Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 4

*~Gerard's POV~*

"Awesome practice guys. Let's go to the store and get some food," I said.

The guys, their girlfriends, and I all piled into our van and headed to our favorite store. I went around the corner to throw away an old pop can. I tossed it, waiting to hear the familiar clunk, but it never came.

"The garbage man usually is done here by now," I said to myself, looking into the dumpster.

I just saw what looked like an old blanket. I thought nothing of it, until I heard a small whimper. The streetlight next to the alley flickered on for a split second. That was all I

"Holy shit!" I jumped into the dumpster in one swift motion.

I moved the blanket. There was a girl. Roughed up and bloody. Not just any girl. It was Lisa, our neighbor. I pulled the tape that was covering her mouth. She was alive, but she needed a hospital, fast.

"Gerard, what are you doing in the dumpster?" Mikey asked.

"Ray, get the van right here and the blanket from the back," I said quickly. "Bob, I'm gonna need you to help me lift her out of here."

"Her? Lift? Gerard, what's going on?" Mikey asked, trying to look.

"Mikey, it's our neighbor, Lisa. She was attacked. It looks like a rape."

There was a string of gasps, and some 'oh my Gods' from the group. I moved the blanket that was around her and saw she had no clothes on. I untied her wrists and ankles, tossed the old blanket away, and covered her with my leather jacket.

"Where's that blanket?" I asked.

"Here," Ray said, throwing it over to me.

I wrapped her up in the blanket as best as I could, then slowly picked her up. Bob took her from me, and I climbed out of the dumpster. I took her and we got in the van, heading for the hospital. I cradled her in my arms.

"Who is she again?" Chelsea asked.

"Mine and Mikey's neighbor. She goes to our school. She just moved out here at the beginning of the summer," I said. "She probably hadn't learned how bad this area is yet."

When we got to the hospital and got her in for treatment, we sat, and waited. I sent Ray and Mikey home to tell Lisa's mom. We were only waiting for about an hour when the doctor came out.

"Are you the ones that brought in Lisa?" he asked.

"Yes, I found her," I said.

"Ok, I'm Dr. Corbin. I was the one that treated her. She has a mild concussion,
multiple lacerations on her upper chest, multiple bruises scattered around, and we also found evidence of rape. We called a police officer to come in and question. She is awake, but pretty dazed and confused. Would one of you like to go talk to her?"

"I'll go," I said, standing.

"Real quick, does her mother know?"

"I sent my brother to go to her house and tell her mom," I said.

I followed him down a couple of long corridors. We stopped eventually. He motioned me in, so I walked in.
