question walking up.

"We bumped into each other and she got paint on her shirt," he replied back.

"I have some clothes detergent," she walked away to the art room.

"I'm really sorry, I hope that wasn’t your favorite shirt," he replied. I know in a situation like this I should be mad but I wasn't. He was talking to me. So it made no difference if it was a whole bucket of paint he dropped on me.

"It was," I replied back as Mrs. Russo came back handing me the detergent. I took the pass and my pull over hoodie, and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at the damage and it was worse than I thought. I sighed and took my shirt off, thankfully I was wearing an under shirt. I rinsed off the remaining paint on the shirt and poured a little detergent on it and began to rub it together.

The door then opened and slammed shut making me jump a little. I looked over and saw Eliza and Alicia walk in. I looked back down at my shirt. Alicia was nice unlike Eliza.

"Hello, De-li-lah," Eliza said to me as she walked up emphasizing the syllables. Alicia looked at us and went into a stall.

"Hi," I replied back not looking at her.

"What happened to your shirt?" she questioned, I knew she wasn't trying to be nice.

"Got paint on it," I replied back.

"That's right, You have Sculpture II with Gerard huh?" she replied sitting on the sink. I just nodded. "Yeah...well don't think I don't notice this, but I see the way you look at him. And well frankly I don't like how you look when you are looking at him. So if I were you I'd avoid it all together. Okay, because as much as it pains me to say this. You are a pretty girl, it would be shame for your face to get all scratched up," she replied back.

I heard Alicia open the door walking out and pulling hand sanitizer from her pocket squirting some on her hands and rubbing it together. "See you around." Eliza gave me a little smile and walked away with Alicia.

I stood there for a moment looking at the sink thinking about what Eliza had said. I pulled my shirt up and looked at it. There was still splotches of paint but I did all I could. I then heard the bell ring making me jump. I pulled on my hoodie and ringed out my shirt. I fixed my hair and walked out of the bathroom back to the art room. Everyone had left. Except Gerard who was still putting things up. He turned around and looked at me. I quickly grabbed my stuff.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about your shirt." he said to me wiping his hands.

"Its fine," I replied back walking away quickly. I sighed and walked to my locker getting my backpack.

"BIAATCHH!" I heard Denae and Angelique call to me. I looked in my purse for things to grab there was a piece of folded paper that wasn't there before. I grabbed it and stuffed it in my pocket.

"Are we going to Ninja Pirate today?" Denae questioned. Ninja Pirate was a comic book store we hung out at. Gerard and his friends hung out there too.

"You guys can, I have to go to this job interview," I lied to them closing my locker and putting my back pack on.

"Aw, hoozer." Angelique replied to me. Denae laughed.

"yea yea yea, I'll see you tomorrow," I stopped where I stood when I saw Eliza and Gerard. Not so much in a lovely stance as they kissed. "Since when did Eliza and Gerard go out?" I questioned.

"Dunno, 3 days ago," Denae replied. I just shook my head and walked away to the student parking lot. "See you tomorrow." Denae called back.

Thats why she threatened me, cause she was dating Gerard. Like I'd be a threat to them. Gerard barely notices me anyways. Thats unless I'm making a fool of myself. Before I knew it I was already walking up to my Honda Civic opening the door. I closed it behind me and buckled my seatbelt. Before I started the car I remember the paper. I pulled it out of my pocket and opened it. It was a drawing with the words scribbled on the side saying 'sorry' on the corner was the initials G.W. followed by two X's. The picture was a vampire with cute eyes. I just put it on the seat next to me and turned the car on pulling out and way from the cars. The Red blared through my speakers as I pulled to a stop light waiting to turn right. I heard someone honk from behind me, I looked in my mirror and saw it was Gerard and Eliza. I shrieked when someone knocked on my passenger side window. It was Frank, I rolled it down and turned down my music.

"Forgot to give this back to you." he replied and slipped the paper though my window. I thanked him and he ran back to the car. When it was clear I turned right, going towards Dessau Rd. I looked in my mirror again and saw that Gerard was driving behind me. I was pulling up to an intersection where the light had turned green, right when I was passing it, it was as if it turned to slow motion. I didn't even notice it till I felt the forceful jerk of the car going to the right and the glass shattering. My car tires squealed as my car spun and going in a different direction tripping over the curb and rolling over into a ditch. I only knew that I was now sitting upside down, I heard voices in the distance till they got louder.

"Delilah!?" I heard someone shout, but couldn't recognize the voice or see who it was. I heard shouts of people yelling “is she okay?” and “Someone call an ambulance”. Then it was as if someone was draping a cloth over the car as things went black.