
Oncoming Storm

Come the end of the day, it had begun to rain lightly. My perfect cloud was slowly being swallowed uo by the ever-darkening sky as I sat on the railing outside the playground, waiting for my sisters. Five minutes fast... Ten... Fifteen... I couldn't wait any longer. I hopped down from the rail and pulled my skull hoodie up, dumping my hands in my pockets as I started back home.

The way home was fairly normal until I got to the town square, where there seemed to be a mob of people huddled in a circle around something. Something with a deep, mournful voice. "They're coming! The storm will swallow us all! Run while you can!" cried the voice. From the instant I heard the voice, I knew who it was. Old man Jenkings. A filthy homeless man who preyed upon people in the square, begging for money. He'd never sounded as scared as this. "The reapers! They will bring their axe down on this place! Flee! FLEE!" he yelped, before pushing his way through the crowd and running off into an alley. All of the people burst into hysterics, before returning to their business. I chuckled slightly and started back on the road home. Heh... Perhaps I wasn't the only crazy one?

When I got home, I found the door to be locked. Just my damn luck, eh? They'd already gone swimming. Cheeky bitches had left me waiting outside school. I had no choice but to sit on the porch and stare up at the black sky. What seemed to me like a minute must have been about an hour, because I was suddenly nterrupted by a young girl's voice. "Stop it, Star boy." she giggled. I looked down to see Ellie with her arms crossed, Roxanne and our mother approaching us from behind her. Ellie happily skipped up to the front door as motehr opened it. I stood myself up solemnly, turning on my heels, starting for my room.

"You're so weird..." I heard from behind, I span around and saw Roxanne smirking up at me. "Shut up..." I sighed, entering the house, closely followed by her.

((CHAPTER NOT FINISHED! I'm being thrown off the computer... D: Will finish asap!))