Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

chapter 41 I don't get yelled at for spam

~Start of Warped Tour~

“We got everything?” Gerard asked.

“Yes, I believe we are ready to go,” I said.

All ten of us piled into the bus and we were off to the airport. No tour bus yet. The first show was in Cali. We were kinda scattered on the plane. Jordan had the window seat and I sat in the middle. Gerard grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you too.”

I looked ahead and saw Ana grinning back at me. I waved and we proceeded to watch the in-flight movie. When we landed, the first thing we did was go to Starbucks. We all lined up behind some girl who ordered a chocolate mocha. She got her drink and went to sit at a table, alone. I looked at her. She had sweet hair. Black with orangy-red streaks, and red on the under-layer. I looked around for Mikey, but he was nowhere to be found. Gerard poked my attention back.



“Venti Mint Mocha Frapp,” I said.

Within an hour, we were out of the airport, looking for our bus. We found it and we hit the road for the venue. Gates weren’t open yet, but we had our VIP passes so we were allowed to walk around. Band members were wandering and helping set up booths.

“You guys go ahead, I’ll catch up,” I said when I saw Adam.

They headed off and I went up to their booth.

“Lisa! You made it,” he said.

“I said I would. So, where’s Fred? You said he was in the band too,

“Yeah. Hey, Fred! Come here.”


“You remember Lisa from high school, right?”

“No.” He looked at me.

“Junior year. My girlfriend.”

“Oh! Ok! Lisa? Is that you?”

“No, just a random chick listening to Adam talk about past love. Of course it’s me!”

“Wow, you look great. Who’s this?”

“Jordan, my daughter. Mine and Gerard’s daughter. We met right
after I moved.”

“He’s talked about you. When we toured, he kept gushing on how
he had the greatest family around,” Fred said.

“Aww. Yeah, he’s great. Well, I’ll catch you guys later.”

They waved as I headed off. I went to meet up with Alex, Ana, and Natalie. We wandered until I saw the piercing bus. I grinned and walked up to the guy that was setting up.

“When are you open for business?” I asked.


“Sweet. Is this sanitary though?”

“Oh yeah. We have multiple tools and a ton of disinfectant stuff.
Never had a complaint yet. What do you want?”

“Tongue stud. I’ll be back.”

“VIP? I can do you now, if you want to.”

“How much?”

“On the house. Come on in and pick out what you want.”

I gave Jordan to Ana and went into the bus. Very clean and
organized. I picked out a titanium ball stud. He took it and dropped it into a bowl with liquid.

“Sit here, get comfy.”

I sat and leaned back. He grabbed what he needed and set it on a tray. Then he sat on a chair and rolled over to me. He gave me a small cup with a liquid.

“Take it, but don’t swallow it. Helps numb the tongue.”

I held it until he told me to spit it out. I stuck it out at him and he wiped it.

“You ready?”

I nodded.

“It’ll hurt a little, but for the most part, it’s numb. Here I come.”

I squeezed my eyes closed and I felt the pinch. It was a weird feeling. There was a slight bit of pressure, but then it went away. I opened my eyes.

“All done. How do you feel?”


“Once the numbness goes away, it will hurt. But after a month or so, it’ll be fine. Just use this stuff to clean. Swish it around and spit. No swallowing. You’re all set.”

“Shweet. Thanks a lot. Here.” I gave him the twenty from my pocket.

“It’s nothing. I don’t need your money.”

“Take it. I insist.”

“Fine. See you around. I take it your with the tour?”

“Yep. Thanks.”

I walked out and to the girls.

“What took so long?” Ana asked.

I showed them my tongue stud.

“Awesome!” Alex said. “Frank said they go on at three-forty-five, so
to get our places by the stage, we gotta go at like three. We can wander, or help sell shirts.”

We wanted to wander, so we did. We went to different booths to check stuff out. I bought a beanie that I wouldn’t wear until fall because it was hot out. We raided the sun-block booth because that sun was burning.