She Lived with No Other Thought

Chapter 7

"What were you thinking young lady?" Mrs. Ramirez questioned me. My I don't even know what to call her anymore. I didn't reply to her. "Are you trying to get expelled from school?" she questioned again, I still didn't reply "Answer me,"

"blah," was all I said.

"Blah? what does that mean?" she questioned again.

"I don't know just, blah," I replied again.

"Well your lucky they didn't expell you, only 4 days of ISS and after school helping with the janitors," she replied back shifting through papers.

"Wee," I replied back sarcastically.

She just sighed and waved at me to leave, I stood up and walked out of the office. Little kids walked around me screaming and laughing. One of the little girls that I favored was walking past me and crying.

"Tiffany, whats wrong?" I questioned her.

"The boys, outside were, being mean to me and took snuffles," she cried.

"What boys?" I questioned her. She grabbed my hand and took me outside in the front of the building where sure enough there were boys laughing and messing with snuffles her little bear. "Hey!" I yelled at them walking down the steps, they stopped and looked at me. "What the hell is wrong with you," I replied snatching the bear out of there hands.

"Nothing, why don't you go back inside where you belong," one of them replied to me.

"Why don't you stop being a jackass and leave," I replied back handing the bear back to Tiffany, she took it and ran up the steps back into the building.

"Look here bitch, We don't have to leave, you can't force us to leave, and your just a little girl who doesn't have a mommy," he replied back. I glared up at him "yea, we all know and it's such a tragedy. That no one can teach you to act right," he replied back.

The rest of the boys just laughed.

"I guess your right, no one to teach me to act right thats why I love the fact no one can say my parents didn't raise me well then huh?" I replied, they just looked at me confused. "but you on the other hand, whats your excuse on why you act like a fucking pansy," I gave a smirk.

"Is everything all right?" I heard someone questioned I looked over and saw Frank with, oh yea you guessed it, Gerard. I sighed in frustration.

"Nothing that involves you," the other one replied.

"Aw, see that hurts me just a little, right here," he replied with sarcasm pointing to his chest. Gerard laughed a little.

"Wait, didn't you get suspended from school for looking at gay porn," Gerard spoke up. I laughed a little.

"No! I don't know what your talking about," he replied back.

"Yea it was, the librarian caught you," Frank replied with smile.

"Whatever, come guys," he replied back, his face was red and he walked away.

After my amusement I went back to my irritated mood.

"Wow you sure are one to find trouble all the time," Gerard replied.

"maybe," I replied turning away and walking back up the stairs.

"Wait," he replied walking after me.

"What are you stalking me? Why does it seem everytime I'm in trouble you turn up? I don't need your help. Just leave me alone!" I replied again and ran up the stairs walking through the door and closing it behind me.