Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 5

*~Lisa's POV~*

Bright lights blinded me. Oh, no, I died, I thought. Beeping, shouting, pain. No, I didn't die. Guys in coats. Doctors. Hospital. I opened my eyes. I was awake now.

"Sweetie, do you know your name?" a doctor asked me.

"Lisa," I said.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen," I said. "What happened?"

"You got attacked. A bunch of your friends brought you in."

"I don't have friends here," I said.

"Well, friends or not, a big group of people brought you in, one saying he found
you. I'll bring him up when I finish running a few tests."

"I was raped," I said.

"Yes. We want you to come back in about two weeks for a check-up, and a pregnancy test. It'll go by fast, and if you're pregnant, we can talk about keeping it or aborting it since you're young."

I started to cry at the thought of being pregnant at sixteen. Hell, I just lost my virginity. I wanted to be married when that happened. The nurse was trying to keep me calm so the doctor could finish running his tests. I started to freak out. Pain, confusion, and frustration all hit the edge at once. They ended up giving me a shot of a tranquilizer to calm me down.

"We'll go bring up one of them. I don't want to overwhelm you right now." He left at that.

I laid there, just now focusing on the pain I was in. The tranquilizer started to take effect, so I was a little out of it. I didn't even hear the door open. I just happened to turn and see Gerard standing there.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"A lot of pain, and a bit dizzy, but I'm ok. Thanks."

"No problem."

"No. Thanks. They told me you found me and brought me in. You saved my life."

"Yeah, well I wasn't gonna leave you there."

"Lemme see your phone. I gotta call my mom," I said, painfully trying to sit up.

As soon as I started to sit up, he placed his hand on my upper chest and pushed me back down. "You need your rest. I sent my brother and another friend to get your mom. You're gonna be fine now. How much pain do you feel?"

"I kinda went insane before they brought you up, so they gave me a shot of some kind of tranquilizer, but I am sore. All over, but I feel most of it in my middle," I explained.

"Yeah, they said you were..."

"Raped," I cut him off.

"I should've had you hang with us. Get good friends, and explain how bad this
area is. You gotta watch yourself out here. Rapes, attacks, and murders are just the lighter notes. Some say there's other things. Unworldly things," he said, using a spooky tone.

"Don't joke with me, I'm not in the mood."

"I'm not." He leaned closer to me. "Just before you got here, the news reported a
couple of dead bodies, two puncture holes in the neck, and no blood in their bodies."

"Oh great, freak me out more," I said.

"Sorry. Just stay with us. My friends, brother, and I. We're a great group of
friends, and I'm the only single one." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Subtle," I said, laughing a bit.

"Aren't I?"

"I barely know you, but, I think I like you already," I said. "Even though you aren't so subtle about asking a girl out."

He laughed, and then someone knocked on the door. In came a police officer, my mom, Mikey, the guy with the fro, and two of the girls. My mom ran to me, hugged me, and I explained the whole thing, with Gerard's help. The cop asked a few questions and was on his way. Everything was a bit more chill. The fro guy and one of the girls left.

"Well," Gerard started. "You know Mikey, and that's his girlfriend, Chelsea." He pointed to the pale, blonde headed girl.

"Hey," I said, smiling at her.

"Hey. Don't worry, Gee will take good care of you," she said.

"Thanks," I said.

"The other two you saw were Ray and Ana, his girlfriend," Gerard said.

"Well." My mom came back in. "They wanna keep you for the weekend for watch. They said maybe Sunday morning or afternoon if you feel ok," she said.

She then went on to thank Gerard profusely for him saving me. She gave me one last hug before she left, saying for us to get to know each other. Gerard also told Mikey to head home with the others. Mikey was gone five minutes before barging back in.