I'm Just the Worst Type of Guy to Argue With.

Pull The Plug

I slipped the blanket off of my body as I entered my crypt. Like the arrogant fool I was, I had taken to watching the beauteous girl by daylight, and was forced to shoulder the brunt of the Sun’s rays to support my habit, the blanket helped me from going up in flames, though my loins were already afire when I saw the girl. I looked at her in the shortest shorts that I had ever seen, and then I looked at all of the other hopeless boys staring at her long and lean legs and envied that they could see her with her seeing them.
Truthfully, I wanted her to see me, but then I wanted to bite her, or ravage her, first, then revel in a bath of her bountiful blood.

I sighed and sat on top of the small one-corpse tomb inside of the empty and desolate mausoleum, wishing that I could just touch or feel, with her knowing, with fear clouding her blood, making the sweet taste even more prominent. I wished upon my sire’s dust pile that I could get that sense of fear from her, but how?


I stood on the balcony of Ci’s bedroom, she still had yet to fall into her deep and semi-comatose resting state, as it was only eleven thirty, a half-hour before she would truly fall asleep. Perfect.

It was just the right time for my plan to go off without a single hitch, as Cierra herself didn’t know of her odd and repetitive resting patterns. I nonchalantly walked through her door, waiting for her to wake at my noisy entrance.

“Who’s there? I’ve got a baseball bat, don’t come any closer!” She reacted, while I just laughed an ominous chuckle from the darkest corner of her bedroom, where she couldn’t see me.

Shh. I said, “It’s just a nightmare, it will end when you come over here, then you can just sleep, do you want that?” I felt the vibrations as she unwittingly began to slide the comforter off of her legs; she then retaliated against her very own, “nightmare.” It would only be worse if she did, though.

“I’m not awake yet, I’ve probably pinched myself ten times by now!” Her voice was insolent, showcasing that she genuinely hadn’t been in the world for that long of a time. If my obsession continued the way that I thought it would, she wouldn’t be in the world for much longer. I willingly admitted that I was obsessed and infatuated, but would Cierra admit to herself that she was mine? No matter where she goes my shadow will haunt her, little does she know, but shadows are dangerous in their very own way. I had bitten her enough that she was just my chew toy among many, like a dog’s favorite toy, but sexier.

I menacingly laughed again, throwing my voice, to make it seem as if I were in a different corner of the room, even though I certainly wasn’t in the mood to rush about the room silently, as was a vampire’s wont. “You obviously have never had a true nightmare before. Let me fill you in, darling, you have to let it run its course before it can leave your veins. It will all be over in a moment, don’t you worry.” I coddled her sarcastically, just as she was, if I had bothered to get to know her, which I didn’t.

She didn’t think that she was, but she began to stand up and walk, slow and cautious step, a little bit closer, a little bit closer. I met her in the middle, her eyes widened at the sight of my human mask. “I thought that this was a nightmare?” She said, curious as to why I was so handsome, for a supposedly evil creature, that is.

“It is…” I leaned down, about to bite her neck, but she met my ferocious snarl in the middle of my metamorphosis into vampire form, with her lips. My teeth elongated while she put her lips on mine and her tongue went to meet my own, she cut her lip on the teeth.

“Ouch!” She exclaimed, breaking the most bracing thing that had ever occurred to me in my life, her kiss. She looked at my face and seemed to have the urge to scream, but

“I told you so.” I said, while she silently let me pierce her neck for what seemed like the hundredth time, but was truly a repetition of what had happened for many a less times than that. She gasped when I took a little bit more from her than usual.

“Please… don’t.” She said when I began to lead her to her own bed.

“Sugar, I’m not going to hurt you, just go to sleep and everything will be alright, I promise you.” I wasn’t lying; this was only a miniscule amount of hurt compared to the mass agony that I could have caused her. I sat her down, detaching my teeth from her neck.

I put on my humane mask again, but she couldn’t see it, she was asleep by now, from a human sleeping powder that I had put on my teeth, it didn’t affect me, of course. This time, I applied a different kind of healing herb to her wounds. This aromatic plant did cure the two very obvious holes in her neck, but it also caused a hallucinogenic chain-reaction in her head that made only her see the scars.

I am an evil genius. I torture her with her own nightmare, then when she wakes up, she’ll see the scars from it, but she won’t be able to feel it, just skin.

“Aw, Sugar, don’t worry, it’ll be much worse, soon.” I said to her, kissing her forehead tenderly, wishing that the kiss we had shared would have lasted longer, but only to make the betrayal worse when I turned into a vampire…

I walked back to the cemetery that I lived in, taking a quick detour down an alleyway, where I found a prostitute, trying to sell herself to a very reluctant customer. “Stop badgering the man, girl.” I said, the man ran away, thinking that I was her pimp, the idiot that he was.

“Thanks a lot, you just caused me my night’s share, unless…” She questioned my motives, taking a look at my strong figure and biting her lip seductively, “You have need of my services?” I looked at her, she was probably the best cream of the whore-crop, being still standing in the tell-tale heels and lack of clothing in the late fall.

“Yes,” I said, shoving her brutally against the wall, “but not here.” I grabbed her wrist, dragging her the few hundred feet to the graveyard, she winced, surprised at my strength. When I pushed her through the mausoleum door she smiled, though I could feel her heartbeat increase with fear. She sat on the one-man-tombs, but I pulled a cold metal chair from the corner.

“Sit.” She obeyed.

I took rope from the same corner, I tied her to the chair, she laughed a whorish giggle, thinking that this was some sort of kinky game; she seemed to like the pain of it.

I’ll show her pain.

I reached my hand in my pocket, circling around the overly-made-up girl; I pulled something from my pocket. I straddled her, she thought that she was finally going to get something done tonight, but not on my watch. What I had pulled from my pocket was a knife, which I held close to her face, while she whimpered in surprise.

I laughed, she screamed, hoping that someone would help her, though it was all in vain. I dragged the knife against her arms, practically peeling the skin off, she let tears stream down her face, severely ruining her cheap and tacky make-up. I took the knife to her clothes, shredding both the clothing and the skin underneath, she screamed and tried to break free, which just made me cut even deeper.

All of the blood flowing to the ground, pooling at my feet and seeping in through the soles of my shoes, was enough to make my demon visage overtake the attractive human charade, she screamed even louder. This made me chuckle.

“If you don’t want to see my face, I can easily fix that.” I took her shoe off of her foot, pressing it into her eye socket, which crushed and penetrated her eyeball, I did the same with the other, watching in pleasure as the thick blood and human slime ran down her face. I chucked the plastic, slutty, and blood-covered shoe across the room.

“I guess you won’t cry anymore, will you?” I asked her, she nodded no, screaming with all of her might, which eventually just made me want to giggle. I laid out a few more torture tools, but eventually she just stopped screaming… Until I untied her and started beating her senseless, that is.

After it all, she was blue, green, red, purple, pink, or any other color of the rainbow that you could want. She obviously couldn’t see the train-wreck that she was, but she could probably feel the whip marks burning into her back.

“Any last words?” I asked, tiring of the torture and just wanting to take supper.

“I’m numb.”

And that was all she knew.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, this is Erinn, I hope that this one's long enough.
So the next update shall be from the wonderful Deshy, enjoy!