Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 24

“What the hell!” someone shouted, snapping me back into reality.

I heard shouting, and lots of crashing. Pete hopped off the bed and went to the door. He turned the knob and the door flew open. Two cops barged in. One cop cuffed him, and the other came to me. He took the tape off my mouth.

“Are you ok?”

“Just get me out of here!” I half shouted, half sobbed.

After some work, he got the cuffs off and helped me to my feet. I was good to find I was still in my clothes. Pete was taken out of the room. The cop gave me a blanket and I wrapped myself in it.

“Do you know any of these guys?”

“The one I was with, no. The other two-they were the ones that raped me and almost killed me two years ago,” I explained.

“I thought you looked familiar. They’re gonna go away for a long time. There’s
someone outside who wants to see you.”

I followed him outside, and I saw Gerard talking to a cop.

“Gerard!” I ran and jumped into his arms.

“Lisa! Oh my God!” He caught me and hugged me tightly. I sobbed into his neck. “Are you alright? What did they do to you?”


“She said that two of them raped her two years ago. Do you know anything about
that?” the cop asked

“Yeah. I was the one that saved her,” Gerard said as he rubbed my back.

“Well, it looks like you have a hero,” he said to me, in an effort to calm me down. “If it wasn’t for his actions we wouldn’t have known. You two can head home now.”

“Gee, what did he mean by your actions?” I asked when we got to his car.

“Being the night owl I am, I was on my porch having a sm…having a breath of
fresh air, and I saw them go in. Then I saw you come out with them. I saw the gun, so I didn’t run over. I followed them to the house and called the cops. They didn’t hurt you, did


“Are you home alone?”

“Yeah. My mom’s on a business thing.”

“Sweetie, you should’ve told me. I would’ve stayed with you.”

“Will you?”

“Lisa, don’t be dumb. Of course I’ll stay with you. I love you.”

“I wanna stay with you. I like your bed better.”


“And…I love you too.” I leaned towards him. “Let’s not say anything to anyone

“We won’t. Although, it might be on the news. And you might have to go to court and testify against them.”

He wasn’t lying. A month later, I’m getting ready for the trial. I did my hair and got
dressed in a black skirt and a red blouse. Gerard got dressed in a black suit. I was embarrassed as I walked in and all eyes were on me. It was two defense trials pushed into one. I didn’t want to testify because I had to bring back those horrible memories.

“Miss Calabrese. Could you please tell the court your story. Take as much time as you need.”

I took a deep breath “I was sixteen. I’d lived here about three months. It was a Friday night. I was walking alone because I hadn’t really been friends with Gerard. The two guys approached me. They talked about how bad this area was. I said I could defend myself. Then they dragged me into the alley. Then they proceeded to both rape me and cut me with the knife they had. They kept talking about a garbage truck coming by They then knocked me out. I woke up and couldn’t move. I heard voices and the next thing I knew I was at the hospital. They told me everything about how Gerard saved me. I was in the hospital for a day. That’s that story.”

“Ok. You can continue with the other half.”

I took a drink of water and another deep breath.

“I was asleep, alone. My mom was on a business trip. I woke up to a noise, so I
got up. I grabbed my baseball at and as I stepped out, he came up behind me…”

“Who came up behind you?”

“I wanna say Matt, but I’m not completely sure. He ordered me to change and get in the van. He pushed me around into the house and the room. They…they were deciding on how they were gonna tie me up. I pushed away and almost got way but then that’s where Pete comes in. They all started talking about how pretty I was, and how I was a good lay. Then they left me alone with Pete. He started touching me and moved me to the bed. That’s where I blacked out, and then the cops came.”

“Is that all?”


“For the record, how old are you now, and how old were you the first time?”

“I’m eighteen now, almost nineteen, and I was sixteen the first time.

“Ok, you my step down.”

I stepped down and took my seat, hugging Gerard. The defense didn’t have much of a defense, so they didn’t last long. I knew I would win.

“Matthew and Brian, you are found guilty on two each counts of sexual assault, two counts of rape on a minor, ad two counts of attempted murder. You both are sentenced to life in prison. Peter, you are found guilt of one count of sexual assault, and are sentenced to five years in prison. Lisa, you will be awarded one hundred thousand dollars for being here and telling your story, even though it was difficult. Case closed.”