She Lived with No Other Thought

Chapter 10

Gerard had reached the classroom before I had. I was walking slower than him. I was still pondering what he said. Once I walked in he just glared at me and sat down at the table as I went back to my sewing station to begin sewing on the sleeves for the costume.

"Hey, are we going to ninja pirate after school?" Anthony then questioned.

"What? um, yea," I replied back then turned my attention back to the sewing machine to finish up.


School was over thank God, I stared a the ground as Anthony, Sarah, and I walked to Ninja Pirate. Local comic book store. A place where I used to go to with my friends Denae and Angelique. I hardly saw them there anymore. As we walked in I almost immediately walked back out when I saw Gerard and Eliza sitting at a table as Gerard drew and Eliza sat next to him. Kissing on his neck, I scoffed and sat down on the couch. Sarah started looking at comics while talking in a high pitched voice making me laugh. I got up and looked at the comic books with her. We were walking around picking up comics and looking at them. Sarah some how trailed over to where Gerard was sitting and Eliza. I didn't even notice it, when we were walking by I glanced at Gerard at the wrong moment as Eliza looked up at me. I didn't even hesitate or anything I just turned back over to Sarah.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" she questioned. I just ignored her. "Hello bitch, what the fuck were you looking at?" I looked back at her and stared. Gerard stopped drawing and was looking at us.

"Your fucking whore bitch face, Bitch!" I yelled at her pulling my fist back and punching her in the nose. I watched her fall backwards in her chair as I stood over her grabbing her shirt and pulling her up and hitting her more as she tried to cover her face.

"Delilah!" I heard someone yell my name and pull me off. I fought back for them to let me go. They only gripped tighter and pulled me away. I looked at the table one last time and noticed Gerard was gone. I struggled more as whoever was holding me finally let me go I turned around and raised my fist fixing to punch whoever it was. Before I could land it he caught my wrist, and when I say he, I mean Gerard.
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its short, I know...and I like half assed it.