I'm Just the Worst Type of Guy to Argue With.

And Holding On

I woke up that Saturday morning, hearing the songs from birds coming in little bitty chirps. Yawning, I took my arms up and stretched, glad that I didn't have school today. I didn't think I could take those boys staring at my legs in gym again one more time.... Maybe I would switch electives... But I needed a bit more exersice.
Sighing, I untangled myself from the purple lacey covers from my soft queen sized bed. Then I remembered I had to write a short essay on 'Love is...' before Monday. That just destroyed my weekend. Could I not have one weekend to do nothing at all? Just one weekend without any distractions, no homework, no chores, no people interupting me, just silent bliss. No. Apparently, I couldn't.
Rubbing my eyes and yawning at the same time, like a small child, I walked into the bathroom. Not even glancing in the mirror, I ran a hand through my short raven black hair, feeling my lucious strands of hair softly fall on the sides of my face, my bangs, which were the same length as the longest layer of my hair, fall over my left eye.
I loved my hair. The black, solid, jet black color that shined under light, all the many layers that were in it. The shortest to the longest, the shortest being spikeable, which I usually only did every Halloween. Though, everyday, if I was up for it, I would mess my hair up with styling gel, just to give it that 'edge' that I oh so desperately longed for.
Walking over to the shower, I turned on the hot water, and walked back to the door, feeling that same bone chilling feeling that I had felt on me that day in gym. I shivered, wiping sleep from my eyes as I closed and locked the bathroom door. I'm glad I had my own private bathroom in my bedroom, and my own walk-in closet.
Running a hand through the back of my hair again, I wanted that feeling gone. The scary feeling that I was being watched. Walking over to the small window in the bathroom, I bit my lip and looked through the glass. I couldn't really see anything, put I pulled the shade, for some extra comfort.
I decided against a shower, and decided for a relaxing bubble bath. That way, I could lay there in complete bliss and think of what love was for my essay. Turning the shower off, I put the plug in the bath tub and turned the hot water back on, just not the shower this time.
Waiting for it to fill up, I sat on the toilet, feeling the fuzzy black cover it had on my bare legs, as I sat there in my bra and underwear. Plain black and lacy. I liked lace.... Something was really starting to scare me, though. I couldn't remember anything that happened last night. I couldn't remember changing into my pajamas, I couldn't remember laying down in bed, falling asleep.... All I could remember was waking up....
Looking over, I saw the water was halfway to the top, so I threw in some bubble maker and waited for that to take affect and get to the right spot that I wanted. Biting at my lip, I decided I wouldn't work on my essay today. I might start it, think on it, but I wanted today to be for me, and only me. Maybe I'd go out to.... With Ash. Sounded perfect to me!
Once the water and bubbles were the top, but not overflowing, I unclipped my bra and slid my underwear down off my legs and to the floor. Pressing 'play' on my bathroom stereo, the Used started playing. It was a compilation CD I had made awhile ago, and I always listened to it.
"I caught fire in your eyes, I've lost my place, I'm melting in your eyes...." Bert McCracken sang as I put my foot into the hot scalding water. A shiver ran through my spine as the hot water burned my skin, but it felt good. The good kind of pain. Letting my other foot follow the first, I sunk down into the water, sighing from the scalding water and from how good it felt.
The song switched to 'Adam Lambert-Fever.' I smiled and sang along, "Lights on, but your mom's not home. I sick of laying down alone, with this fever, fever, yea, my one and only, I wanna get you alone, yea, give you fever! Give you my f-f-f-fever!" I left the long notes for Adam as I sunk down as low as I could into the water, it rose above my chin.
"Hmm... love is...." I spoke to myself, writing things down in my mind. Well, love wasn't at all what it was cracked up to be. It hurt. It stung. It broke people. It took lives. It crushed hearts, souls.... "Love is...a rose, withering with time..." I shook my head, crossing a mental line through that one. "Love is... a sick dream you can never be awoken from...." Another mental line.....
