She Lived with No Other Thought

Chapter 5

We pulled up to my house, I looked at it and sniffled unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the door. I looked over and saw him start to unbuckle his belt.

"You don't have to come in if you don't want to," I replied really hoping he would agree and stay in the car.

"It's okay, I just want to make sure you'll be okay," he replied getting out of his car. I blinked and got out of the car walking up the walk way to my front door and opening it. I stepped inside looking at all the pictures and a wave of emotion hit me. It hit me hard almost knocking me back physically. Luckily Gerard was there to help me.

"Are you okay?" He questioned concerned.

"I'm fine," I replied and regained my strength to walk through the door completely. I walked over to the couch and sat down. Gerard remained standing looking at the pictures.

"How old was your mom?" he questioned looking at a recent picture of us together.

"47," I replied back pulling the blanket off the back of my couch and wrapping it around me.

"She doesn't look it, you look just like her," He replied back walking over and sitting next to me.

"I get that a lot...I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude. But, I kind of wanna be alone right now," I replied to him.

"It's okay, I understand," He stood up looking at me "You'll be okay...I'm not very I guess christiany. But, just remember the phrase 'when god shuts a door, he always opens a window,' something along those lines," he replied with a slight smile. I twitched a small smile. He walked over to the computer printer and grabbed a piece of paper and a marker. "Here's my number, call me if you need anything. It's a cell so don't be afraid to call anytime," he replied back. He said goodbye and walked away, out the door.

I sat there in silence looking around. The house seem to quiet, so empty. I stood up and walked over the wall looking at all the pictures and the cabinets from Japan with more trinkets that belonged to my mom and more photos. The more I thought about her the more I got sad, even more I started to get mad. I had always asked her to take a different route but she never listened to me. I glared at some of the pictures letting my anger consume me. With that I walked over to the coat closet pulling out a bat. I looked around at more of the stuff taking a swing at the picture frame that was on the wall. I watched it shatter and fall to the ground. It made some weight come off. Not even thinking I continued. I hit everything that reminded me of her. I made my way to the den pacing back and forth looking at the glass coffee table we had. Something my mom at one point had to have. I brought the bat up pausing for a moment, then let it come down shattering the table. I dropped the bat looking at the table and the mess of the ceramic trinkets and picture frames that laid on the ground broken. Still not feeling any better I turned over the wine cabinet where we kept all the Disney movies. I then heard the door open, I didn't care, or really even notice. Till someone grabbed me by my arm.

"Delilah! Stop!" I heard him yell.

"Let go of me!" I yelled back. But he kept his hand tightly on my arm and turning me around. It was Gerard, I thought he had left. Obviously not.

"This isn't going to make things better," He replied to me holding my arms so I was forced not to move.

"Nothing will ever be better! She's gone, what am I going to do? I'll never have my mom back," I replied breaking down as I felt my legs collapse under me. Gerard caught me bringing me slowly to the ground holding me.

"Shh, It'll be okay, everything will work out," he replied holding me and rocking me back and forth.