She Lived with No Other Thought

Chapter 1

I laid in my hospital bed counting the drips of my I.V., another nurse came in.

“You got another card, this time its from your Art II class.” She replied with a smile.

“goody, its sculpture II.” I mumbled under my breath. I looked at her as she handed me the card, I opened it and saw a bunch of scribbles with names and little drawings. It pretty much said the same thing over and over again “Get Well Soon.” She walked away passing someone. I didn’t really pay attention to who it was, just threw the card at the end of my bed and continued to look out the window. Almost a week here and I was so ready to leave.

“Hey,” I heard someone greet, instantly I recognized that voice. I looked up and saw Gerard. A lot has changed with my not being at school, he had cut his hair. Which brought more attention to his face. It took me a moment to realize that I was just staring. “Hello in there,” he repeated with a smile.

“Uh, sorry it’s the meds,” I replied back looking at the I.V. in my arm. He shuddered and walked over to my bed setting down a roll of paper.

“So how are you?” he questioned me.

“Um, I’m fine. I’m living the life of a pincushion. Trust me that life sucks,” I replied back. It may seem like I had it all down at the moment but inside my head was rushing to figure out things to say without them sounding stupid.

“I can see that,” he replied back. He looked around the room. I had a couple of vases of flowers and a lot of cards. I don’t know why I wasn’t popular at school. Well most of them were from my family.

There was that awkward silence that got me agitated right now. “Um. Don’t mean to sound rude but, why are you here?” I questioned him.

“Oh, Mrs. Russo wanted me to bring you this too, a little bit more than just the card we sent,” he replied handing me the rolled up paper. I pulled off the rubber band and started to unroll it. Gerard found a chair and sat in it next to the bed. Making me more nervous than I was. When I opened it, it was a picture of the class as a cartoon drawn in a style I knew who drew it. Not only that the initials were at the bottom G.W. XOXO. I laughed a little.

“Nice, that’s cute really,” I replied back. There were signatures next to the people in the picture with their names making sure I knew whom they were.

“Yea, they figured that you should see there faces or…something like that I don’t know,” he replied with a laugh back.

“I see that, and you were the lovely artist to draw this,” I replied back. I hadn’t realized what I really said but he did and he smiled.

“Yea, Mrs. Russo asked for me to do it,” he replied.

“That’s nice,” I replied rolling it back up, he just took it and rolled it up for me.

“Well, you enjoy this picture from time to time, I have to go before Eliza starts to worry.” He replied. Oh yes, I guess they were still going out then.

“Yea, thanks for your kindness anyways.” I replied pulling on my blankets.

“Your welcome. See you whenever you get back in school,” he replied back with a smile and walked out.