I sighed as I let my head fall under the water, getting my black hair wet. The song switched again. 'Tokio Hotel-Zoom into Me.' I really had the need for Adam Lambert right now though.... I had put a lot of Adam on this CD, so, if I was correct, 'Broken Open' by him would be next.
"Love is.... a lie behind lace...." well, that one wasn't too bad, but I could do so much better. "Love is.... irreversable, uninvitable,...." I didn't know where I was going with that one.
"This is taking way to long. What is love!?" I spoke to myself, looking up at the ceiling. Then I remembered what my literature teacher had said in class Friday.
"I want you to close your eyes...." she had smiled, showing white, pearly teeth. "Now, I want you to picture clouds. Any kind of clouds. Your kind of clouds. Wether they be white, fluffly, overlapping a bright, pale blue sky. Or, gray, black, with a murky sky behind them, ...." She had paused for a second, and I had pictured the fluffly, white clouds... the ones that looked so comfortable, the ones that looked like you could reach out and grab them, or pull yourself up onto them and take a nap, and just lay there forever, doing nothing but sleeping, and relaxing.... Absolute perfection.
She had smiled again, "Now, describe the clouds using a metaphor...." I hadn't answered this question.
"Okay," she moved on, "This time, I want you to close your eyes, and picture how you think love would look, if we could see it." she had instructed us, "Do the same with the clouds, go home and write on it...."
I decided to do just that.
Closing my eyes again in the hot bath water, I tried to picture what I think love would look like. I saw a face, a beautiful, stunning face. Pale skin, hazel brown eyes, a mix of honey... No... Hazel eyes, like a glaze... a honey mist. Lips, a pale pink, lucious and soft, and black hair, jet black, raven colored black hair, that shined under the light, the same as mine. Beautiful.
Then it hit me.
"Love is... a sick charade behind a beautiful face."
The water swirled around me as I lifted myself up slightly. Now, that I knew what love was, I could move on with my bath. I had been in here for at least an hour, or two; the CD was replaying itself.
"It's late at night and I can't sleep, missing you just runs to deep, oh I can't breathe, thinking of your smile..." I sang, "Every kiss I can't forget..." I held my pink razor in my hand after lathering up my legs and I started to shave....
Pulling myself from the soapy, suddy, bubbly bath water, I pulled the plug and watched the water run down slowly. Grabbing my crimson red towel. I patted my soft, smooth legs dry and then ran the fuzzy cover up the rest of my body. Feeling it dry my torso, my chest, my neck, and then my arms, I sighed. I towel dried my hair dry, which took at least forty-five more minutes. Then I pulled on my underwear and bra.
The mirror had already de-fogged and I was letting my straightener heat up when I saw something on my neck. My eyes bugged out as I gasped and almost fell back. Two big holes on the side of my neck, like something bit me, but to big to be a spider bite. Sort of like a snake bite....
Glancing into my room I saw the Dracula poster on my wall and then it hit me. The marks resembled vampire bites, but that was ridiculious! Vampires didn't, couldn't, exist! I got back up, looking in the mirror, running a hand over the bite marks, but I didn't feel them! I just felt my skin.... My soft, pale skin, but I could see the marks in the mirror.
Feeling my heartbeat pick up, and my breathing quicken, I fell to the floor again. Panic attack... asthma attack... a little bit of both. Mainly panic. My lungs seemed to close up, feeling the panic get to me of the bite marks. Of how I could see, but not feel them.
Crawling into my room as fast as I could, I grabbed my inhaler off the dresser and laid in the floor, taking life saving breaths from the little piece of plastic.

An hour later, I was fine. By two hours, my hair was straightened, and I was messing it up with hair gel, still thinking of the bite marks. I had already called Ash, when she got here, I would ask her if she could see them. If she could, major relief, if she couldn't... I would think I was crazy.
I heard the doorbell ring and dashed down to answer it. I would ask in a non-crazy way. "Hey, Ash can I ask a quick question?"
"Sure, chicka!" she smiled.
"I feel something on my neck, like it kind of hurts, do you see anything?" I asked, moving my hair from my neck as Ash leaned toward my neck.
I gulped and saw something in my head, like a vision. A black headed, pale boy, leaning towards my neck, in my room.
"No." Ash said, and I gasped, being pulled out of the vision.
"Oh...okay... let's go then." I frowned and grabbed my jacket.