I'm Just the Worst Type of Guy to Argue With.

Slip Into the Tragedy

I fell to the ground as my friend's murderer left my room. He killed my mom, he killed my bestfriend, and my dad was probably next on his list. I ran a hand through Ash's hair and sobbed as I thought of what to do.

If my mom were here she would tell me to run and try to save myself, my dad would say the same. They always told me they would give up their lives for me and there was no way I could stop that man from what he was about to do to my father.

Picking myself up from the floor, I wiped away the tear tracks on my cheeks and pushed my hair out of my face. Sliding my shoes on I walked down the stairs, quietly, my hands resting against the wall for support. Gulping, I heard the man, the scary man in the kitchen. I only knew him as G.A.W from the letter he left.

Then I stopped myself. I remembered up in my room how I had taken a step towards him, so we were less then a centimeter away from one another, and I had the strangest vision in my head of the two of us kissing. It almost made me want to gag, why would I kiss him!? Though deep inside I felt a pull towards him.

I shook this thought from my head. He's killing everyone around me!

Taking that last step off the stairs, I noticed the front door was open. How lucky for me, right? I heard an ear-splitting scream coming from my dad and I almost ran into the kitchen, as more tears made their way down my face. I couldn't go in there, I had to save myself. I'm sorry, Dad., but I couldn't save him if I tried.

Bolting out through the front door, night fell over me. I was still in my funeral dress, except now the bottom was tattered, slightly torn from me tripping over it down the stairs, and it was wet, damp from the outside.

Crying, I ran down the street, wondering where I was going. I stopped and looked both ways. Left would take me to the city, right would take me into a suburb. I took left. I ran as fast as I could, thank you gym class.

My heart beat faster and faster in my chest as I felt as if I was being followed. It was possible, I doubted this killer wouldn't chase after me, of course he would chase after me!

Getting into town, all the store's doors were locked and it was pretty much a dead end for my life. The word suicide ran through my mind and it seemed like a pretty good idea now. I slowed, and just turned, walking down a dark alley way, with only one lamp post in it. I walked past into, into the living darkness as I breathed calmly.

Death wasn't an ending, it was just a new beginning.

I sat down in the darkness, and peered back the way I had came. Tap. Tap. Tap. He had been following me, I saw his crimson, red glowing eyes in the darkness and as he stepped forward, under the lamp post, they dimmed back down into their red-ish black color.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to walk down dark alleys at night? I doubt your mother would even have to tell you that, you're a smart girl, you should know it's only asking for trouble." the man said, as he took a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a long drag, and blowing the smoke back out through his nose.

He dropped the cigarette, crushed it and started walking towards me. I took this opportunity to get a good look at him, once again. His crimson eyes, that longed for blood, his ghost-like skin, and his pale pink lips, which were forming into an evil smirk. His black hair, that hung down past his chin you could tell was caked with blood from where he never washed it away. He wore a nice, pinstripe black suit, with a blood red tie. Maybe the tie was stained completely with blood, maybe it was originally white, or some other color.

I frowned, as he got to me. His hand gripped tightly around my neck and he hit my back up against a cold, stone wall.

"Now, Sugar, what are we never, ever going to do again?" he asked me.

"W-walk down d-dark alleys?" I answered, my voice shaking and stumbling over it's own words.

"That's right, but I don't think you'll ever have another chance to walk down dark alleys." he chuckled and sunk his midnight fangs deep into my neck. His cold, white hand creeped over my mouth so I couldn't scream as he drunk the liquid from my body. Tears made new tracks over my face as my veins began to throb and ache. I grew weak in the man's arms, and I felt him rip his fangs back out.

"Damn, sugar, you taste so good." he grinned evilly as I fell limp in his arms. He held me close to him as he started to walk back out of the alley. I wondered what he was going to do with me now, kill me? I had no clue, I just let myself fall into unconciousness, just listening to the tap, tap, tap of his shoes as he carried me away.
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