She Lived with No Other Thought

Chapter 8

So it had been more than weeks since I last saw or talked to Gerard, even in art class I never really saw him, or he completely ignored me. And honestly, it left me more alone than I had been before he tried to be all concerned. I had equally picked up a new crowd of friends to talk to and hang out with. My old ones just looked at me as if I was the clown from 'It', maybe they wouldn't if I hadn't threatened them with physical violence like I had. Eliza still tormented me, more so Gerard still tormented me by still dating her. So I heard, Alicia on the other hand, was still the same person she has ever been. She was more the nice one of the group. She had more friends than Eliza and Gerard due to her kindness. She even tried to befriend me but her being close friends with Eliza I refused.

So here I sat in the lunch room with my new so called friends, just talking about stuff. What they did that weekend and what they planned to do during the next weekend. I sighed as I picked at my bowl of salad.

"Delilah, are you coming?" I heard Anthony question.

"To where?" I questioned him back.

"To the party this weekend," he replied back tossing a balled up napkin.

"Probably not," I replied back putting the lid on the bowl and tossing it the short distance of where the trash can was. "I'm gonna go to the library, see you in apparel," I replied to him.

I grabbed my stuff and walked away. To be honest, I did want to go to the party but then again my director wouldn't allow it. She still trying to find a home for me and if I left the home while she was advertising children then that would reduce my chances. I walked into the library and dropped my ID off, some new rule they had, and walked to the back of the library where I read most of the books there in about 10 minutes. A lot of spare time on my hands sped up my reading process so in which I was a pretty fast reader. It blew peoples mind sometimes.

I was sitting on the floor reading 'Where the Sidewalk Ends' it was one of my favorite book of poems. Sounds a little kiddish but I didn't care. I smiled as I read my favorite poem The Boa constructor.

"Wow, thats a rare moment," I heard someone say to me. I looked up to see Frank. My smile that I had went back into a straight face. "And its gone again," he said with a smile of his own. I rolled my eyes and stood up closing the book and putting it back on the shelf.

"Why do you always run?" he questioned me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned back.

"When someone tries to talk to you or even help you, you run away," He replied walking up to me.

"Defense mechanism," I replied back walking away.

"Defense? Against what? people trying to get to know you," he questioned again.

"Something along those lines," I answered.

"Or are you scared of what people might find out about you," he replied in a statement of fact. I turned and looked at him.

"What isn't there that someone doesn't already know about me?" I questioned him crossing my arms.

"Maybe that your afraid," he replied back, I blinked trying to make it seem like what he said wasn't true at all, but it was true. "You act brave I see that, but your just scared, A scared little girl who tries to fool people. But you know what," He got closer whispering a little. "You don't fool me...or Gerard,"

I looked at the ground, "I...I gotta go to class," I replied and walked away quickly. I walked into the crowd of people who were coming from the lunch room, and the crowd of people going to the lunch room.

I walked into the class room saying Hi to Mrs. Marsech. I put my stuff on my desk and got my materials from my drawer and went back to the sewing machine I always sat at. More people started to file in as I threaded my machine.

"Boo!" I heard Anthony say scaring me as I tried to put the thread through the needle.

"Fired, I almost had it," I replied back trying again.

"Why was Frank Iero talking to you?" he questioned sitting at the machine across from me.

"Because...he's weird," I replied finally putting the thread through the hole.

"Hmm, maybe so," he said with a laugh. The bell then rang and Mrs. Marsech shut the door.

"Okay class, before we start, I want to introduce my new Student Aid," she announced. Being that all the shelves where we keep our stuff were in the way of where I sat I didn't see who it was, nor did I care. Probably some preppy girl who think she knows everything. "This is Gerard Way, he'll be helping us with all our stuff...and my slave who I get to boss around," she replied. I stopped and stared at the machine. I really hope my brain had processed the wrong name. I figured I should get a look at if it really was him, plus I need to go up to her desk anyways to get the sleeves for the costume that we were working on for the musical at our school.

I stood up and walked past the shelves to her desk. And sure enough it really was Gerard Way. I almost turned back around but she saw me already.

"What do you need Delilah?" she questioned.

"Um...the sleeves for the purple tunic," I replied back.

"Oh yea," she began to look in the pile of fabric that she had. I just stood there not looking at Gerard. But I could tell he was looking at me. "I must have left them in the drama room, Oh well, first mission then. Gerard will you go to the drama room and look for the purple sleeves please." she replied to him. "Delilah, go with him," she added. I looked at him and he just stared back. I nodded and walked towards the door with Gerard walking behind me. It was total silence as we walked. It was the awkward kind of silence.

"So, your in apparel," he finally said breaking the silence. I just nodded. "You don't look like the kind of person who would sew,"

"I know...why are you the student aid?" I questioned him quickly. Maybe to quickly.

"I don't know...they just put me in there," he replied back. I nodded again, he then grabbed my arm and stopped me. "I have to ask you something," he replied. I just stood there, with my heart beating fast.