Status: On Hiatus: Sorry :(

Every thing's Perfect.


I didn't think he'd actually do it! The drive to Taco Bell was excruciatingly scary, I swear I saw about nine police officers. Jack seemed completely at ease though! How could he be so comfortable naked?

When we ordered our food, the drive through window guy ushered us to the second window, and right off the bat his eyes bulged out. Jack and I played stupid, acting like this was an everyday thing, and that he was the weird one in the situation. As soon as we received our food, Jack high tailed it out of there.

"You owe me." Jack scoffed, tossing the bag of our overly fattening food my way.

"For what? You could've let me pay."

"No not that, you owe me for this whole charade. I only do this cause I love you, you know?" He laughed, taking a drink of the fruitiest drink any man could order at Taco Bell. Just saying the word Fruitista makes me feel ten times as gay as I really am.

I darted for the door when we got home, laughing hysterically the whole way. "Jack, that was so much fun!"

"You act like you've never done anything 'bad'." He chuckled, giving me an almost concerned face.

"Well... I really haven't, nothing like that at least."

"Hm... That's strange, I always imagined you as the type that would do shit like this on a regular basis." I watched Jack head up the stairs, I followed quietly behind him after a minute or two, thinking back into the past to see if I ever did do anything like this before.

"Nope, I haven't done anything. My most exciting moment in life was... Basically when I thought I ran over you."

"That was exciting for you?" he gave me a cocky half shocked half mortified look. "Are you some sadistic bastard or something? Did you plan our meeting all along?"

"No you dork, I didn't." I laughed, grabbing a fresh pair of boxers out of my drawer, slipping into them right after Jack did the same thing.

"Mh, I'll believe you this time." He mumbled. "Only cause you're so damn cute."

I laughed and shrugged it off. "You should go to bed, you have to be at-"

"Ugh... Mood killer." He groaned, cutting me off. "Is there anyway I can just give them the money? I really don't wanna have to deal with their shit anymore."

"I guess you could try..." I had to think about it, I really don't know. "I really don't see why n... Hold on." I pulled out my phone and dialed my Dads number. Of course it was late, but he's up working. This I am positive of.

Jack gave me a seriously confused face before understanding when I said "Hey Dad..."

We talked for all of forty minutes, and I had everything settled, but of course he had to throw a curve ball into the whole situation. "You and Jack should come over for dinner this week." He said, overly cheerful. "This time maybe you guys could stay for the entire thing."

I rolled my eyes and halfway agreed. I'd have to get Jacks input on it first before anything.

"Jaaaaack... My Dad... Wants us...To uh... Come over for-"

"Dinner? Yeah I heard. That's fine. Maybe this time I'll make a better impression." He chuckled light heartily as he climbed into bed. "But what did he say about the whole bank thing?"

"He said it should be fine. He doesn't see why not."

"Good," he sighed. "I really... Cannot do that again. I hated just breathing in that house... I hold a nasty grudge, I know..."

"No you don't." I giggled after finding my way back into his arms. "You have a right to hate them. You just have abandonment issues."

"Hah... You can say that again."

He kissed my forehead and squeezed my waist tightly. Minutes... Maybe seconds later he slowly drifted off to sleep. He had a rough day, and I definitely worked him like a dog. I'm pretty sure he enjoyed the ending though. At least I hope he did.

I ran through the check list of everything that could go wrong today. Jack and I were sitting at the bank; waiting for his lawyer... Or Grandfather appointed one, and bank manager to come into this eerie room we were in.

As soon as the door opened, I jumped. Jack laughed quietly and took my hand in his. I don't know why I'm so nervous though, I just hope this all blows over nicely.

"Jack, my dear boy. It's been years." Said the guy with the briefcase. I'm assuming that's his lawyer.

"I know, I try to stay away from this place as much as possible." Jack retorted.

The man nodded in response, not seeming to phased by Jacks attitude. "I can see you're not interested in formalities, so I'll just cut to the chase." He said before clearing his throat. "We looked over your grandfathers will, and there was a change... Or at least something we first missed."

"What do you mean missed?" Jack growled. "It's been, what? Over five years since he died, and you're just finding shit now?"

"No, we missed something in his bank account. Just let me finish." He sighed. "Your grandfather apparently had not only the money you know about... But more."

"He had more?!" I said, completely out of turn. I could feel my face heat up as embarrassment swept over me.

"Yes, he had more... A lot more. Your grandfather, and many before that, had an account that was collecting interest for... Hundreds of years, and according to your grandfathers will, you get to have it all. When you come of age that is."

Jack sat back in his seat, completely dumb founded when the bank manager handed him a sheet of paper.

"I'd like to withdraw fifty thousand." He said in a monotone voice. I was slightly worried about what was going on in his head, money has always... From my knowledge, led him to horrible thoughts.

The bank manager obied by his wishes and went back outside, later coming back with a manila folder filled with money. Jack and I then both left after thanking the two men.

"Are we going to your house... With all that money?" I asked. He originally intended on giving them twenty... I don't know where the sudden generosity came from.

"Yeah, but they're only giving them twenty, the other thirty is going to the families at my old place." We both got in the car and he held my hand, drawing small circles with his thumb on the back.

"You're to giving for your own good." I laughed; kissing his cheek softly as we pulled into a stop light.

"I know, but they deserve it, and I have well over enough. What I'm giving them now, is like your Dad giving a homeless guy a dollar. I'll have plenty left over." I had to think about that for a second, but then the thought of how much money that could possibly be was a little overwhelming. "Yeah, it's that much." he laughed.

I looked over at the slip of paper in his pocket. I can't lie, curiosity is killing me, but I won't ask. I know he'd tell me, but I also know he doesn't want money to change this relationship. I think that's his number one fear right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a while, but I got a chapter up! I really need to think of how to end this... Thanks for all the support!
