Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

chapter 2

"What are you doing in my room!?" someone said really loud and really fast.

I nearly jumped right out of my shoes.

"I'm so sorry," I said, turning to run out.

"Not so fast." He grabbed my arm and stopped me. I was waiting for him to
punch me or something. "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Gerard."

"Lisa," I said, finally looking up at him.

The word 'whoa' flashed through my mind. He was quite pale, with long black hair, hazel eyes, and he was around 5'8" maybe. He was dressed all in black. I thought he was hot.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta go. See you around." He was gone at that.

That was the last time I saw him until school started. I had talked to Mikey a few times, but for the most part, we were never out at the same time. During the first week of school, I saw them, and other girls, but never talked to them. During the warm season, we were able to sit around anywhere on school grounds. I saw the big group of nine of them, all at one of the picnic tables.

There was Gerard, his brother Mikey, who had his arms around a girl. She had long blonde hair with awesome emo bangs. She was slim, and really pale. There was a short guy by them with tattoos, piercings, and a black mowhawk that was down. Sitting in his lap was a girl with black and blonde hair, her lip pierced, and she was eating skittles, acting hyper. Then there was the guy with the fro. He looked tall, way taller than the girl sitting behind him, playing with the hair. Lastly, there was a tall guy with blonde hair and a lip ring. Another tall one with a short girl in his lap. She had long brown hair, streaked red.

I wanted to go over there badly, but I didn't want to look like a tard. They looked like a really close group of friends. I signed and tugged at my sock. Stupid school uniforms. We had to wear ties, and the girls had to wear skirts. Hell. Skirts were my worst enemy. Way too easy to get yourself misinterpreted.

"Hey, you're, like, new here right?" some girl asked.

"Yeah," I replied, looking up at a bleach blonde, fake tan on legs. She had two friends behind her that looked the same.

"I'm Jessica, this is Erin, and that's Krista," she said, taking a seat next to
me. "We're the three best cheerleaders on the squad."

"O-kay?" I saw Gerard walking this way.

"Oh look, the leader of the clan is here," Erin said.

"Yeah, if you don't leave, I'll bite you," Gerard said.

"Will you go away? I was talking to the new girl to see if she wanted to be on the squad," Jessica said.

"Really? I'd love to," I said. "But...I can't. My head doesn't go that far up my ass. Toodles." I grabbed my bag and walked away.

Two more classes, and I went home. Fridays are good for something. I stripped off my uniform and got dressed in something more me. I finished putting last touches on my room before calling my old best friend.

"Lisa!" she shouted into the phone.

"Kristen!" I shouted back.

"What's up?" she asked. "How's school?"

"Sucky! Uniforms. I have to wear a tie and a skirt."

"Eww. So, any boys?"

"Oh, my God. Kristen, he's my neighbor, a senior, and damn fine. And, I think he's single. You?"

"I found one. You remember Quinn Allman? The one I've had my eye on. He asked me out over the summer. Gah, I love him."

"Aww, good for you. Well, I gotta go. Time to make dinner."

"Ok. Bye, Lis."

"Bye, Kristen." I hung up.

I went downstairs and got dinner started. Not anything special. I left it on the stove for my mom before deciding to go for a walk. I stepped out into the somewhat cool night. I headed to the downtown area which wasn't a far walk. I soon had the feeling I was being followed. Then, two guys were walking on either side of me.