Grim Fate

Strange Spit

"This is strange." Doc peered through the microscope, his long blonde hair falling around his face.
"What is it? The blood or the spit?" Doc scowled and stepped away.
"If you really must know, it's the spit. Now get out." Michael truned and walked toward the door and stopped.
"If you ever want to see her just come out. If I'm not there don't get clsoe to the bars. She bites." Doc took a deep breath.
"Get out!" He listened to Michael's footsteps as they raced away.
"So, Carmen, you might just be a werewolf."
The next day was cool and misty, but even bad weather couldn't keep Doc locked up. He loaded up in the rusty van and drove out to where Michael kept the 'werewolf'.
The first thing he saw was a huge cage. It was empty except for a doghouse in one back corner.
Doc walked up to the cage and leaned on the bars, testing their strength and ignoring Michael's warning.
An explosion of white fur erupted near the doghouse. Doc took a small step back and the wolf hit the bars. They shook. Teeth snapped mere inches from Doc's face. Doc was paralyzed. He took a few quick breaths.
"Are you a werewolf, Carmen?" The wolf stopped, sat down, and watched him. That was when Doc noticed its dark green eyes. Its body shivered and then there was a woman about his age with dark long red hair. Doc was surprised she was fully clothed.
"No...I'm a magician. What else would you call it?" Doc rolled his eyes at the sarcastic tone in her voice.
"You know what I want the most freedom. If you could spring me from this jail..." She trailed off when she noticed Doc heading for the gate.
He stopped and inspected the lock.
"I don't have a key." Carmen grinned and bounced over.
"Are you gonna tell?" Doc shook his head. Carmen stuck one of her long fingernails into the keyhole. She turned it once and the lock clicked and fell off. The door swung open and she stepped out.
"She bites." Michael's words rang clear in his head and a wave of fear swept over him.
She grinned and came towards Doc.
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It's not much and I'm sorry if it's boring. Don't hold back tell me everything that's wrong.