Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

chapter 47

“Ana! Damn girl!”

A second later, Ray was laying half on me.

“What the hell?” I grumbled.

“Hide me,” Ray said, throwing a blanket over his head.

“Ray, don’t you want your birthday present?” Ana asked.

“Oh, God. Don’t tell her I’m here,” he said from under the blanket.

“Ana? What’s going on?” I asked.

“Where’s Ray?” she asked, appearing in the hallway.

“I dunno,” I said, pointing to the blanket.

“Fine, no more cops and robbers for Ray. No birthday present either. I’ll give these handcuffs to you, Lisa.”

“Wait!” The blanket sat up.

“That was too easy,” Ana grinned and she pounced.

Ray groaned. I got up and ran out. I didn’t need to hear. Thank God everyone else was up and off the bus. I went outside and hung a sign on the door. Enter at own risk. What you see may disturb you.

We were at the next venue already. I wandered around and eventually found Gerard. He looked much better. I went up and hugged him from behind.

“You look better,” I said.

“Hot shower. I still feel irky though.”

“Once it all clears out, you’ll get better. Where’s Jordan?”

“Frank and Alex are watching her. They went to the park. I wanted to wait for you. Mikey’s off having lunch with some girl. Bob and Nat are
wandering. Ana and Ray, no clue.”

“Ray’s getting his birthday present.”

“Ooh. Come on, let’s head to the park.

He laced his fingers with mine and we headed off.



“Thanks. For that talk. You saved my life.”

“I owed you for doing it for me.”

He smiled and kissed my hand.

We went to the park and found Frank and Alex. They were playing with Jordan. We went over and greeted them.

“It’s so nice to have an off day,” Frank said.

“It is, and the weather is great too,” I said.

“I left something on the bus. I’ll be right back,” Alex said.

“I wouldn’t. Umm…Ray’s got his birthday present. I’d just leave them for a few hours.”

“Oh, God.” She shuddered.

“Yeah. I put a sign on the door.”

We talked…and talked…about the past. Past antics that included wild parties, streaking, drawing on each other, wrestling, Twister, etc. How we were happy to be great friends. I said how I planned on running away back home right after I just moved. Then I found out how Gerard would watch me in my bedroom before we really met. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the sick perverted way. It was the nights when I got super homesick. After three hours of talking and laughing, we called it, and Frank and Alex left.

“Mommy, can we go there?” Jordan pointed to the tire swing.

I nodded and we went over. She and I sat in it, and Gerard pushed us. I looked up at him. We’re starting to become a family again.

“Look, there’s Mikey,” Gerard said.

I looked and saw him. He was with Andrea. Were they holding hands? He looked happy, and she wore a huge smile. Am I the world’s greatest matchmaker?

“Aww. I knew they’d hit it off. Let’s leave them be,” I said. “I’m hungry.”

The three of us went to diner and got an early dinner. We headed back to the bus, but the sign was still up, so we left. We were informed of another kickball game. I basically ran, because I love the game. Of course, I was the only girl that wanted to play. I was shocked to find Ana and Ray there. I thought…oh wait, maybe someone else was in the bus. I left Jordan with Ana-who was surprisingly quite chipper-and joined the game. I totally whipped ass too. It was the first time I was able to really have fun since the tour started.