Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 36

“So, Ray’s birthday is next month. We need to have a party,” I said.

“We’ll be on tour.”

“Bus party.”


When we got to the park, Jordan went to the sandbox to play. I sat on a swing and Gerard pushed me gently. I sighed.

“What’s up?” Gerard asked.

“Can I ask you something without starting a fight?”


“Are you smoking?”

“Every now and then. I would never do it by you two though. Writing songs, and recording gets a bit stressful.”

“I understand, but will you come talk to me if there’s something up?”

“I will.” He kissed my cheek.

“You smell like alcohol,” I said, laughing.

“I’ll run and take a shower. Be back in thirty.”

“Kay, love you.”

He ran towards home. I swung for another minute then I went to play with Jordan. I was watching her build a sand castle. I played with her hair, pulling it back into a ponytail. Then I felt like I was being watched. I looked around, and saw him.

“What are you doing here Adam?”

“I’m on tour.”


“I have a band, we’re on tour.”

“Interesting. What’s the name of the band?”

“Taking Back Sunday. Fred’s in it too.”


“So, who have we here?” He motioned toward

“Jordan, my daughter.” She looked up at us.

“Mommy, who’s that?”

“This is Adam. I’ve known him for a while.”

“You look just like your mommy,” Adam said. “So, Lis, you going to Warped tour? We’re playing on it, and here August 10.”

“I’ll be on the tour.”


“You know Gerard Way?”

“MCR. Great guys.”

“Gerard’s my husband.”

“Oh, really? Cool.”

“Yeah. He should be here soon. He went to take a

“Well, he’s a lucky guy.”

“He proposed to me on Christmas Eve too. I was already two months pregnant.”

“Well, glad you’re happy. You two have a very beautiful daughter.”

“Thanks, Adam. Listen, I just wanna tell you that I hope we can be friends. What happened between us, that’s old. We were young and stupid.”

“I would love to be friends with you. Oh, there’s Gerard.”

I turned and saw Gerard heading over. He was in jeans and a black t-shirt. The three of us talked until Adam had to leave to get ready for the show. He gave us a handful of VIP passes too. The sky steadily turned black with the coming storm, so we headed home.