She Lived with No Other Thought

Chapter 4

My heart was beating so fast I thought it was about to pop out of my chest.

"What about my mom?" I questioned them.

"Your mom was involved in a car jacking today on her way to work," he replied back in that professional tone.

"What? Is she okay?" I questioned again.

"The, perpetrator was carring a gun, in which after the disagreement with your mom, he shot her," I could feel my eyes water. I didn't want to hear what he had to say next. "She died on her way to the hospital." I guess I had no choice in hear it.

"W-what?" I questioned hearing my own voice break. Mrs. Robinson came over to me. I covered my face as I started to cry. She started hug me and hush me. As if it would work.

"We are permitted to drive you home, unless you feel you can go through the day," he replied back. I shook my head no, of course he understood.

"I'll let you go get your stuff from your locker." He replied back. I grabbed some tissue and walked out of the office sniffling and having that rapid breathing. Eveyone stared at me as I walked past them.

I walked to my locker slowly doing the combination. I had to wipe my eyes several time as I felt the stinging of my make up. I heard someone flush the toilet from the boys bathroom. Yes my locker had to be right next to the bathrooms. I ducked my head down as I head the door open.

"Hey, De-...Are you okay?" It was Gerard as he walked up to me.

Great just what I needed, my crush had to see me crying. "I'm fine," I replied back, my voice cracking again.

"No your not, whats wrong?" he questioned me putting his hand on my back. I finally looked up at him. I saw sympathy in his eyes.

"It's my mom, She...she was killed this morning," I replied back crying more, I heard him gasp a little. He pulled me into a hug and hugged me tightly.

"Are you going home?" He questioned again. I nodded. "Whose taking you?"

"The police," I replied back letting go and grabbing my backpack.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I thought I heard him wrong. I looked at him confused. "If you want I can drive you home, I don't think you want to be in a police car," he replied back.

"Sure...but what about you class," I questioned him.

"Don't worry, come on," he put his arm around me in a friendly way. We walked back to speech class, he told me to wait outside in the hall and I watched him disappear into the class room. I stood there thinking if this was a dream, or did my mom really just die today. Every second I kept thinking about it, it brought more tears to my eyes. Gerard then walked back out with his stuff. "Lets go, it'll be okay," He replied back putting his arm around me again.