Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 13

Gerard and Mikey got here, and Mikey got settled in my bed. He didn't look as bad as I thought, but he needed someone to keep an eye on him. Then we got the cam hooked up. We put a black paper in front of it so they would think it's not working right.

"Is that Tori and her boyfriend?" Gerard asked.

"Yep. His name is Nick."

Tori: It's just black.

Lisa: Aww, *Yells at Gerard* Gerard! Your cam sucks!

Then I moved the paper.

Lisa: Fooled you!

Tori: O_O Lemme guess, Gerard?

Lisa: No, random stranger.

Tori: ...

Lisa: Dumbass! If course it is!

Tori: Hey Gerard, nice to meet you, kinda.

Lisa: He says the same.

Tori: BRB O_O! Another potty run! Talk to Nick.

Nick: Heh-heh name changer. Sup?

Lisa: Nothing. Is she really sick?

Nick: Yup. That's the third time in the last hour.

Lisa: Yeesh. You should go by her.

Nick: She locks me out.

Lisa: Oh, so, you got her grounded?

Nick: Maybe. I told her not to sneak out.

Lisa: Her parents are strict.

Nick: I know, but I still love her.

Lisa: Aww.

Nick: Gotta go, she's calling me!

Lisa: Bye.

Nick has signed out.

"Cute couple," Gerard said. "Like us." He wrapped his arm around me.

"Yeah. So, what's wrong with Mikey?

"Stomach problems. He's better than yesterday though. He wouldn't stop

"Aww." I went and sat next to him. "Poor Mikey." I leaned and gave him a peck on
his forehead.

"Kiss of death!" Mikey shouted, sitting up quickly.

"How sick is he exactly?" I asked.

"I feel good now," he said.

"Ok, then go home. Go call Chelsea," Gerard said.

Mikey grumbled something as he left, closing the door behind him.

"That was weird," I said.

"How so?"

"He's sick, then he's not. Ain't that a little odd to you?"

"It happened to me once."

"Right. I'm gonna go change into something comfy."

I went into my closet and put on my sweatpants turned capris because they made friends with scissors, and a tank top. I hopped on my bed next to Gerard as he put a movie into my Playstation. Both of us fell asleep during the movie. I woke up once and saw the DVD menu, but I fell asleep again. The next time I woke up, my room was dark and silent. The only light came from my computer that was still on. I went to turn it off, but I saw a message from Gerard.

"Had to go. See you tomorrow. Love you. Oh yeah, look by your nightstand."

I turned on my bedroom light and saw something leaning against it. A large folder. I opened it and saw a drawing of myself. Dressed all in black. There was no background setting, it was just red. What threw me off was my smile. Fangs? Is he really that obsessed? It was still a really good drawing. He really knows how to capture human life. I pinned it up on my wall and went downstairs to eat. I talked to my mom about a few things, then went back upstairs, seeing Tori online, cam ready.

Tori: Lisa! Where are you?

Lisa: ~Turns on cam~ Here. Hey Nick.

Tori: He says hi. Where's Gerard.

Lisa: Left. Look what he drew for me. ~Moving camera around~

Tori: Damn, he's good. That's sweet.

Lisa: Yeah. Feeling better?

Tori: No food in me, but I have to keep eating so I have something to throw up.

Lisa: Aww. You'll get better soon.

Tori: Yeah. Gotta go. Bed time.

Lisa: *Huggle* Bye.

Tori has signed out.

I watched T.V, until I was able to fall asleep, which took a long time.

The next few days went by normally and it was finally Friday. All of us hung out after school, then we kind of split up afterwards. I went home for a while until I wanted to take a walk. I called Gerard but he wasn't home. I headed out and went down-town, going in and out of stores. I was walking past an alley, looking to see a couple making out. I looked away in disgust and kept walking until there was a scream. I snuck back and looked. He was holding her against the wall, his face by her neck. I could dimly see her face, a painful expression, and very familiar.