I'm Just the Worst Type of Guy to Argue With.

Until The Cops Come

I sat next to her; I ran my blood soaked hand through her jet hair, inhaling her addictively saccharine scent through my nostrils. She shivered, exposing her neck, entirely on accident, when her black dress shrugged off of her silky-smooth shoulders slightly, exposing quite a bit of her. I felt the blood in her body pump fiercely, but somehow, I wanted her, not her blood, “I know you’re not.” I responded to her previous emotionless comment. Her eyes seemed to stare into the demon inside of me, through my hazel eyes, which could turn red and fiery at will. It was quite unsettling, and I wanted her to close her eyes… but, oddly, I wanted her to feel good… I brought my other hand to her waist and I felt her convulse slightly when I hit a nerve in her skin, but I could feel her heart pump faster, and skip an entire beat, when I laid my lips onto hers.

I couldn’t control myself around her anymore.

I took my hand from her head and began to rub her sides, she took a frantic breath inward, and I rested her body down on the mattress, but my lips still fervently pressed against hers. I straddled her thin form, and her hips rose to meet mine, though both still remained clothed. She opened her mouth in a slight smile, and I moved my bloody lips from hers to caress the jaw that lay beneath those petrifying supple orifice. I gave her a scare of mass proportions when I licked and kissed her neck that I had penetrated so many times, without even her knowledge. When I didn’t bite her, she smiled in relief, and probably ecstasy, “Aw, Sugar, you taste so good.” I said… But while she smiled and my body unwittingly ground into hers for a little, my eyes caught something shiny, on the
floor, causing me and her to act like polar opposites.

I pulled away from her (sadly) still clothed body, and she sat up in surprise.

“No wonder.” I said in cool contemplation, aloud, to myself, picking up the nearly empty syringe, I pointed it at her, “Nymph blood.”

She looked at me in surprise, “But this is definitely not how I would normally act, if it’s a truth serum.” Ci furrowed her brow in confusion, I smirked at hercute puzzlement.

“The Nymph blood evaporated and this caused the gaseous nymph blood to mix with the nitrogen in the air and form a polarity switching spell. It’s all well and good until some stupid human dies from it,” I smirked, looking her in the shocked eyes, “and I don’t quite want to kill you yet.” She trembled, whether in fear or astonishment, I don’t know.

I reached into a metal case of drugs and reached for the medical jar filled with nymph’s blood, so that I could counteract the effects of the poisonous spell on her, and could let me know what the girl thought of me. I took a new syringe and had it suck in the last of the expensive blood, not that I cared, I stole it anyways.

I advanced towards my darling, a grin swept across my façade; she didn’t tremble in fear of the needle, as I would have when I was a human.

“Now, where should I put this?” I asked her, she shrugged her shoulders in response, and I figured out where I would put it. Cierra still lay on the bed, legs outstretched from where I had left her; the only difference was that she was sitting up. I knelt on the ground, and moved my cold and bloodied hand up her uncovered thigh, which led to her lacy underwear… She smiled, which, of course, was out of character for her. I lifted her black dress and injected her with the nymph blood, straight into her thigh. She winced and I kept my hand there for a moment, while she stood up in surprise, as did I.

“So, Sugar, how do you really feel about me?” I asked, she sat back down, intimidated by the smirk that still remained plastered to my face. Cierra put her and over her mouth, and tried to force the words back in her throat, I grinned, and pulled the hand from her lips.

“I loathe your very existence, you’re a cold-blooded killer, and a vampire, I think… But you’re probably the only guy I’ve ever truly felt this attraction to.” Of course, I was slightly gladdened by this, because the gaseous Nymph blood still ran through me, but I could tell that my vampire body was deposing it from my system, and quickly. She kissed me. It was like that one night, where I was sneaking and she thought she was dreaming, all over again. It was… nice?

A tremor ran through my body and I felt all of the gas escape from my dry and shriveled up lungs. I broke from her kiss and she started back in surprise, the liquid nymph blood having flushed from her body as well, because most of its strength was used to counteract the spell.

I was insane with rage. This is the after affect of drugs? She did all of this to me, it was her fault that she had to look like her…

Lilith, the mother of all demons. She was Adam’s first wife and led him into the desert to die. And she thought me important enough to turn into a vampire. The first vampire, turned me. She was as beautiful as immortality could be, short hair that was always in style, no matter how much she tried to defy the style norms with wearing such dark clothes that it looked like she was forever mourning. She wore a veil over her pale features, all of the time.

I was only starting out, in a band in the practice studio…

”Guys we have a gig! Frankie’s cousin hooked us up!” My little brother shouted to me, anxious beyond belief, but still happier than I had ever seen him.

“When is it?” Asked our stoic drummer, named Matt.

“Tonight!” Shouted Ray, following in Mikey’s hyperactive footfalls, “Pencey Prep is going to let us use their van to transport our stuff, since we don’t have a decent way to do that yet.” Mikey danced around the room, a beer in his hand, he practically spilled it all over the practice studio, and thank goodness we hadn’t set up our instruments yet…

“I’m so nervous Mikes, what are we gonna do… up there, on the stage?” I asked frantically, forcing stale beer down my throat, which was courtesy of Pencey Prep, he just responded with an inarticulate slur, and I realized that I was on my own.

After the show, I was so riled up; it was like we got on stage and the place exploded. I knew; this band is gonna go far. Or at least, I knew that until I walked into the empty alley.

A beautiful figure stood there, a woman, made of porcelain and glass, it seemed. I was still high from performance euphoria, I approached her.

“I saw you perform,” She said, still not even facing me, not moving a single graceful muscle, a statue of stolid perfection. “It was wonderful.” I circled around her, she continued to remain still.

This was when I saw her face, its beauty marred by the monster inside. She used her ivory fangs to pierce my neck, entire pain overwhelmed my body, and I drank her blood as well. It was… sweet, like sugar laced syrup, on chocolate chip pancakes that my mother made for me, so long ago. Then I found myself, the evil that had prematurely blossomed with the help of demonic essences being poured into me.

With her help I began to turn the friends that had supported and helped me for all of my human years, and kill those that put me down. First, I tried to turn Matt, but the transformation didn’t take, he passed away into the realm of ghosts. Then I turned Mikey, Ray, and even Frank, for his loyal friendship. Then my bloodlust ran full, I needed to kill, I needed to hunt, I needed to eat. My mother and father seemed like the perfect target, so I put them out of their aging misery and any misery at all.

This was where it happened.

My mother, smart in her Jersey ways, always kept a wooden baseball bat around, but she had sharpened the point into what could be a fine stake, she killed my Lilith. The bitch that had raised me killed the beauty that made me. I hadn’t thought that my recent transformation would warrant tears, but I loved Lilith, we had a bond of trust in death, perhaps love that was severed right then, with a cheap baseball bat. It could never be replaced.

I didn’t realize it, but I was shaking with anger now, and I needed someone to kill. I looked at Cierra, the very image of beauty. And I wanted to tear her throat out… But now was not the time.

“You’re going to go to your best friend’s and your father’s funeral, but you’re going to lock everyone in the church. I’m going to kill them all.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is short crap, but oh well.
Twist much? xD
Now for Dezz!!!