I'm Just the Worst Type of Guy to Argue With.

Aw, Sugar

She stabbed me, multiple times, in different places of weakness. I removed the blood stained blade, noting how excitedly the blood clotted in my mouth. It wasn’t going to take long for the vitamin K to heal me up, with my strength, but at the moment I was blind.

But I could follow my nose.

I thundered out of the church, my trench coat billowing behind me, rain still bombarded the sides of buildings and tin roofs, from my hearing. I heard more thunderheads clap, but that couldn’t stop the scent. Even if one of her skin cells caught on a tree, I would smell it. Wind chimes rang in the distance. Cierra’s flourishing flowery scent came from the same direction, but ultimately changed course. I practically flew in the direction of her roses and vanilla natural scent. The damp might’ve made my job harder, but eventually I just heard her about a mile away.

Cierra had asthma, of course.

I screamed silently as my eyes repaired themselves. I suppose Ci thought that I would be blinded for eternity, the foolish girl she was. I would be blind for maybe a few more hours, minutes if I got human blood soon.

And I think I will.

Cierra’s heartbeat stood out from the rustling leaves and twigs snapped by animals. I felt my eye attach back to my brain, now I saw very blurry shapes, but I did not have to rely on that to see Cierra’s pained form. She leaned on the side of a large majestic oak tree, her sides heaving noticeably from exertion. The gash in my side finished healing with a gut wrenching twist. I heard Cierra sob as she saw me, but she was already crying from her distinct lack of oxygen.

“I found you.” I stated bluntly, sitting next to her, grabbing her hands and placing them on top of her head to regulate her wind pipe. Her touch restored my vision’s blinding distinctness and I felt whole again as all my senses had returned. I heard her breathing resume its customary pace and her heartbeat quicken to the norm, as she now had oxygen to pump through it.

“Are you angry?” She asked plaintively, her hands returning to her lap. I stared at her hands, my eyes hungrily tracing the veins on her delicate wrists.

“No. You had every right to do what you did. I know you didn’t want to see the faces of your friends and family all looking at you like you were the worst thing in the world. Believe me, I know.” The wind chimes blew against each other again, meshing with the wind and rain that pelted the tree.

“Did you just reveal something personal about yourself?” My Sugar asked, her lips twitching in the ghost of a smile, which faded the instant she knew she was casting it. Of course, she knew nothing about my plan.

I touched her veins with the tip of my index finger, tracing my hands up her trembling arms. I smirked as she shivered in my gaze, and as wind crawled up her skirt, lifting it slightly. She made no move to stop my other hand crawling up, she sighed as she bore her own precious eyes into mine. My hand reached her shoulder, and I kissed it gently, after making sure that no blood laced the rosy swirls in my soft textured lips. She shivered and her heart pounded against her ribcage. I smiled up at her; finally clean white teeth, making her eyes brighten in return. I returned to her eye level, and her eyes crinkled in suspicion. I ignored it and dived in. I put my lips on hers, and she responded eagerly, her heart racing in surprise at her own actions.

A trickle of water fell down my face as I realized the stupid girl was tearing up. It was just what I wanted. My hand, still under her skirt, began to do things that no one would be proud of, and she kept herself poised, wanting me, but still the same loathing me. The confusion tore up her mind. I removed my hands from all the places they had been, finally removing my lips.

“I…” She trailed off, her lips still parted in need for me.

“You should go back. Home. I’m done with you.” I rejected her hand, trying to clasp mine, and she rejected her own attempts.

“What?” Cierra asked, shock in her voice.

“I’m done. You’re no good to me anymore. I’m letting you live. You should be happy, now run before I change my mind.” She stood up, hesitating in her small steps. Ci, still crying began to run. Anywhere, everywhere. I smirked. She would never see this coming.

I finished killing the sorcerer. I had to steal the Nymph’s blood from him for a reason other than its normal uses. I had to combine it with troll’s blood, as disgusting as that sounds.

This created a malady that made one feel strong, without heartbeat, and invincible.

I’m going to make her thing she’s a vampire.
♠ ♠ ♠
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