I'm Just the Worst Type of Guy to Argue With.

With What You Might Find...

I'm the worst type of guy to argue with.
Ci's Point of View (Since Erinn rights Gerard's. ;D)
I woke that morning with a stiff neck. Running my warm hand over it, I didn't feel anything, just smooth, silky skin. I looked down at my black floor, pulled myself out of bed while leaning my head on one shoulder since it hurt so badly. Keeping it like this always helped take the pain away until I could go downstairs for some ice. I had been waking up with a stiff, pained neck for a few weeks now. I had no idea what was causing it, sleeping on it the wrong way, perhaps?
Biting down on my lip, I got up and got dressed for school.
After an hour, I was dressed in a black skirt that came about three inches above my knee, white knee high socks that had the black rings around the top and my black converse. My shirt was white, as well, polo with the collar. My black hair was straightened and messy. My eyeliner was light, with brown eye shadow that was just a little bit darker then my skin tone, which was very pale.
Walking down the stairs into the kitchen for some ice and breakfast, I started wondering why my neck was so stiff again. I stopped downstairs and turned into the bathroom. The bathroom was all white, except for a picture of a pretty blood red rose. The background was plain black and the rose was hanging upside down, the thorns intimidating as some of the peddles were falling off. I flicked the light on and moved my hair from my neck and looked where it hurt. My breath caught, it was a little red, but barely noticeable. I leaned in closer to the mirror and saw two tiny little red holes, they were very tiny, very unoticeable, and looked as if they were healing. What the hell!? I looked over at the picture of the rose, my eyes resting on the thorns....

Sitting in class later that day, I felt so weak. I started feeling weak the same day my neck had started hurting about three weeks ago. And ever since, almost every day I had started getting weaker, and weaker and weaker.... Maybe I should consult a doctor? Biting at my lip, the bell rung, just in time for gym, and speaking of the weak....

Once outside, I felt an eerie presence on me, and it wasn't the pervy jock's eyes on my legs, either. I hated the gym uniform, for the girls it was black short, short shorts and a white t-shirt of tank top. Of course I opted for the t-shirt. I swear, the only reason the girls shorts were this short, (they came way up our thigh) was because one reason and one reason only, the gym teacher was a man. End of it. The boys uniforms were completely different. Baggy black mesh basketball shorts and a white solid tanktop. I growled as I walked onto the field sluggishly.
The eerie presence, like someone watching me everywhere I went was started to creep me out. I had felt it way before my neck started hurting, like two months ago. Could it be connected? But, if someone was coming in my room late at night, wouldn't I know? Wouldn't it wake me up or something? I shivered, feeling breath on the nape of my neck as I spun around quickly, but no one was there.
"What a freak." I heard a girl say, looking at me.
I must just be paranoid. Sighing, I walked over to the rest of the class. The gym teacher was taking roll and I was wondering what we would be playing today. Basketball? Softball? Soccer? All of which I felt to weak and to tired to do.
"What are we playing today?" the coach asked us. He always let us pick.
The boys decided to play football and the girls decided on softball. I growled, great, something I would be forced to run in. Walking over to the softball field a bat came flying in my face, I shielded my head and and turned to the side as people laughed, even the coach.
"You're batting first." Mr. Jay laughed as he handed me the black bat.
Great. Just great! I growled and took it from him, dragging it along the grass as I made it on the field, then drug it through the dirt. Getting up to homeplate, the sun was right in my eyes, and I could barely see anything. I really should be excused from gym since I had asthma, but no, the stupid school didn't listen. They just said I didn't have to run.
Before I knew it the ball came whizzing at me and I just gasped and jumped back.
"WUSSY!" someone yelled and I frowned. I couldn't help I wasn't good at sports.
Eventually, I was striked out and even more people snickered. I dropped the bat, and grumbled as I walked over to the bench. I loved school. Damn, I was such a sarcastic sixteen year old.

Finally, school was over and I was shoving everything in my bag. "Ci!" I heard a yell and turned around.
"Ash!" I smiled and saw my bestfriend walking up to me.
"Where were you all day?" I asked with a small laugh.
"Ditched." she answered with a gleam in her eye.
"If you ditched then why are you stupid enough to come back here before school's really let out. Do you want to get caught?" I smiled, as I slammed my locker, it felt so great to have all that weight off my shoulders. I knew what I was doing when I got home. Sleeping.
"I wanted to give you a ride home, or well... walk since I don't have my car right now." she laughed. "I noticed how week you've been, I don't want you passing out somewhere before you get home, getting kidnapped and then raped or something...." she said sincerely.
But really that scared me. With the feeling of someone watching me, the two tiny holes on my neck, and now she thinks someone might kidnap me....
"Do you have a mirror?" I asked.
Ash nodded and handed me her makeup compact. I opened it and took a look at my neck. The red was gone and so were the wholes. Nothing! Had I just been halfway asleep when I went and looked at my neck this morning? Had I day dreamt that the holes were on my neck. Well...
I closed the compact and handed it back to her. "Thanks." I smiled as we walked out of the school.
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Well, I dumbed down this post! This thing SUCKS ARSE. I should have taken more time on it but if I didn't write this and post it now, I never would have. Because yet it is that time of the month and my cramps hurt like a merferker. So, I atleast gave a little bit of background on Ci... a little bit. Like how she asthma. I'll make my next post even better for you guys! -Dezzerz.