Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 18

"Oh my God!" I said as I saw the plane flying so low, disappearing in the fiery explosion near the top of the building.

The explosion rocked our building, and I was soon joined by people at the window. We were watching the bright blue sky be flooded with black clouds of smoke. Everything turned chaotic. People were running around frantically, dialing on cell phones. I
tried calling Gerard, but his phone was off. I called Mikey.



"Lisa? I'm in the middle of a passing period at school."

"A plane just hit one of the twin towers. Smoke, it's everywhere!"

"What!? Where's Gerard?"

"Don't worry. We're in a nearby building," I said, listening to another faint roar. "Oh my God!"

"What!?" Mikey shouted.

"The second building just got hit! Spread the word to the others that we're ok. I'm sure it won't be long till it's on every TV station. Just tell everyone that we're both fine."

"I will. You two be careful."

"We will. Take care."

I hung up as I continued to watch the horror unfold. I just stared, entranced in the disbelief of what I was seeing. I would blink my eyes and open them, hoping to see no fire, no smoke, just the bright blue sky that surrounded this beautiful city not too long ago.

"Hey Lisa," someone said behind me.

"It's unbelievable," I said, turning to Gerard.

"It is," he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I called Mikey and told him. Told him what's going on, and to tell everyone we're ok."

"Good. We'll head home when everything calms down."

"Kay. So, how much did you see?"

"We heard the plane and the explosion. Looked out to see the building on fire. Then I came to find you. I watched the second plane hit. I think everyone is in disbelief right now. That, and shock," he said.

"This is crazy. How could a plane hit the buildings?"

"We all want to know," someone said that was standing by us at the window.

We stood there and watched the chaos. Just over an hour ago, the city was so
peaceful, and itself. Now, everything was upside down. The sky was darker now. The smoke rose up through the air. It was like a giant chimney. What began next almost made me break down.

"Oh my God. There's people alive at the top!" I said, looking at people hanging out the windows above the fire.

I thought what I saw falling was only debris. I was wrong.

"This is so insane," Gerard said.

"They're jumping!" someone shouted.

I turned away so I wouldn't have to look. I walked away from the window, into the lounge area. It was already on TV, on every station. I saw that a place in D.C was also hit, but it wasn't as bad. I sat at one of the tables, just staring at it until my cell rang.