I'm Just the Worst Type of Guy to Argue With.

Alright, Give Up, Get Down.

I ran a through my raven black hair as walked on the pavement outside of my house. Ow, my hair felt sort of dead, I think I've died it to much.... Turning into my driveway, I felt sort of calm, at peace, but I knew that would be ruptured soon. It always was.
Seeing a crimson envelope on the porch, I picked it up. The color reminded me of blood. I flipped it over to see its stamped shut. Breaking the seal, I pulled out a piece of notebook paper, stained with...blood?! I felt a lump in my throat, as I unfolded the paper to see more blood stains and an exquisite cursive handwriting. How did those two things go together? Feeling my stomach turn, I slowly read what was written down on the paper.
Dear Cierra Trent,

As you can tell, your mother is dead, and I have killed her. I will kill everyone you love until your blood tastes like honey fresh from the hive. Sugar, you will fear me and it will make your death so much moreā€¦ playful.

With The Utmost Sincerity,


My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. I read over the letter several more times. My mother wasn't dead.... Surely I would have been informed of it before now, right? I felt the lump in my throat get bigger and I had to get to the bottom of this now. I felt hot tears burn my eyes, but I pushed them away. Not now. This could be a hoax, a simple prank....
Getting inside the house, I laid the letter down on my nightstand in my room. I pulled my cellphone from my pocket and dialed the hospital.
Ring... Ring... Ring...
"Hello? Hello!?" a frantic voice yelled into the reciever. I knew that voice. It was the voice of Patricia. The black, white headed lady that worked at the hospital after my mother got off her shift. But, my mom wasn't home yet, so that sort of scared me.
"Patricia, wh-where's my m-mom?" I found myself stuttering and shaking because the more I thought about it, the more I believed that my mother was dead, like what the note had written down on it.
There was a sick silence on the other end of the phone, but then Patricia's voice broke it, "Honey... I'm so sorry. You're mother was killed along with about fifty so other workers and patients last night..." I could tell Patricia was on the verge of crying herself.
"Th-thanks for...uh...t-telling me...." I hung up the phone quickly and fell to my floor, the note wasn't lieing. My mother was dead. The one person in this life I truly loved more then anything. Her picture forced it's way into my mind, her bright blonde hair, her aging lines around her mouth and her bright blue eyes that resembled icey crystals, the same as mine.
Hot tears streaked down my face more and more as I continued to cry. Not only was my mother dead, but someone, my mother's killer, was coming after the ones I loved and then me....
I wiped a hand along my eyes as I made the feeble attempt to pull myself up into my bed. I grabbed my phone again and rang Ash, who answered pretty quick.
We talked for what seemed like hours. Or, I talked for what seemed like hours, crying over the phone to my best friend about my mother, we even talked about memories we had shared with my mom, we sounded like old ladies reminiscing about old times.
But soon it was two fifteen in the morning and we both had to go. The funeral would be to today, visitation at ten, burial at four. My father didn't want it dragged out over two-three days, he wanted it over as soon as possible, but then again, so did I. I wanted my mom lain to peace as quickly as we could get her there.

The next day, the funeral had come way to quickly. In my black dress, with my black stitched veil covering my face, I held a rose in both hands below my waist. Tears streaked my face and people were staring at me. I hated how people thought there was a certain way you had to grieve. How you couldn't burst into tears, and run from the room because you were so overworked at the death of your loved one. How people expected you to take hugs, and stand their quietly, with a look of sadness on your face, but not shedding any tears.
Well, Damnit, I wanted to cry so I would!
Ash walked up to me, wearing almost the same thing as me. Her hair swooshed behind her as she ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. The same lump in my throat that had been there the night before, still refused to go away.
"Do you wanna see your mother? One last time?" Ash asked me.
I felt a heavy gaze on me as I nodded as Ash helped me to walk to the black, shiny coffin. Looking in, tears bursted from my eyes again as I saw my mother. A black veil was hung over her face, and I wanted to know why. I reached my hand out to pull the veil black but someone caught my hand. Looking up I saw it was my dad.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
I nodded and he did too as he walked away. I pulled the veil back and kept a grave face on. There was a bite mark on my mother's neck and I felt like I could vomit. What kind of sick, sadistic....? But then something shiny caught my eye. I looked towards it and gasped, my mother's cross necklace... Taking it from her neck, I held the silver cross on it's silver chain in my hand.
Turning around, uneasily, I balled my hand, in which the cross lay, into a fist. "Ash, would you stay over tonight with me? I dont want to be alone in the house, dad's going off somewhere." I whispered as tears carressed my face.
"Sure, hon." Ash said, crying a little herself.
She wrapped her arms around me again as we walked into the waiting room of the funeral home, where I let more tears fall.