Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 33

~~Seven Months Later~~

Lisa: I’m going to bed.

Gee: Are you sure you don’t want me there?

Lisa: You need a good nights sleep. I’ll be fine, plus
my mom’s here.”

Gee: Ok, call me if anything happens.

Lisa: I will. Love you.

Gee: Love you too.

I signed off and laid down He did need a good night’s sleep. I always woke him up when I went to the bathroom every hour, or I’d kick him. Plus, he was always worried about me. I fell asleep, and slept soundly, until about two a.m. I woke up and sat there for a minute. I felt funny. I went
and woke up my mom.

“What?” she said sleepily.

“I think it’s happening. I feel weird.”

“Go get in the car, I’ll be down in a minute.”

I went to the car and waited. Yep, I was having contractions. My mom came down and took off. I remembered Gerard when we got there.

“Mom, I gotta call Gerard,” I said.

“Hold on, let’s get you into a room.”

“I gotta call him. He told me to.”

“Lis, you can call him, just chill out.”

I got to a room and snatched my mom’s cell phone. I dialed and got no answer. I tried everyone else and got nothing. I tried their house phone as a last resort.

“Hello?” someone answered sleepily.


“Yeah. Lisa?”

“Wake up Gerard. I’m at the hospital.”

I heard a spitting sound. “You had it?”

“Not yet. Go get him and get him here.” I hung up as a
doctor came in.

“Ok, Lisa, how are we doing? How far apart are

“Like, ten minutes.”

“Alright. Just remember your classes, and your breathing. Ok?”


“No pain or other different feelings?”


She asked me a few more questions, then left me alone with my mom.

“You feeling ok?”


Her cell phone rang and she answered it.

“It’s Gerard.” She handed it to me.

“Hey, Gee.”

“Are you there?”

“Yeah. Don’t worry, I still have a while.”

“I’m on my way. I’ll see you soon.”

“Ok. Love you.” I hung up. “He’s on his way.”

He walked in a half hour later, when I was in the middle of a contraction. He was asking me how I was and stuff. Two hours passed, and I was almost ready. They were less than a minute apart, and I wanted to push so bad.

“Ok, Lisa, push on the next one.”

I started breathing heavy and I pushed. It didn’t
happen though. I pushed a few more times while squeezing Gerard’s hand. I had no idea how exhausting this was.

“Almost there. Lisa, give us a good one.”

I took a deep breath and pushed. Gerard and the doctor were telling me to keep it up. I felt it: the weight leaving. The voices swirled. I panted and passed out.