Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 23

“Do you think we forgot after two years? You got away the first time, but not this time,” the dark-haired guy said.

“You’re even prettier now,” the other guy behind me said. “Isn’t she, Brian?”

“Yeah. Come in, have a seat. We’re gonna be here for a while.”

“No!” I shouted, trying to take off.

“Oops. Forgot I was here?” the other guy said, grabbing me.

“Bed, or chair?”

“Chair,” Brian said, going for something under the bed. “Rope, or tape?”

“Both,” The other guy said, pushing me towards the chair. “Sit.”

“No!” I said.

“God dammit. Sit!” he shouted.

“Dude, dude, I got her. Here, catch.” Brian tossed a roll of duct tape. “Listen, Matt. We don’t wanna hurt her…yet.”

“Got it,” Matt said, catching the roll of tape.

He released his grip on me, and I took that as my chance. I shoved Matt and
went to run. I got out of the room and managed to find the front door. I opened it and came face to face with another guy.

“I didn’t know they were bringing one home tonight. The cutest one in a month.”
He grinned.

I tried to push past him, but he grabbed me around my waist and lifted me. I
cried as I struggled to get free. He carried me back towards the room.

“Matt!? Bri!?”

“In here.”

“Look what I found trying to escape.”

“Don’t remind me,” Matt said, rubbing his head.

“Ouch. Where do you want her?”

“Here.” Brian brought the chair over and I was roughly seated in it. “Pete, you wanna hold her, or the gun?”

“I’ll take the gun.” He took it and held it. “How bad do you wanna run now?” he
asked me.

They talked while Matt proceeded to bound me to the chair. He also covered my mouth.

“Pete, she’s a special one,” Brian started. “We had her two years ago. She was a newbie to the city. We had fun with her.”

“Yeah. Even if it was forced, she was a good lay,” Matt said. “You should have a go at her.”

“Then why’d you tie her to the chair?”

“Move her to the bed then. The cuffs are still there. Want some time with her?” Matt asked.

“Sure,” he said, catching my eye.

“Have fun.”

Brian and Matt left the room, closing the door on their way. Pete looked at me. That look brought back those two year old memories I’ve been trying to repress. I wasn’t making noise, but I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Aww, why are you crying?” he asked, brushing his hair out of his face.

I would have to admit he was a really good looking guy, but he knew the guys
that raped and almost killed me two years ago. I could feel my body shaking.

“You’re scared, aren’t you?”

I nodded just once.

“Ya know…” he started, walking circles around me. “You may think that,
because I know them, and so do you, apparently, that I would treat you like they did. Right?”

I made no movement.

“Ok…” He squatted in front of me. “I can make this as painless as I can. All of it depends on you.” He started touching me, in and around places I didn’t want to be touched. “There’s no need to be tense. How about you lay down?”

I shook my head, but he didn’t listen. He cut the tape and took it off. He picked me up and put me on the bed. I thought about giving him a hard time as he tried to secure me, but he still had the gun. I just stared at the wall as my freedom was locked away. I was at the mercy of this guy. I closed my eyes and tried to find a happy place. Who knows how much time went by until the unexpected happened.